Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3451: Already retreated

With Xu Qiang and their current strength, they could not choose such a comfortable life.

Retreat is the best choice. A group of people quickly evacuated from the station, followed an interspersed line, and entered the desert.

In the morning of the same day, after Freeman returned, he immediately ordered the mobilization of all personnel. He wanted to give a devastating blow to the resident where Xu Qiang was located.

The total number of personnel dispatched was more than 300, which was ten times that of Xu Qiang's personnel. One can imagine the consequences of such oppression by troops.

Freeman had thought of the scene where Xu Qiang kneeled and begged for mercy. When they passed through the station and entered the place where Xu Qiang was stationed, they learned from the locals that these people had never left the house.

The deputy thinks this is not good news, although they are coming so aggressively, I'm afraid this trip is gone.

"General, we are only afraid that we are going to be empty. Xu Qiang ran away last night. He can expect that we will attack him and will never stay here."

Freeman also realized this, but he would not admit his mistake, because he was a general of the flame mercenaries, and everyone was watching him do things.

It's already here, Freeman personally stepped forward, pushed a door open, and the team members sneaked into it.

The action is secretive and professional, and does not make redundant sounds.


Freeman's people searched this place many times, and they didn't even find a ghost shadow.

There are only a few empty beds left in the house, and some tents built. People have already left this place and disappeared.

"General... our team didn't find anyone."

"It's the same with us. They should have left long ago. We came a step late."

The scattered personnel reporting the news are all a result, and the mercenaries guarding here have already retreated.

Freeman made a stupid decision again. He miscalculated in front of Xu Qiang again and again. If such a person meets in the future, he will inevitably become his own rival.

Deputy Perod, checked the situation here and noticed something unusual.

The floor in the room was neat and clean, the beds were neatly arranged, all the tools were neatly placed, and there was no dirty smell in the room.

These situations are completely different from the ordinary armed forces encountered previously. From this point, it can be seen that the opponent is a strictly trained mercenary.

"General! They are not just a rookie here, we are all deceived."

"What do you mean?"

Deputy Perod told the general what he had discovered, and all these Fremans could be seen.

Indeed, just like what the deputy said, the ordinary new hire mercenaries would not have such strict rules, and such a team, as soon as they appeared here, defeated his deputy.

Although Freyman didn't want to admit Xu Qiang's strength, the last failure was definitely not accidental, he just didn't want to say this in front of everyone.

"From the traces on the scene, we can see that they were already prepared to retreat last night. That is to say, Xu Qiang gave the order one step in advance, and he knew we would do something with him."

"What is the origin of this rookie mercenary?"

"Everyone was in an orderly manner when they retreated. They didn't rush for their lives, but left briefly.

Perod had a hunch that sooner or later, these people will come back, but when these people come back again, it will be a different scene.

If such a group of mercenaries grow up over time and grow to the same number as them, the two sides confront again, and the one who loses is afraid that it will be the flame mercenary group.

"Look! We must find them out and eliminate this kind of opponent in advance. We must not let them become a climate here."

Freeman clenched his fist and said, as long as Xu Qiang and the others move here, sooner or later they will be exposed.

Xu Qiang's retreat is called tactical retreat. Why can't he fight without leaving, waiting to be sent to death on the spot?

This kind of giving heads is only done by fools. They come here to level up, and they must not stay in one place in the next instance to fight monsters and gain experience.

"Okay, I see, you guys are more careful over there. For the time being, this Drake hasn't done anything too much. If he dares to do something with you, I will ask him to settle the account!"

Xiao Yi is in S city, and Xu Qiang reported to Xiao Yi over the phone what happened in the recent period.

Xu Qiang knew that Xiao Yi could deal with the Mafia, but he had not encountered any trouble before contacting Xiao Yi and had to learn to deal with it by himself.

With the masters arranged by Xiao Yi for him, this small matter can be solved. Xu Qiang is walking in the desert, where the environment is quite harsh.

"Brother Xiao, don't worry, I have already settled this Drake before, and he won't care about me for the time being, but this Drake doesn't seem to be an ordinary thing."

Xiao Yi is also investigating Drake's news recently. After searching for information, it can be confirmed that Lu Qingshan of the Qinggang, who is in the underground arms and drugs business, is this Drake.

That time, Lu Qingshan offended the Mafia, and his own men killed two people. The Mafia asked Lu Qingshan to liquidate.

Arrange for the killer to get rid of Lu Qingshan. In order to save his life, Lu Qingshan had to ask for help everywhere, and the knife was put on his neck.

In the end, Uncle Han came forward, and this Drake finally stopped, not because of Lu Qingshan's strength, but because Drake almost died in the hands of Han Batian.

It was Han Batian who spared his life, and with the influence of the Han family, Drake spared Lu Qingshan once, but...

Lu Qingshan quickly thought that if he contacted the Mafia, there would be no need to worry about supply issues in the future. This Drake would naturally become a key figure.

Drake received Lu Qingshan's money and received Lu Qingshan's orders every time. Lu Qingshan quickly established his unshakable status in the Qinggang by relying on this business.

Money is really a good thing, so that two people who are enemies, suddenly become business partners, so good to wear a pair of pants.

"Brother Xiao, according to the information I have investigated, this Drake is ambitious, and he plans to be the boss of the Mafia himself."

"Oh? Are you sure about this news? There are some things you can't say nonsense."

"He privately deducted the tribute money handed over here, and bought the people Moro had placed next to him. The forces here are basically under his control."

Xu Qiang then conducted some investigations on Drake and the forces of the Mafia here. If there is no basis, he will not talk nonsense.

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