Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3461: Lu Qingshan's past

Lu Qingshan's words are not joking. If he can speak his words, he can do it naturally.

Now Zheng Siyu ran to the Qinggang's site to make trouble, and was just caught. It is not that simple to get in and get out, not to mention that Lu Qingshan also came.

Zheng Siyu's eyes widened and staring at the people around him, these young gangsters laughed evilly after hearing what Lu Qingshan said.

Bad intentions.

"You have to think carefully, if you do something to me, the consequences are beyond your imagination."

Lu Qingshan didn't pay attention to this kind of little girl at all, even if she was a bit more ruthless, he still had a way to deal with it.

The ashtray held in her hand was less than a few centimeters from Lu Qingshan. At this moment, Zheng Siyu had to stop, full of contradictions, she raised her hand and gradually put it down.

What will happen to her even if she shoots, Lu Qingshan is still Lu Qingshan, with her ability, it only caused Lu Qingshan to be injured and bleed a little.

But the situation was different for Zheng Siyu. She was kept in this kind of place. When Lu Qingshan gave an order, these boys would obey Lu Qingshan's instructions.

These people are lawless and never account for the consequences of doing things. By then, her innocence will be completely destroyed.

Life is better than death.

After seeing Zheng Siyu put down the ashtray in his hand, Lu Qingshan guessed that this would be the result, unless the woman in front of him was stupid enough.

He has seen many women of this kind. The two words of name and festival are more important than his own life. This sentence is enough to calm her down.

"Despicable and shameless!"

Zheng Siyu threw away the ashtray in his hand, wishing to rush up and bite Lu Qingshan's flesh.

Lu Qingshan sat on the sofa in the room with a very leisurely look. This Zheng Siyu was obedient, so he didn't need so many people around him.

The little brothers were worried that Zheng Siyu would threaten the personal safety of the gang leader, there was no need to worry, Lu Qingshan waved his hand.

"Well, you all go down, let me have a chat with her alone."

"Helper, we still stay here. If this woman goes crazy, what if he hurts the helper?"

"She hasn't been so capable yet, I'm dignified Lu Qingshan, and I don't need others to protect me."

The little brothers still refused to leave. Someone had been bitten by this woman before and almost bit off the meat.

It can be seen how sturdy Zheng Siyu is. What if Zheng Siyu threatens the gang after they leave.

"Did you not hear what I said? Don't get out of here!"

Lu Qingshan was angry. He didn't like this kind of nosy subordinates the most. If he didn't leave, he would clean up the group first.

The boys were shocked and withdrew from the room. At this moment, only Lu Qingshan and Zheng Siyu were left in the room.

On a coffee table, there is a plate on which is a breakfast prepared.

Lu Qingshan arranged for the younger brother here, don't embarrass Zheng Siyu, it seems that the hospitality is pretty good.

It's just that the breakfast is here, and I haven't touched it at all. Lu Qingshan stretched out his hand and touched it. Breakfast was already cold.

"Aren't you going to eat something? If you don't eat breakfast, you will get hungry easily."

Zheng Siyu calmed down. She knew that she was not Lu Qingshan's opponent, and even if she was alone, she couldn't kill him.

Now trapped in this place, Zheng Siyu thought for a while and sat opposite Lu Qingshan.

"Or my people, the breakfast that I prepared for you does not meet your appetite."

"It's not like that. I think your place is too dirty, even the food is dirty."

Lu Qingshan was not angry because of Zheng Siyu's words. He sat here very calmly, took a water glass from the side and took a glass of warm water.

The water was placed in front of Zheng Siyu, but Zheng Siyu remained motionless. She would neither eat anything here nor drink a drop of water.

"The food is dirty, don't you drink the water?"

Zheng Siyu was silent, and Lu Qingshan laughed at himself a few times. He liked this kind of temperamental person, so that he would feel conquered.

"Hehe...Don't use food to vent your anger, thinking that when Lu Qingshan was in despair, eating every day was a problem. In order to fill my stomach, I went to the restaurant to eat other people’s leftovers and was beaten by the waiter in the restaurant. come out."

Lu Qingshan was very interested. He sat here with Zheng Siyu and talked about the things he had encountered in the past. These things he said were facts, not lying.

That was when Lu Qingshan was in F city, a child who came out of the orphanage without background or support. What he thought about every day was to try his best to survive.

"I slept on the street, picked up trash, and robbed food with stray dogs. I rummaged almost all the trash cans in this city, and all I could think of was to find something to eat."

Hearing this, Zheng Siyu paid attention to Lu Qingshan's eyes, he was not lying, could it be said that everything Lu Qingshan said was really unsuccessful.

"At that time, I was thinking, it would be great if I could have enough food every day, but you didn't know that those rich people in the city would rather throw away the leftover food than give alms. Poor ghost."

Others faced the word life, and what Lu Qingshan had faced was the **** reality.

There are no so-called dreams and no so-called expectations. Hungry and hungry, they just want to survive and find ways to feed themselves and live.

"One day when I was crossing the road, guess what I saw?"


"A passerby dropped a steel pin from his pocket, but he didn't notice it, maybe he didn't care at all."

For ordinary people, even if it is lost, they don't bother to bend over and pick it up.

But at that time, for Lu Qingshan, this dollar could buy steamed buns, and he could last a few days with food.

"The steel pin for a dollar was rolling on the road. I hurried to catch up and finally got the money. As a result, a luxury car ran into me."

At this moment, Zheng Siyu has become a listener, listening to Lu Qingshan seriously and telling his past experiences.

There is still a big scar on Lu Qingshan's arm, which was left at that time.

"I was patronizing money picking. I didn't care about passing cars. I was hit by a car a few meters away and my arm was broken. Guess what will happen next?"

"The driver will definitely help you up and take you to the hospital."

"Ha ha……"

With a sneer full of helplessness, Lu Qingshan laughed at Zheng Siyu's Tianzheng, or said that the young people nowadays have never experienced anything, but they have to pretend that they understand everything.

Some things are not what they did in the TV series, that is, this kind of experience completely changed Lu Qingshan.

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