Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3428: Foresight

Lenny knows what everyone thinks, it is the first time they have experienced such a battle, and this is far from the place where they lived before.

"Qin Gang, do you know the flame mercenaries, their real strength?"

"What are you afraid of! How many people do they have, how many we kill them, are you still afraid that they will not succeed?"

Qin Gang was very domineering, but Lenny's next words made Qin Gang's expression heavy.

Lenny gave everyone a detailed introduction, what is called the Flame Mercenary Corps, and the rules of the game on this battlefield.

"The flame mercenaries, among them General Freeman, is a retired soldier from a Western country. They came here ten years ago and founded the flame mercenaries. In just ten years, they became the fifth-ranked existence."

These were all founded by Freeman. When Freeman came here, he was the only one.

Later, he wooed those comrades who retired with him, recruited local personnel for training, and soon formed his own team.

Freeman adopted militarized management and applied what he learned in the army to this mercenary, and it was because of him that the flame mercenaries grew rapidly.

"Do you think it is so easy for a mercenary to gain a foothold locally and grab food from others?"

Lenny's words made Qin Gang unable to answer, and Freman's ability was much more than that.

"Freman can develop and survive here. In addition to these, he also knows people from the Mafia, so Freman's mercenaries, those new weapons and munitions, will always be available the first time."

This is Freeman's advantage, the quality of the combatants, and the firearms and equipment used are all first-class. With this, Freeman is invincible.

"Little flame mercenaries, large and small, have performed hundreds of missions, and the number of failures is only three."


"Do you think it's as simple as killing those people? Qin Gang, if you were Freeman and his deputy and team members were killed, might he choose to forbear?"

This is a very simple question, and the answer is very clear, Freeman will naturally not let Xu Qiang and the others go.

It's not just a matter of loss, it's related to the dignity of mercenaries. Thinking back now, Qin became scared after the beginning, but fortunately he didn't make any claims without authorization.

"Freman's mercenary group has more than three hundred members. This is just a part of it, and there is a private connection between Freman and several other more powerful mercenaries."

Lenny's words are very clear and understandable. If he doesn't understand the meaning first, then only one problem can be explained. The brain is really flooded.

If they had really killed Freeman's deputy before, one can imagine what the result would be. With the strength of the mercenaries now, they could not hold back the other party's anger at all.

This is a very simple rule, showing weakness to the enemy.

No matter how powerful you are, it is a whole, a mercenary.

Even if you have the abilities, you must learn to be tolerant in such a place, because the people who survive in the end are those with strong tolerance.

"We won Freeman this time. The best choice is to let his people go. Even if Freeman asks us to settle accounts afterwards, we will at least not be caught."

Lenny agrees with Xu Qiang's approach. After the trial of survival, Xu Qiang has become much smarter, and he has no choice to be arrogant.

Xu Qiang did consider the question of survival in the future. Even if he wanted to kill these people in his heart, he had to choose to let them go for the long-term development in the future.

The eyes of everyone changed from the previous doubts to approval. They deserved to be their captain. The things in their minds were longer than them.

"Lenny is right. We just came to this place, and China has a saying that it's not appropriate to settle enemies, let alone face such a tough opponent."

Xu Qiang explained that letting Freeman's deputy leave was only because of his weakness, so he had to learn to be patient if he wanted to survive.

"We have a small number of people and lack of combat experience. This victory can be said to be a fluke. If you really head-on, how sure do you think you can survive from Freeman's hands."

This probability can be said to be almost zero. Xu Qiang didn't want to bring his own people. Not long after he arrived, he ended up completely wiped out.

"At the moment we should not be enemies with them, but in the future it will not be certain. When we have enough strength, we can naturally let go of our hands and feet without worrying so much.

Xu Qiang also sighed in his heart. He was obviously beaten, but in the end he wanted to let others go.

He vowed to gain a firm foothold in this land and have enough strength to compete with this group of people.

After understanding Xu Qiang's intentions, Qin Gang knew that he had wronged Xu Qiang. He had thought wrong before, scratching his head and stood in front of Xu Qiang apologizing.

"I'm sorry, Qiangzi, I shouldn't blame you."

"Okay, you and I don't need to be so polite, everyone clean up, and quickly withdraw from this place."

Xu Qiang ordered that he was not sure that this Freman would spare them, and the best option right now was to retreat.

It just happened to be twilight, and after the sun went down, the sky would darken, just to give them a good cover for their actions.

Everyone is ready, and in the orderly retreat, the end of taking advantage of not going is waiting to be beaten.

Freeman organized these people in Yuba, intending to help his deputy and bring his people out of it.

After finally finishing up, leading the team to prepare to set off, Freeman saw his deputy, and the other members walked towards the base.

I thought it was the deputy who led the team to rush out of the encirclement, but after a closer look, none of my own people had weapons in their hands, and there was no change in the number of people.

The deputy failed to perform the task and had no face to face Freeman. Fortunately, the person he brought with him was only dead.

This was the best result, and the deputy went to Freeman's side to report the situation with his head down.

"What's going on? What about the weapons in your hands? Did you lose them when you ran away?"

Freeman asked, the appearance of his own people was obviously defeated, and when the flame mercenaries had such a record, it was really shameful.

The deputy stood in front of Freeman, repenting for his own fault, and as the leader of the team, he had to take full responsibility.

"The generals are all errors in my command. The attack we organized was quickly defeated and fell into a disadvantage. In the end, the bullets were all shot. There is no way I can take the lead in disarming them."

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