Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3417: Give it a go

The gambler didn't necessarily say that she must be in the casino. She didn't even realize that she had been gambling for a week. She began to lose sight of her original purpose.

After a careful dressing, I have made an appointment with Wang Sheng today to play cards, so we must not waste time.

"Sister, we just got the news that the helper drove He Yunguang out of the Green Gang."

The subordinates hurriedly came to Liu Li's room to report the news.

The second in command of the Green Gang was abolished. This was a major event. They couldn't figure out why.

He Yunguang has been working in the Qinggang for more than ten years and has never made any mistakes. By virtue of this, he should not be driven away.

"What's going on? He Yunguang has been in charge of the Qinggang for many years, and he has handled many things. What is Lu Qingshan thinking about, and he wants to drive him away!"

"It seems... as if we heard that He Yunguang had a rebellious heart and secretly colluded with that Xiao Yi."

Liu Li has been in the Green Gang since she was a child, and she has also developed a pair of good eyes. Those in the Qing Gang have already known who has the ability and who is useless.

She can believe that others have rebelled, but He Yunguang's words are absolutely impossible.

"He Yunguang has been working hard in the Qinggang for more than ten years. How can he be loyal to him? He is embarrassed to say this!"

Naturally not believing these rumors, Liu Li personally called Lu Qingshan and asked what was going on with Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan knew that his wife was smart and would definitely catch up with He Yunguang, so he simply told her the truth.

"He Yunguang is loyal, but has lost the value of utilization. This time I owe him."

Using He Yunguang to trap Xiao Yi, to lure Xiao Yi into fools, and ultimately fail to deal with Xiao Yi, instead he lost a loyal He Yunguang.

"Look at the good things you did. You confiscated that Xiao Yi and lost a He Yunguang. He Yunguang has been in the Qinggang for more than ten years. He is a rare talent, and that Xiao Yi is so cheap."

Liu Li said angrily, stealing chicken will not lose money, Lu Qingshan has lost a lot this time.

"Don't worry about this. He Yunguang chose double punishment. Whether he can survive is a question. Even if he is alive, he is probably a waste."

"You are not afraid of He Yunguang, and shake off your details for you?"

He Yunguang is a key figure in the Qinggang. Either stay in the Qinggang and do things well, or think of a way to get rid of it, so that such people will always keep their mouths shut.

Without He Yunguang, Lu Qingshan didn't feel scared, because he had already considered this level.

"You told Xiao Yi with the information that Yunguang knew, what can Xiao Yi do with me?"

Lu Qingshan spared He Yunguang because he was not worried. If He Yunguang knew the inside story, He Yunguang would become dead that night.

"Those businesses are all controlled by me. The ones that He Yunguang knows are nothing more than a few gangsters, which is of little importance to me."

"It seems that you insisted on running these businesses at the beginning, and you did so with deep intentions, but it is difficult to find a person who is so loyal to you after losing He Yunguang."

Liu Li sighed and said that she and He Yunguang had been in friendship for more than ten years. He Yunguang would really feel a little bit sad if he left like this.

However, for the sake of the overall situation of the Youth Gang, He Yunguang left, there is also a big hidden danger for such a person to stay.

"You should know that He Yunguang is not with us. The reason why he stayed in the Qinggang is entirely because he wants to repay his kindness."

Lu Qingshan knew that He Yunguang would leave sooner or later, so that he would avoid future troubles.

Liu Li has already packed up, is leaving the hotel, and will go to Wang Sheng to play cards later.

"That Xiao Yi said that he wants to solve the Qinggang within a month. There are still more than 20 days left. You must be careful to prevent mice from the Qinggang going in."

"Hehe, does he really think he can kill me? I want to see if he died first or I died first."

"What do you want to do? Tell you that you are not sure, don't do anything to this Xiao Yi, he is not so easy to be killed."

Lu Qingshan was lying on the sofa, turning the finger on his thumb, to such a point, Xiao Yi obviously wanted him to die.

In order to be able to keep his position, he chose to do whatever it takes to finally contact someone before that, and this person has already agreed to his request.

"This is no way, Xiao Yi will never die and we will never have a peaceful life. I can feel it now that he has secretly investigated my details."

"Qingshan...I support you. The Qinggang was given to you by my father. Don't be destroyed in your hands."

Liu Li and Lu Qingshan had a single mind, and they were all ready to go to the dark. Whoever dares to threaten their interests is their enemy.

"How is your side? If there is no progress, return to the Qinggang first."

"You don't need to care about this. You have your way of doing things, and I also have my tricks. That Wang Sheng will soon be controlled by me."

After getting in the car, the driver drove directly towards the casino. Liu Li wanted to win Wang Sheng's bankruptcy, unable to pay the bet, and finally had to turn to her.

There is no more reliable way than buying the people around Xiao Yi. Liu Li decided to increase the bargaining chip and bet with Wang Sheng.

In the casino, Wang Sheng put his chin on one hand and received a call from Liu Li before. He was waiting for Liu Li's arrival in the casino.

I have stayed here for a few days, and I have no time to go out to soak in women. I have to face a pig-headed face every day. This is probably the worst time in Wang Sheng's life.

"Brother Sheng, what are you thinking about?"

In the casino, the little brother walked over to Wang Sheng and sat down, smiling and saying hello to Wang Sheng.

"Do you think that girl from the gang has taken a fancy to Lao Tzu? I always wink Lao Tzu's eyes these days. It's so **** hot."

Wang Sheng is a prostitute, but he has to choose, he can't buy everything.

Think of a fat man who is more than two hundred jins and less than 1.6 meters tall, lying next to him, feeling like he is having a nightmare.

"Brother Sheng, you can just accept this woman. She is the eldest sister of the Qing gang. She probably has a lot of money, so she won't have to fight for the rest of her life."

"Can you speak human words? I don't have a hobby of driving tanks."

Liu Li was not her own food, and Wang Sheng couldn't even ask for it. In order to accomplish what Xiao Yi ordered, he contacted Liu Li.

Wang Sheng calculated the money Xiao Yi gave, and it was almost lost. Next, he should consider borrowing money from Liu Li. Otherwise, if he continues, Liu Li will definitely not play with him.

"You guys, come here and do what I said today. I remembered them all. Don't break my big business!"

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