Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3480: Murderous

He just took more than 300,000 yuan in private, and for a gang such as the Qinggang, 300,000 is not much.

But what he did broke the rules of the Qing Gang, and Lu Qingshan had always been strict in controlling these goods.

His face gradually turned gloomy, his subordinates were so disobedient and dared to break the rules, but he didn't look at him.

"Even the rules I made have to be broken. Now that the external inspections are so strict on these goods, you dare to make your own claims, do you want my youth gang to die soon?"

"Bangzhu...Bangzhu I know that I was wrong, you forgive me this time, I will never dare to have another one."

The hall master knelt down to beg for mercy, his forehead kept knocking on the ground, and after a while, his forehead was already bloody.

Even so, he still didn't know how painful he was. He did this just to beg for mercy and let Lu Qingshan let him go.

Lu Qingshan would not be merciful, otherwise these hall masters would not know what the rules are.

Secretly trading underneath, thinking that these can be hidden from him, Lu Qingshan, but I don't know that these are all under Lu Qingshan's control.

"Wu Tian! Tell me, what should I do in accordance with the rules of the Qinggang."

Wu Tian's head was full of sweat. Lu Qingshan asked him this way, and Wu Tian naturally had to answer according to the rules.

"Returning to the gang leader and deceiving the gang leader is one, breaking the rules of the Qinggang is the second, shipping privately is the third, and embezzling tribute money is the fourth. According to the rules of the Qinggang, it should be broken."

A gang rule is a finger. If the hall master violates four, four fingers will be cut off.

There were only five hands on this hand, four fingers were chopped off, and the hand was also useless. The hall master who had made a mistake, after hearing Wu Tian's words, his face fell on the ground like ashes.

Lu Qingshan stepped forward and kicked the hall master, and even dared to do this behind his back, so he should take a good look.

"Dog stuff! My youth gang provides you with food and drink, and even dared to carry me and make this kind of bargain."

"Bang lord...Bang lord sees that I have been doing things for you for many years. Please forgive me. I have family members waiting to be raised."

He drew a steel knife from the table and handed it to Wu Tian who was aside. Wu Tian did not hesitate and took the steel knife to look at Lu Qingshan.

"Helper this..."

"I don't want to do it myself. Chopping one of his hands is regarded as punishment. At the same time, I also remind other people not to make those little moves in front of me."

The right of execution was handed over to Wu Tian, ​​who had no choice at this moment.

He took a step forward with the steel knife, stepped on the wrist of the erring hall master, and did not hesitate to lift the knife.

"I'm sorry, this is the rule of the Green Gang."

The steel knife fell and splashed with blood, and a normal hand was cut off by Wu Tian with a knife.

The broken bone stubble was stained with blood, and the fingers were still moving on the floor a few times, and the wound was spurting blood.

The hall master was in anguish and almost passed out. Wu Tian threw away the knife, stepped forward and grabbed his wrist to stop the wound from bleeding.

The move was forced by helplessness, and now I helped the hall master because Wu Tian was loyal. Everyone was eating together and it was not easy for everyone.

No matter what other people do, Wu Tian has achieved these two points, at least he has a clear conscience.

It was He Yunguang before. At this moment, another hall master appeared. Everyone looked at the punishment process, and their expressions were uglier than each.

Establishing his own status and prestige, the goal has been achieved, Lu Qingshan will not hold on to one thing, he said to Wu Tian at this moment.

"Take him to the hospital and break one of his hands. It's cheaper for him."


Wu Tian took someone to the hospital to treat the wound first, and he smuggled 300,000 yuan. It ended up like this, which shows the viciousness of Lu Qingshan's methods.

He did this not only to punish, but more importantly, to let the other hall masters see that it was him in the Qing Gang that Lu Qingshan had the final say, and no one should try to make small moves behind his back.

After the hall master's affairs were processed, Xiong Lin took more than thirty people on the other side, and left the entertainment city in a mighty manner, rushing towards the location of Xiao Yi.

This battle is related to Xiong Lin's face, and he finally got the respect of Lu Qingshan, and he had his current position.

Bringing a bunch of thugs out, Xiong Lin let out a sneer when he just saw Xiao Yi walking towards this side.

"The surname is Xiao! You are really here, there is a way to heaven, you don't want to go, and there is no way to hell, you come and go, don't want to leave here alive today."

Xiao Yi was here to look for Lu Qingshan, but before he saw Lu Qingshan himself, some demons appeared and stood in front of him.

"I don't want to care about you, where is Lu Qingshan, let him come out to see me."

"Did you directly call the name of our helper?"

"It seems I shouldn't reason with people like you."

Xiong Lin was arrogant and arrogant, especially knowing that Xiao Yi had been seriously injured before, and the wounds on his body at the moment were nothing more than bloodlessness.

The strenuous activity must not be able to sustain, so Xiong Lin waved his hand, and the thugs he was carrying, stepped forward and surrounded Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi didn't believe that Lu Qingshan didn't know what happened before. This person must have done what Lu Qingshan meant. He wanted to weigh his own weight.

"Xiao Yi, if you kneel here and call grandpa, maybe I can let you go."

"Hehe... I'm afraid you can't stand it."

"I know you were injured before, but the people on my side will not show mercy to you."

Xiong Lin was waiting for his meritorious service. He said to the people behind him and mobilized everyone to rush forward.

"Brothers give it to me. This Xiao Yi is already injured, but he is just pretending to be forced here. I will be rewarded for abolishing him."

A group of thugs who didn't understand the situation, took the guy and rushed forward, dealing with an injured person, there should be a chance of winning.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes. Today is indeed an unusual day. Why must there be so many dead people to challenge his limit of endurance?

"go to hell!"

The thug yelled, Xiao Yi couldn't do it without hands, and a stick fell towards him.

Xiao Yi grabbed the man's wrist with his backhand and rotated it 360 degrees. The thugs made a circle in the air, and his arm was already dislocated.

He fell head down, spraying blood in his mouth, and there was no movement.


He acted decisively without leaving a living, what Lu Qingshan did touched Xiao Yi's bottom line.

There is no need to be merciful to deal with him. The other thugs are shocked when they see their own people directly killed.

They killed someone, and in front of them, Xiao Yi decisively moved to kill, and these people were all at a loss.

"Damn... why is it still so hard to deal with!"

Xiong Lin followed and rushed forward. Under his leadership, the thugs had no retreat. They rushed forward one after another. Fighting was the only solution.

Xiao Yi grabbed the heads of the two people and slammed them into them. The heads were smashed and fell to the ground, becoming dead.

"A group of ants dare to scream here, but I want to see how capable you are in the Youth Gang!"

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