Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3432: Expansive ambition

I don't know when, in the eyes of the deputy, the general of the flame mercenary gradually lost its prestige.

Just as Freeman's deputy, he must follow Freeman's will to do, this is his own job.

Those who control this battlefield are indeed members of the Mafia. They develop the arms business here and earn a lot of money.

As the controller of the game, the Mafia is not only unilaterally earning money to buy arms, those mercenaries active here, regardless of their background, must pay tribute to them.

Otherwise, he will not be able to survive on this battlefield. The person in charge of the business here is called Drake, and he is currently the fastest rising person in the Mafia.

Originally his status was not high, Drake is very smart, knows how to curry favor with his boss and cultivate relationships with other people.

Relying on the strong public relations ability, Drake's position soon climbed up and was reused by Moro. Now in the Mafia, except for Moro, it can be said that Drake has the highest position.

After the failure of Moruo's action against Xiao Yi, his whole person became totally depressed. Moruo's thoughts of fighting were gone. He only thought about how to save his life and survive in Xiao Yi's hands.

At night, the first thing he did when he lay in bed was thinking about how many days were left before the agreed time.

Xiao Yi has a good control of time. When Moruo's body begins to show festering scars and the pain is unbearable, the antidote will appear in Moruo's hands.

Moro had also visited a doctor. With his financial resources, experts and famous doctors had all been sought, and the results were the same.

There is no cure for the poison that Xiao Yi gave him, and with modern medical equipment, no signs of poisoning can be detected at all, so Moro could not get rid of Xiao Yi's control.

It was the weakening of Moro's own rights that led to Drake's rise, and a large amount of money in this place flowed into Drake's pocket.

After a person's power becomes greater, his ambitions will swell, just like Drake at this moment, even in the Mafia, with such a position, he is still not satisfied.

Because above Drake, there is a person who can press him, this feeling makes people feel uncomfortable, I don't know when it started, Drake had an idea in his heart.

"You have collected all the money. As long as you are serious about helping me do things, this little money is just the beginning."

In a private estate, Drake called some business leaders, and they all followed Drake to manage the arms business outside.

A coffee table in the living room is filled with bundles of banknotes. Seeing that everyone is working so hard for money.

Seeing the money here, everyone will be moved. The money on the table is divided into seven parts. There are just seven people here.

Drake was sitting on the sofa, the fingers of his right hand, full of rings, and a cigar in his mouth.

This place is not under the control of the Mafia forces. Now Moro has become such a stranger, doing things greedy for life and fear of death.

So on this battlefield, Drake has the final say. Drake is the real boss, and everyone must follow his instructions to do things.

The seven people looked at each other, Drake put the money here, everyone knew what it meant, and Drake began to have ambitions.

Originally the money needed to be handed in, but Drake made his own claim and let all the money be deducted, which shows how far Drake's power has grown.

"Mr. Drake, this money should have been handed in. It seems a bit inappropriate for us to take it."

"In case we are tracked down, we will all be finished, and the boss will not spare us."

The seven people are greedy for money, but the money is so hot that you can't touch it without strength.

Moro checked every entry very carefully, and if there was a problem, they would have to die.

Since things dare to do this, Drake has a strategy to deal with it, and this is not the first time he has done so.

After a glance at the seven people present, Drake felt that it was time for a showdown with these people, who can stay and who needs to be eliminated.

Playing with a lighter in his hand, none of the seven dared to reach out for money, staying vigilant.

They were very smart and knew what they meant by doing this. They planned to take seven people into the water together. When the situation was uncertain, the seven chose to wait and see.

"Do you think it just didn't take the money this time?"

Drake found a ledger from the drawer under the coffee table. The ledger clearly recorded the inflow and outflow of every money.

By the way, let everyone at the scene have a look, and the discerning person immediately saw the clues, and the accounting above was wrong.

Almost every time, one third of the money entered into the account was deducted when the account was handed over. That is, in the previous time, Drake had moved on every amount of money.

"See all, let me explain to you, the money I gave you before, except for what you should take, is what I deducted separately from the account."

Drake said that his words shocked the people present, and then he realized that at the beginning, Drake had moved on the bill.

No wonder the money previously distributed has grown a lot. Drake's purpose in doing this is very simple, that is, to make each of them unclean.

For the convenience of his next plan, it was all about it. The seven people understood what Drake was going to do. This was because he planned to be the boss himself.

There have been rumors from the outside world that Drake was determined to be the boss, and now it seems that this rumor is not a rumor.

"Drake, what are you going to do! You will kill everyone if you do so, and you will deduct the money you handed in. I will tell the boss now!"

One person patted the table, got up and said angrily, he did not agree with Drake's approach.

The Mafia only recognizes Moro as the boss. If anyone has other ideas at this time, he will be the first to agree.

Speaking of taking out his cell phone, he must contact Moro, but Drake would not give him this opportunity.

The man guarding in the living room took out a dagger and stabbed the man in the back. The knife pierced the heart.

Before he died, he couldn't even say a word, pointed at Drake, twitched a few times and fell to the ground, red blood flowing down the floor.

No mercy...

Just now, a living person who was well done was now a corpse, with a knife hanging on the heads of the remaining six people.

If they still dare to resist Drake, they will end up like this man, Drake has already controlled the situation here.

"I gave you the money with my kindness, but even to expose me, it's really looking for death!"

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