Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3396: Planted traitor

He Yunguang didn't know what to say, his original intention was to calm the fighting and avoid this unnecessary conflict.

He couldn't stop all of this when things went against his wishes, and at this point, he could only stand aside, and what he could do himself.

"Xiao Yi, if you insist on this, then tonight will be the last time we will meet alone. Lu Qingshan will definitely attack you. You can do it yourself."

He Yunguang left Xiao Yi's room. His whereabouts were already being reported to Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan became suspicious of He Yunguang and put his eyeliner beside He Yunguang. These people reported He Yunguang's whereabouts one by one.

"That said, tonight, he really went to see that Xiao Yi alone, really thinking that he was in power in the Qinggang, and he could call the shots without authorization."

He Yunguang thought something very common, but here it touched Lu Qingshan's bottom line. In Lu Qingshan's eyes, he was no longer acceptable.

The eyeliner laid down and the news reported was that He Yunguang went to see Xiao Yi alone. As for what they said between the two, it is impossible to know.

Tonight is a special night. For the Youth Gang, this situation generally does not occur except on some important occasions.

The eight hall masters in the Green Gang are currently waiting for Lu Qingshan's order, and everyone knows that there will be a big move tonight.

Wu Tian is one of the eight hall masters. Although he is not very close to He Yunguang on weekdays, He Yunguang has been in the Qinggang for more than ten years.

Everyone can see what he has done in the past ten years, and now Lu Qingshan's attitude is clearly aimed at He Yunguang.

"Is the matter of the helper settled like this? I think if there is anything, I should find the second master, and it is better to ask in person."

Wu Tian suggested that He Yunguang was the second-in-command of the Green Gang, so he was free to doubt and guess, and a decision would be eliminated.

Such an approach would be too hasty. Wu Tian didn't excuse He Yunguang, he was speaking from a neutral perspective.

Lu Qingshan's plan has been formulated, and no one can change it. He and Xiao Yi can only live on by one person.

The peace talks are just a cover, and if Xiao Yi releases it, he will definitely not spare the Qing Gang easily. It will also be a big trouble in the future.

As long as Xiao Yi is there, the Qing Gang will not be able to stabilize after all, especially Lu Qingshan, who is uneasy sleeping at night.

Having had to arrange such a game, he knew very well who He Yunguang was, and what he did here was also deliberately discrediting.

The purpose is to arouse the hatred of many brethren of the Youth League, and when the time comes, they will act mercilessly.

For the sake of the entire Qing Gang, the death of a He Yunguang, these are all worthwhile.

"Now the facts are in front of him. During the peace talks, he spoke to Xiao Yi. That Xiao Yi let out a message and wanted to get rid of our Qing Gang. Wu Tian, ​​are you planning to excuse He Yunguang?"

Lu Qingshan said with a gloomy expression. For more than ten years, He Yunguang had been working on the Qing Gang.

Everyone can see what he did. It can be said that at least one-third of the entire Youth Gang chose to believe in He Yunguang.

Wanting to convince these people that it was originally difficult, just at this moment, the word peace talk appeared.

Coupled with the words Xiao Yi said earlier, it is most likely to arouse hostility among the people. After some remarks, Lu Qingshan directly defined He Yunguang as a traitor to the Qing Gang.

"This traitor of the Youth Gang, I have raised him for so many years. If it weren't for me, he would have starved to death on the street. By this time, he should betray me!"

Among the eight hall masters, except Wu Tian and one other person, everyone else believed Lu Qingshan's statement, and their faces became gloomy.

These people have followed Lu Qingshan for many years. Whoever wants to get rid of the Qing Gang is their enemy. They know that they are not Xiao Yi's opponents, and they have to fight hard.

"Helper, you are waiting here, now we go to abolish He Yunguang and drag him over to see you!"

"I didn't expect He Yunguang to be such a person. He was planning to betray our gang leader, so fortunately, he would take credit in front of that Xiao Yi?"

"Kill him! Can't spare such a traitor lightly."

Lu Qingshan's remarks paid off. At this moment, several hall masters were filled with outrage and clamored to do something for Lu Qingshan.

Wu Tian originally opposed this. His suggestion was to wait until He Yunguang returned. Any misunderstandings could be clarified in person.

But now seeing that Lu Qingshan has taken control of the situation, and that people are the helpers, he has acquiesced to what these people said.

Lu Qingshan was very satisfied with the results at this moment, but his purpose was not to kill He Yunguang, He Yunguang was not guilty.

With a snap of his fingers, the hall masters at the scene calmed down. At this time, Lu Qingshan continued.

"What you said is correct. According to the rules of the gang, He Yunguang should be subjected to the criminal law of three knives and six holes, but I will look back at his affairs. Now our biggest enemy is this Xiao Yi."

When the name of Xiao Yi was mentioned, the expressions of people changed, and they chose to remain silent.

This is no ordinary person. The last time Xiao Yi took a woman and broke into the territory of the Green Gang and found Liu Ba.

Lu Qingshan knew that Liu Ba was in danger, but he could only choose to watch him. He waited until Liu Ba died in Xiao Yi's hands before he went to collect the body.

This kind of domineering alone made this group of people beyond the reach, who would have to fight against Xiao Yi at this time.

"I know you are all afraid of Xiao Yi. Indeed, Xiao Yi is very strong, and I am also very afraid of him."

Lu Qingshan comforted these people, but immediately after the topic changed, he assumed another look.

"Don't forget what Xiao Yi intends to do? All of you are not clean. Apart from staying in the Youth Gang, do you think the outside society will accept scum like you?"

The word scum is very suitable for them. Everyone does not read it cleanly. They have done something more or less.

Because of the shelter of the Youth Gang, you can stay here with peace of mind and still have money to get.

Once they leave here, the white powder they can get on weekdays is gone, and the money they can get will not have a cent.

What's more terrible is how people who have been oppressed from the outside world will react when they see them in despair and lose the shelter of the Youth Gang.

One by one, like a rat crossing the street, was in panic all day long, and even some people would at least be taken away and locked up. This was a result that no one wanted.

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