Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3478: Something that doesn't have eyes

I'm used to this kind of benefits on weekdays, and if I don't have enough money, I can't send these people away.

The taxi driver gave 600 yuan, which is less than one hundred per person. It’s okay to come to Longhu Bay, but it’s not that easy to leave.

A dilapidated electric car is originally sold. If it is sold second-hand, no one needs it. As a result, these gangsters open their mouths and cost 3,000 yuan.

"Your car is all broken. Brothers, please let me go. It's the first time I travel to Longhu Bay. I will never come next time."

The honest driver, and these gangsters begged for mercy, and had to do so for their livelihood.

Pleading with these people is no different than playing the piano to a cow. The gangsters finally caught a bully, but they wouldn't let him go so easily.

"Fuck! Stop talking nonsense with Lao Tzu, and get the money quickly!"

Several gangsters stepped forward, controlled the driver, and began to search the driver.

The remaining four hundred yuan, some change, and an old mobile phone were found from the driver.

This is all the belongings of the driver. The driver lay on the engine cover, lying on his stomach without daring to resist, for fear of offending these people.

"Just the **** money?"

"This is the first business I took today, so please let me go. There are still school children in my family who are waiting to spend the money."

"Fucking bad luck!"

The gangsters wanted to get some more money from the driver, so they asked a few people to beat the driver first.

Xiao Yi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, pushed the door and got out of the car. Seeing that the driver was about to be beaten, he stepped forward and said.

"It's a bit too much for you to do this. Lu Qingshan is short of money. Didn't you feed you enough?"

Xiao Yi stood behind the gangsters. The gangsters were busy trying to get some money from the driver when they heard someone talking behind them.

And what he said was obviously scolding them, how could they be able to endure this kind of lawless life.

"His grandma! What kind of thing are you, you dare to take care of Laozi's affairs, today even your kid is abandoned!"

A word drew the attention of the gangsters, turning around to do something to Xiao Yi, holding an iron rod in his hand.

Xiao Yi was injured before, but with his amazing recovery ability, the wound is almost healed.

Besides dealing with these gangsters, he didn't need to be serious. He chopped his hand and grabbed the iron rod from the gangster's hand. Holding the iron rod in his hand, he wrapped it around the gangster's neck.

An iron rod with the thickness of a thumb became soft like noodles in Xiao Yi's hand, and it was easily bent to lock the bull's neck.

The bully is dumbfounded, this Nima is too natural, the iron rod is like a twist, if you screw it down, your neck will also be broken.

"Scream in front of me, do your youth gang have this qualification?"

The other gangsters hadn't noticed Xiao Yi's identity yet, they just rushed up after watching their own people being beaten.

They have the final say on the territory of the Green Gang. No one has dared to make trouble here, and this person must be disabled.

Several uninfluenced gangsters fell into the hands of Xiao Yi, and soon understood the truth that fighting is not a matter of having an advantage with a large number of people.

With three punches and two kicks, the gangsters lay on the ground, each with a gray face, and they didn't even have the courage to get up.

At this moment, Xiao Yi was holding an iron rod in his hand, and his face was pale. He finally recognized who this person appeared in front of him.

" are Xiao Yi..."

"What! Xiao Yi... why did he come here?"

"Damn it, how did we offend him."

When Xiao Yi said two words, several other people were taken aback. No wonder this person is so powerful, and so many of them are not opponents of others.

It turned out that this person was Xiao Yi, and even their gang leader was not Xiao Yi's opponent, and he lost to him in several calculations.

What was even more embarrassing was that the last time Xiao Yi came to the Qing Gang, he solved Liu Ba in front of everyone, and Lu Qingshan, the brother-in-law, turned a blind eye to him and sent Xiao Yi away afterwards.

Liu Ba is the third in command of the Qing Gang, Liu Li's younger brother, and the son of the former gang leader. He dare to do this and leave calmly. This courage is not comparable to ordinary people.

"It seems that your eyes are still not blind. Now I will give you a choice. You will pay back the money you robbed before, and how much money you need to repair the car."

Xiao Yi presided over justice to the driver's eldest brother. The gangsters originally planned to ask the driver for a sum of money, but in the end the business lost.


"Why don't you? If you don't want to, I will break your neck now, so that you can only eat liquid food for the rest of your life."

"No, no, I am willing to lose money, I am willing to lose money."

Where the bullies dared to resist, Xiao Yi even dared to kill Liu Ba. In their youth gang, no-status people would dare to be enemies with Xiao Yi.

He immediately expressed his willingness to lose money and fell into the hands of Xiao Yi, but there was no room for resistance, and he quickly paid for it.

The other gangsters hurriedly handed over all the money in their pockets to Xiao Yi. In addition to the 1,000 yuan that was snatched away, there was more than 2,000 more.

The thugs took out a clean trouser pocket, and Xiao Yi took the money and handed it to the taxi driver.

The taxi driver was a little frightened. He thought that it would be over this time. Not only did he not make money, but he was beaten up.

As a result, the passenger he was pulling in the car helped him a lot. Seeing that Xiao Yi was asking for money, he quickly bucked his excuses.

"Use...not so much. In fact, I shouldn't charge you a thousand yuan, boy, it's just this Longhu Bay..."

"Okay, I know the inside story. Take the money and leave here quickly. This is what you deserve."

Xiao Yi stuffed all the money into the driver's pocket. The driver didn't know what to say, so he wouldn't dare to go to Longhu Bay next time he said anything.

And this time he offended this gang of gangsters. If he is encountered by these people in the future, he doesn't know what to do.

"Have a pen?"


The driver took out a pen from the car, not knowing what Xiao Yi was going to do, Xiao Yi took the pen on a piece of money and wrote a mobile phone number.

Considering that these gangsters in the future will definitely embarrass the driver, it is not easy to make money and support his family, Xiao Yi thought of a way here.

"This is my mobile phone number. From now on, if these people dare to bully you, please call me at any time. I'll take care of this!"

The bully was still remembering the license plate number of the taxi. After hearing Xiao Yi's words, he immediately interrupted the idea. It's better not to provoke Xiao Yi.

Lu Qingshan are all the people who have headaches. They are in the youth gang. They just need to live well. If they offend Xiao Yi, they might end up just like Liu Ba next time.

The driver took the money, got in the car and turned around and left. Then Xiao Yi solved it by himself. He had already thought of what Lu Qingshan's face was at this moment. .

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