Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3439: The black pot that fell from the sky

The mafia who went out to collect accounts died tragically outside, and the news soon spread here.

Xu Qiang and the others are relieved of the trouble in their hearts, but some people are furious at the moment, this person is no one else, it is the general Freman of the flame mercenaries.

When Freeman heard about this, he rushed back from outside and asked his own people if they were blind and dared to kill the Mafia.

However, when he got the reply, his people stayed where they were. Besides, the car was a symbol of the Mafia. Who would dare to risk breaking the rules and offend the Mafia at this time.

Originally, he didn't intend to continue the investigation, but this happened on his own turf. Freman didn't want to be in the dark, he had to find a way to explain it.

He asked his deputy to discuss the matter. Before Freman had something to go out, his deputy was taking care of the work here.

When such a thing happened, the deputy was also thinking of a way. He came to Freeman's office and said to Freeman.

"General, I don't think it is necessary. I am worried about this. We didn't do the original thing. We don't need to spend such time investigating."

The deputy is worried that if the investigation goes on like this, the investigation will definitely not find a result, but because of distrust, it will hurt the hearts of the brothers.

Freeman didn't want to do this either. In the current situation, one has to find an explanation for this matter, otherwise the Mafia will not just pass by.

"Don't forget the two people here. They were sent by the Mafia. They died on our territory. The Mafia will inevitably intervene."

"But our people didn't do this thing. Besides, they had an accident while driving, and the vehicle caught fire and exploded. Should we blame us for such an accident?"

If the deputy thinks it has nothing to do with him, then he only needs to explain clearly to the head of the Mafia, no matter how powerful the Mafia is, it cannot be unreasonable.

Freeman was lost in thought. He stared at a map in front of him, as if thinking about something.

"The person in charge of the Mafia here is the red man who has risen the fastest in the Mafia recently. Drake has his own ambitions. If his people are dead, he will definitely ask for an explanation, otherwise I will not be so worried. "

Drake wanted to establish prestige on his own territory, but in the eyes of this kind of knotty, his people died on someone else's territory. If this matter were passed back, Drake's face would be swept away.

Standing on the same position, if it was Freman, this matter must be investigated to ensure his absolute status here.

"If these two people died on someone else's turf, I don't have to worry about it at all, but why is it impartial that I just died here."

"General, what do you mean..."

Freeman had been staring at the map before, and after looking at it for nearly an hour, he seemed to have found some ways.

He picked up a marker and drew a line on the map. This line is where the two people drove.

According to the information surveyed, these two people had previously collected money and stayed in one place, thinking in this direction.

"A new mercenary has emerged from this position. What are they from?"

The deputy stared at the map. He also just confirmed the news and responded to Freman's question.

"General, we had a collision with this mercenary before."

"Oh? Did you mean that the leader came from China and defeated you before?"

Freeman asked, and the deputy nodded. This is a shame. As Freeman's deputy, he has defeated for the first time.

Under absolute superiority, he was defeated in the end. Looking back now, his deputy did not understand where he was defeated.

A newcomer mercenary who just entered here has such a strong combat effectiveness, if it grows up in the future, it can be imagined how terrifying.

After returning, the deputy wanted to understand one thing. No wonder the general had to find a way to get rid of this newcomer with the help of the Mafia. It turned out that he also considered the future.

"Yes, I have checked it out and they are currently repairing in this position."

"It seems that the Mafia has noticed their existence. The two people went to collect the accounts before, but in the end, they died on my turf."

The marker in Freeman's hand had been drawing circles in the same position, and suddenly an idea came into his mind.

It's also suspicion, but he hopes that this is because he is wrong. If this is true, then the opponent he encountered this time is really terrible.

"Is it all just a coincidence?"

"General, do you mean that these newcomers are calculating us?"

The deputy saw Freman's guess, but immediately he denied the answer.

He stared at the line left on the map, from the place where Xu Qiang and the others repaired, the distance from the accident location was more than 80 kilometers.

During this 80-kilometer journey, there were no accidents, and if Xu Qiang and others arranged for the killer to track down, once they entered their territory, they would be spotted immediately.

"Generals are impossible. If you want to complete such a planting, you need to have precise control of time. We found the Mafia car and surveyed the surroundings, but no suspicious places were found. "

"You keep talking."

"It will take at least an hour and 20 minutes from these two people to leave this location and arrive here by car. It can be confirmed that the two people left this location normally."

The deputy firmed his mind and thought from a scientific and reasonable angle, which was definitely not done by Xu Qiang.

No bullet holes were found in the traces of the on-site investigation. Only their car appeared during the same period of time.

Because it was a special car for the Mafia, the person in charge of standing guard did not stop it. Who would have thought that something would happen next.

"General, you need to know that these two people are sent by the Mafia. With a newcomer who has just arrived here, how dare he do this kind of thing."

"I hope it's not what I think. If these two people really died at their hands, this newcomer is really crazy!"

Freeman sat down, no matter what, he must find a way to respond to Drake to avoid friction between Drake and Drake.

In this world, there are many things that cannot be explained by science, especially when there are so few capable people beside Xu Qiang.

At that time, the two of them were indeed smiling and left from the place where Xu Qiang and the others were stationed, but the two of them had already lost their thinking and turned into walking dead.

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