Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3471: Unexpected

"Let me see how strong the Grim Reaper of the Chinese War Wolf Special Team is."

The killer also drew a short knife from his body, from the task of offering a reward to a contest of unilateral strength, the killer made the final preparations.

Three minutes later...

A corpse fell on the river beach, and the blood stained the sand on the river beach blood red.

The opponent's courage is commendable, Xiao Yi let him ten moves, which is regarded as a kind of respect for him, but the difference in strength between the two sides is too big.

Ten strokes didn't even touch a single hair of Xiao Yi. Then Xiao Yi's stroke penetrated his heart and fell to the ground and became a dead man.

Xiao Yi didn't embarrass him, using his own interrogation method, he would definitely force the employer to obtain information.

In the end, he didn't do this and gave the killer a happy life. People who live in this world, no matter if it is good or bad, deserve respect.

"Stepping into China is your fault."

Xiao Yi solved the assassin. This was already the tenth one he had killed. Whether there are any assassins hiding in the dark is not yet certain.

This time the killer moved after hearing the wind, one was for the 200 million bounty, and the second was the reward this time. After the release, the level of the mission reached the S level.

By completing tasks of this level, the ranking of the killers in the killer world will be improved. This is where their reputation lies.

But I don't know that the employer who issued the reward this time played them around. If they knew the goal of the task, why didn't they take the first task in the reward order.

At this moment, Lu Qingshan was sitting in the room, drinking tea and talking about business, while waiting for the final result.

After such a long time, even if Xiao Yi had the ability, under the siege of so many killers, it was impossible to come back alive.

I found so many elite assassins in a moment to help him deal with Xiao Yi, but in the end, what he needed to pay was only a remuneration of 200 million.

With a remuneration of two hundred million, he sent all his younger brothers out, and he might not be able to kill Xiao Yi, but would eventually set off a fire. This time, the business was very worthwhile.

Lu Qingshan leaned on the sofa and sprayed clouds and fog. Every time the underground black market trades, that Drake will prepare some special goods for him, and these goods are reserved for Lu Qingshan.

The purity is high and the value is very high. Lu Qingshan has been deeply infatuated with this feeling because he often smokes this, and he cannot extricate himself from it.

"God, is this okay?"

In addition to Lu Qingshan, there is also a teenage girl sitting on Lu Qingshan's lap, helping Lu Qingshan light up cigarettes and add goods.

Her face is still pure, but this teenage girl has a tattoo on her chest, and she is completely naked.

With one leg resting on Lu Qingshan's body, he was dressed very coquettishly. Lu Qingshan took a few sips and put the pipe in his hand on the table.

The girl touched the girl's body with a big hand, and the girl did not shy away from it, but enjoyed the feeling very much, letting Lu Qingshan touch it like this.

"It's not bad. The body is well developed. If it weren't for you as a gift I prepared, I couldn't help it at this time."

Lu Qingshan laughed a lot. It feels good to be rich and powerful. He completely pinched the fate of ordinary people in his own hands.

Life and death are between his own emotions, just like the woman in front of him, he brought back from the night market, if there was no Lu Qingshan, this woman would have become the plaything of other men.

Lu Qingshan gave the girl food, and he was in charge of eating and drinking, and someone was teaching her, leading her on a different path.

It seems to be showing kindness, but Lu Qingshan's real purpose is to prepare a gift on the day that Drake sits on the mafia boss.

Money is too vulgar, so he specially trained a woman to serve Lu Qingshan. Now this girl is sixteen years old.

For a man, there is no gift more real than this. Lu Qingshan accepted this girl as his goddaughter, and he became a goddaughter.

If there is a mirror now, Lu Qingshan will see his face, I am afraid he will feel sick and want to vomit it out.

"Goddad, as long as there is a need, everything on me is yours."

"Hehe...well, this is for you. No one in the Youth Gang will bully you."

Lu Qingshan took out something from his body and threw it on the ground like feeding a dog. It was a white plastic bag.

After the girl saw something, her eyes brightened immediately. She hurriedly left from Lu Qingshan, stumbled on her stomach, and took the plastic bag into her hand.

Excited and speechless, with trembling hands, after opening the bag, the white powder inside was poured onto a smoking gun.

The fire started to smoke, and after a few sips, she finally felt that her whole body was extremely comfortable. She was obsessed with this feeling, so that she could forget all the troubles.

Half lying on the ground, a good-looking big living person, originally a girl of school age, turned out to be such a person, not a human, a ghost, in the hands of Lu Qingshan,

Lu Qingshan's smile became more and more weird. He liked to see scenes like this. This reminded Lu Qingshan of his previous self. It was the same situation. No one wanted to help him stand up and say something.

Having lived in such an environment since he was a child, Lu Qingshan's heart has long been distorted, and he has become a person more terrifying than the devil.

At this moment, Lu Qingshan's phone rang, thinking it was the killers who had completed the assassination mission.

He answered the phone, and the news reported by the phone was completely contrary to what he thought. The smile on Lu Qingshan's face was gradually disappearing.

"What? Have all ten killers been killed?"

The only assassin who is alive now has contacted Lu Qingshan, and he has deeply felt that death is right in front of him.

The other ten people have completely lost contact, don't think they must have been killed, otherwise this situation will not happen.

Suspecting Lu Qingshan, he concealed information about this mission, and asked Lu Qingshan what the identity of the assassination target was.

"You are deceiving us. This person is not as simple as a gang leader. What kind of person our goal is, you have to tell me the truth."

"This... how is this possible? He has only been in the army. It is because your strength is too weak that this situation will occur, right?"

Lu Qingshan is very good at talking, describing this situation as a killer who is not doing things on his own, and has nothing to do with him.

At the same time, Lu Qingshan was shocked. Eleven high-powered assassins joined forces to send out together, and it turned out to be such an ending. How powerful is this Xiao Yi.

There was one SSS-level killer left, and he began to have the idea of ​​retreating. If he continued, he would die in China, just like everyone else.

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