Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3489: Inner change

Pity him, he couldn't even feel peaceful after he died, and he was used this way to become a living dead.

In the underground laboratory of the Black Dragon Society, Ichiro Ono was playing with human lives. At that time, he was able to dominate everything.

Now he has also become a test subject, staring at the young man in front of him, Ono and Yamamoto.

"Ms. Yamamoto, it seems that the two of us have become his chess pieces."

"Damn it, I calculated it all my life, and finally fell to this point, not reconciled, not reconciled..."

Yamamoto Okao let out a long sigh. He suddenly thought of something, his greatest wish had not yet been realized, and he asked Xiao Cangdao in front of him.

"How is that Xiao Yi? Ono-kun, you should have solved him, right?"

The mention of this made Ono Ichiro annoyed. Yamamoto Okao was dead. He didn't understand what happened after that.

"Sorry Yamamoto-sensei, I designed a trap before. I wanted to get rid of Xiao Yi, but he used it in turn. In the end I also died in his hands."

"How could this be……"

"In addition to your beloved son, Yamamoto Kenji-kun also died in this battle."

Okao Yamamoto's heartache, is this the so-called retribution? Always doing things for the black dragon, I don't know how many people died in his hands.

But in the end, his own son also died, the Yamamoto family was completely destroyed this time, and Yamamoto Okao had no more nostalgia.

Wanting to die but not being able to die, falling under the control of this person, he already knows what the end will look like.

"You two can really talk, and I am honored to tell you that although you are dead, you have been resurrected by me, and I will be your master from now on."

Xiao Cang interrupted the conversation between the two and established his own position first. He was the master of the two. Following Xiao Cang's order, the two stood respectfully in front of Xiao Cang.

He bowed his head and called to the master, this feeling of manipulating everything was really cool, everything was pinched in his own hands.

"You are my work. Starting today, the two of you will work for me. In order to accomplish my goal, this requires a large amount of funds to support it, so I need you two and try my best to help me. Make money."

"Understood the master."

"And you can only obey me. I can do whatever I ask you to do. I made you, and I can completely destroy you."

Xiao Cang transformed these two people because Okao Yamamoto and Ichiro Ono both had a certain status and influence in society.

If he wants to continue to research and develop his own power, he needs a large amount of money to invest, and it is impossible to think of a solution by himself, so these are left to the two of them.

After receiving Xiao Cang's order, the two began to move. This is why Xiao Cang wanted to keep the memories of these two people.

During this period of time, Xiao Cang received news that the Xiao Clan had sent someone to search for his traces and wanted to take him back.

His elder brother even expressed his attitude, forgiving himself for doing wrong, as long as he returned to the Xiao Clan, he would not be punished.

On the clan elder's side, he had already said that he kindly asked him to go home, but Xiao Cang knew in his heart that this elder brother wished he would die outside.

"Second Young Master, you can go back with us. It is not too late for you to turn around. The patriarch is your father. He will find a way to protect your integrity."

"The patriarch told us that even if you did something wrong, you shouldn't be rude to you. If you have something to do after you go back."

There is a special place in the cave. The construction of this place deliberately uses bulletproof glass and explosion-proof doors.

Even if a practitioner with a certain level of cultivation is trapped in it, it would be difficult to get out if he wants to go out. Xiao Cang stood outside the door at this moment.

He looked at the two people locked up inside. They were still trying their best to persuade him, how could Xiao Cang, who had already walked this way, turned around easily.

These two were from within the Xiao Clan and were sent out to search for Xiao Cang. After they found some clues, they followed all the way.

As a result, I didn't expect that Xiao Cang, who had always been weak in the Xiao Clan, had such ambitions and tactics.

Two people were caught by Xiao Cang, and in front of Xiao Cang, there was no room to fight back, and what Xiao Cang used was the technique their patriarch was best at.

Nine Heavens Royal Thunder Jue.

I've never seen Xiao Cang ever practiced before, but in the previous fights, Xiao Cang used the fourth layer of power, and the two of them would be defeated and defeated.

After being thrown into this specially set place and locked up, they all looked away before, Xiao Cang was far more dangerous than they thought.

It has been three days since being locked up here. During the three days, Xiao Cang will give them food and water, just leave without saying a few words.

Today, Xiao Cang came to see them both, holding two food boxes in his hands, and there was a special place on the glass to push the food boxes in.

"You haven't eaten yet. Today I specially asked my chef here to cook Chinese cuisine, hoping to meet the tastes of both of you."

Xiao Cangyi didn't move torture, and second, he didn't embarrass the two people. That was because everyone was from the Xiao Clan.

The two of them didn't want to eat. They wanted to know what Xiao Cang was going to do, what kind of ambition was in this young man's mind.

"Second Young Master, please don't be obsessed with it. It's still too late to stop."

Tired of listening to these words, Xiao Cang grabbed the food box and threw it directly on the ground, and the food inside was scattered.

In an instant, Xiao Cang's face changed, and the two knew that they had said the wrong thing, and they angered Xiao Cang, but they had to say something.

"You don't want to eat anymore, do you? I am here to provide you with delicious food and drink. As long as it is what you need, I will help you do it. Do you think I should serve you like this?"

"Second Young Master, we don't think like this. You are a member of the Xiao Clan, so you shouldn't follow such evil ways."

When the two saw Xiao Cang's so-called experiment, they used living people. This practice violated the rules of the clan. If they were known, where would the Xiao Clan's face be put.

Moreover, the entire Xiao Clan would not have a place for Xiao Cang to stay, and they were scolded by everyone.

"How I do it is my business, what kind of evil way does it have to do with you?"

Xiao Cang said angrily, why didn't anyone stand up and say something for him when he was being treated unfairly at home.

On the contrary, at such a moment, I told him what is righteousness and shame, sorry that it was too late, he embarked on a path of no return.

"It's not that you don't know that Xiao Huaili was able to sit on the position of the patriarch because he acted on his own brother. If you have to care about this, why don't you attack him?"

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