Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3463: The Nature of Lu Qingshan

"I arranged for someone to interrupt his legs and blind him. I heard that he was begging along the street, lying on the ground like a dead dog."

Lu Qingshan told Zheng Siyu the truth that this was his revenge. He did not kill the developer at the time, and he was already merciful to Lu Qingshan.

"You are so cruel!"

Zheng Siyu really couldn't find what words should be used to describe Lu Qingshan, such a cruel man.

Lu Qingshan disagrees. In order to achieve his own goals, it is quite normal to choose such an uncompromising method.

"Do you think this world is fair? Why should I be treated like that in the first place, and now I have enough strength, it is my turn to trample them under my feet."

This is the most terrifying thing about Lu Qingshan. He lives in a dark corner all the year round, making his eyes lose their expectations for the word bright.

There is only revenge in his heart, revenge on this society, revenge on this world.

Before, Lu Qingshan put the breakfast in the microwave and heated it up at this time.

Holding the dinner plate and putting it on the table again, Lu Qingshan was very enthusiastic and said to Zheng Siyu.

"Okay, eat breakfast first. Girls can't be hungry. You can't leave this place for the time being."

"I said, the food in your place is too dirty, I won't eat it!"

Zheng Siyu insisted that even if he died of starvation, he would not eat anything from this place, especially Lu Qingshan.

The culprit who harmed her family, she wished that Lu Qingshan would die right away, and this kind of people would harm the society.

Lu Qingshan doesn't like people who don't know good or bad. He has already asked Zheng Siyu to eat for the second time, but Zheng Siyu refused.

"I like smart people. I am Lu Qingshan in the Youth Gang, but I have never said such soft words to others."

After breakfast pushed Zheng Siyu down in front of him, Zheng Siyu remained unmoved, Lu Qingshan took the last bite and squeezed out the cigarette **** in his hand.

"Well, this is your choice. Do you plan to eat the food here and dirty your mouth, or do you plan to let my people take care of you. When it becomes dirty, it is not as simple as your mouth. ."

When Lu Qingshan gave an order, the younger brothers under his hands would rush in.

They like this kind of innocent little girl most, especially when so many men gather together, what will happen next, just think about it.

Zheng Siyu had to think clearly that the Lu Qingshan in front of him was not a kind, a demon who had already lost his humanity.

"I eat... I eat..."

Picking up the food on the dinner plate, Zheng Siyu put it to his mouth, took a bite and chewed in his mouth.

While eating, tears flashed in his eyes. Now trapped in such a place, Zheng Siyu finally realized how impulsive his decision was.

I just heard the clue from my sister, and rushed over in a hurry. I didn't think about the serious consequences after this incident.

Now she fell into Lu Qingshan's hands. As long as it was Lu Qingshan's words, her innocence would be destroyed, and she could not continue to live in this world.

When Lu Qingshan saw Zheng Siyu sitting here to eat, his perverted mentality gave rise to a sense of satisfaction.

This is the change brought about by strength. Before he wandered around on the street, even the most basic survival became a problem.

Now that everything is in his own hands, the fate of others will change with the touch of a finger, and Lu Qingshan let out a wicked laugh.

"Hehe, it's just like that. Whatever I say, you just do what I say, because I least like disobedient people."

Zheng Siyu was eating breakfast, Lu Qingshan took out his mobile phone, dialed a phone number, and turned on the hands-free function of the mobile phone.

He knows the identity of Zheng Siyu, and also knows that Zheng Siyu before, went to Xiao Yi.

No matter what Xiao Yi said to this woman, wouldn't Xiao Yi talk about meddling? Then he notified Xiao Yi of the matter.

"I'm calling Xiao Yi, let's talk to Xiao Yi, let him come and pick you up."

Lu Qingshan's phone was placed in front of Zheng Siyu. Although Zheng Siyu didn't know what Lu Qingshan wanted to do, he had an intuition that he planned to deal with Xiao Yi.

He fell into Lu Qingshan's hands because of impulse, and Zheng Siyu didn't want to implicate others because of his mistakes.

"what are you going to do?"

"This is not something you can intervene. Honestly follow what I said. You can do it well and get out of here."

Zheng Siyu got up to leave and refused to talk to Xiao Yi at this time. When this kind of thing happened, all the responsibilities must be borne by himself.

Seeing that Zheng Siyu was about to leave, Lu Qingshan's patience was limited, especially for such people who didn't know what was good or bad.

He got up and grabbed Zheng Siyu's hair, and Zheng Siyu, who was in pain at this moment, suddenly pulled it hard.

Zheng Siyu let out a cry and staggered down on the sofa. It was easy when he came, but now he wants to leave here.

At this moment, Xiao Yi connected the phone and asked who it was, but there was no movement on the other side of the phone.

Then came the scream of a woman, and he realized that the person who called was afraid of ulterior motives.

"who are you?"

Lu Qingshan grabbed Zheng Siyu's hair, raised one foot, and kicked Zheng Siyu up.

The one who sat down and told you about the past was Lu Qingshan, and it was also Lu Qingshan who was angry at the moment.

However, he exposed his original cruel side. Whether he is an old man or a child, Lu Qingshan can do it. At this moment, Lu Qingshan is angry.

"I don't know anything good or bad, I'm already restraining my temper, and I have to make me angry."

Lu Qingshan kicked again, Zheng Siyu was holding his shoulders with pain, and the pain in his body made Zheng Siyu unable to make a sound.

With one hand covering her mouth, tears rolling in her eyes, how could a little woman living in this world have experienced such a thing.

"Lu Qingshan! Is that you?"

Xiao Yi was on the road where he dared to drive. After the call was connected, the other party did not speak, but could only hear some voices.

It seemed that there was a fight, with the sound of a woman crying in it, Xiao Yi guessed something.

After hearing Xiao Yi's words, Lu Qingshan stopped his violent actions, grabbed Zheng Siyu by the hair, and threw her aside.

"Xiao Yi, you are really smart, you can even guess this situation. That's right, I am Lu Qingshan."

"It seems that you are working on that girl, right? Lu Qingshan, if you are still a man, don't make a fuss about a woman."

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