Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3466: Hunting ground

On the outskirts of city F, it's off the beaten track here.

In a mountain forest, there is a villa development zone.

The villa area was only built with a concrete frame, because the developer's budget had problems, and it was unfinished before the construction began.

A black Land Rover parked on the side of the road, with two people guarding. There were few vehicles passing by on this mountain road, which was just right for a conversation.

Lu Qingshan chose the meeting place here, also to avoid people's eyes, no matter what the final result, he will not be involved in this matter.

With the appearance of the last person, all the killers who took over the bounty mission had already appeared, and Lu Qingshan was standing on the empty concrete floor at this moment.

Eleven people were carrying their bags. The identities they were able to find were tourists who came to China. This time they came to travel.

However, the guns and knives used by the killers had already been arranged, and they were handed over to Lu Qingshan through the underground black market transaction.

Although these people looked ugly and were no different from ordinary people, Lu Qingshan knew the information of these people.

There are countless people who died in their hands. The killer world can reach this level, and they don't know how many people's blood will be stained with their hands.

Eleven pairs of eyes stared at Lu Qingshan, who faintly smelled a strong **** smell on these people.

"You are all here, although doing so violates the rules of your killer world, but in order to ensure the smooth completion of the task, I can assist you here."

Lu Qingshan made it clear that the task of offering a reward this time came from his hands. After the task was completed, he would pay for it.

The reason for doing this is for the smooth progress of the task. In the killer world, there has never been a situation in which an employer has disclosed his identity. This is the first case for Lu Qingshan.

"You guys, I have arranged this task. There is only one request, and that is to ask you to help me get rid of this person."

The eleven assassins did not understand. The employer in front of him violated the rules of the assassin world, just to say such a nonsense?

They are all killers who have reached the S rank. This time the mission is only to kill one person. Everyone did not take the mission seriously, and valued the two billion bounty.

"Mr. Employer, you are too nervous, right? There has never been such a rule in the killer world before, and employers will assist in completing tasks."

"Don't think too much about it. I don't mean to look down on you, but because of this goal, he is a very cunning person. I once found some masters, but they all failed.

From beginning to end, Lu Qingshan didn't say Xiao Yi's name, and he wouldn't disclose more information to these people.

The killers were a little unhappy. There were eleven elite killers, and none of them had enough points. Anyone who came out of it could complete the task smoothly.

Lu Qingshan wanted to do something extra here, or he didn't put them in his eyes. At this time, one of them spoke.

"Mr. Employer, don't confuse our strength with the **** you are looking for. Don't worry if you leave the task to us. Soon we will meet you with the head of the target and receive the reward by the way."

Why don't you disclose the goal of this action to these killers, just say an identity.

It was for these elite killers to receive this bounty mission. If they knew it was Xiao Yi, they would definitely not have the guts to step into the territory of China.

"A few of you, I know that you are very strong, but this time I hope you can listen to my opinions. I will bring the target to a designated position. If you have the ability to kill first, you can Receive a reward for the task."

Lu Qingshan cast a wink at the person next to him, and this person stepped back to prepare.

After a while, someone carried several boxes, brought them to the front of the eleven killers, and put them down.

The boxes were opened one by one, and they contained some firearms and close weapons, all ready to be in place according to everyone's needs.

"Now I invite you to choose your own weapons. According to what I said, arrive at the designated position. As for who can get this bounty, it depends on your strength."

Lu Qingshan distributed the weapons to everyone. The killers were all for the bounty. Then they would do what he said and arrive at the designated location in advance to ambush.

The last time I couldn't get rid of Xiao Yi, it was because I was surrounded by some trash. Even with some abilities, he was not Xiao Yi's opponent.

This time, it was carefully arranged. Eleven elite killers, no matter how fateful Xiao Yi was, he could not escape.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Xiao Yi left the hotel and drove alone towards the outskirts of City F.

According to Lu Qingshan's request, he didn't bring anyone other than himself. The location Lu Qingshan said was in a vacationing villa.

The location is relatively remote, Xiao Yi found out in advance that this place is backed by a big mountain, and there is a river not far away, flowing around the resort.

The current season is the low season of tourism, and there are not many tourists. Xiao Yi did not expect that Lu Qingshan would choose this kind of place.

If the Qing Gang had an ambush in advance, it seemed that it would be of no benefit to Lu Qingshan.

After 10 minutes of driving, Xiao Yi drove into the road to the suburbs. At this time, the phone rang.

Lu Qingshan had been thinking about this all the time, and after making arrangements, he returned to his own territory.

The remaining things are left to the killers, Zheng Siyu also lost the value of utilization, Lu Qingshan lying on the sofa said.

"Xiao Yi, should you leave now, right?"

"Since I entered City F, the dogs of your youth gang followed me. Do you still need to ask this question?"

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you. I said before. If you follow the rules, I won't hurt that woman."

Lu Qingshan had already arranged his eyeliner to stare at Xiao Yi. When Xiao Yi came to City F and which hotel he stayed in, he knew everything well.

F city is his turf, Xiao Yi wants to fight him here, there is no possibility of winning.

"I hope you can abide by the agreement. If you have any means, come at me, there is no need to do something to a woman."

"In my eyes, there is no difference between a man and a woman. There is just a distinction between **** and undeserved."

Xiao Yi still has thirty minutes away. With such a deliberate arrangement, Lu Qingshan must be in this place and set up a game in advance.

"Well, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. The person who told you will wait for me, and I will be there soon."

"Don't worry, they are waiting for you, I hope you can be safe and bring that woman out."

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