Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3498: Reveal the intention

In any case, he would not agree to Liu Li's terms and chose to betray. Wang Sheng was sticking to his principles.

Seeing Wang Sheng like this, it was a bit domineering, Liu Li was not in a hurry, she leaned back on the seat, and also lit a cigarette.

"It seems that what people are saying is right. You Wang Sheng is really sentimental and righteous. If you are a subordinate of Liu Li, I wouldn't lose to that Xiao Yi every time."

Wang Sheng rubbed his palms and snorted coldly while maintaining his demeanor in front of Liu Li.

"Sister Liu asked me to do other things. As long as I can do it, I will definitely do my best. But please don't mention this matter in the future. Wang Sheng will not agree to it."

"It seems that no matter what conditions I offer, you won't agree to it, right?"

"Yes, if it weren't for Brother Xiao, I would have died long ago. I could give him my life for the sake of Brother Xiao. I hope Sister Liu speaks cautiously. I don't want our cooperation to cause trouble."

"Well if this is the case, then we will concentrate on playing cards, and nothing else will be mentioned."

Liu Li agreed to Wang Sheng's request and played poker seriously. During this period, Liu Li didn't say a word. After a few laps, Wang Sheng lost another 20 million.

In the last hand of cards, Wang Sheng and Liu Li both showed their hole cards. They saw that Wang Sheng had no more chips, took out a prepared piece of paper, and signed his name on it.

"Sister Liu is embarrassed. You sign on this. The gambling debt you owe is also a debt. If you sign, even if you deny it afterwards, there is evidence."

"Wang Sheng, what you have prepared is complete, do you need me to stamp a stamp?"

"You press a handprint, and then affix a stamp. We will keep the two copies. Your copy is ready."

Liu Li thought it was nothing more than a sum of money. She won the card game this time. How much money Wang Sheng could have, she definitely couldn't get it right now.

Originally, playing cards today was not the purpose. The real purpose is to completely win this Wang Sheng and make Wang Sheng the person of Liu Li's side to help Liu Li do things.

Liu Li did the calculations, adding up before and after, the money that Wang Sheng lost to him was at least more than 50 million. Wang Sheng rubbed his eyes and looked very tired.

In an inadvertent movement, a piece of paper was stuffed into his pocket. After squinting and yawning deeply, it seemed to have no effect. So Wang Sheng shook his head to keep himself awake.

"Too tired, Sister Liu, let's hit here today. I'm really sleepy and can't open my eyes."

In just a while, Wang Sheng's eyes were flushed, his eyes began to become dull, and two lines of nasal discharge flowed out of his nose, as if he had some serious illness.

Seeing this scene, Liu Li smiled. It was precisely because he knew that this would happen, Liu Li was not in a hurry and sat here and waited.

Wang Sheng rejected his condition, thinking that he could get rid of his control, but didn't know that the request she made now had no room for Wang Sheng to refuse.

"It's still early. When my luck is right, Wang Sheng, you are going to leave. Is this because you have no money and you will continue to lose?"

"Sister Liu, please forgive me this time. Let's go to each house to sleep. I'm really sleepy. If I want to play cards, I will accompany Sister Liu to continue playing next time."

Wang Sheng bumped upside down, got up from the chair, fell to the side, knocked his head on the corner of the table, knocked a hole.

Suddenly blood flowed from the wound. At this moment, Wang Sheng, as if he could not feel the pain, ignored the wound on his head, stood up and continued to walk a few steps.

Upon seeing this, a younger brother hurried up to help Wang Sheng, but was pushed aside by Wang Sheng, and said cursingly.

"Go **** away, nosy I need you to help me!"

"Brother Sheng, your head is broken."

"Fuck your mother's shit, are you looking forward to my death so that I can inherit my position?"

Wang Sheng grabbed this little brother, and he made a fuss. The little brother didn't dare to resist in Wang Sheng's hands. He could only be beaten.

The raised fist fell and it was obviously weak. Wang Sheng beat a few punches in a row. The others were watching and didn't dare to step forward to intervene.

"Grandma, what's the matter? Why do I feel that I can't get it up with any strength? I always feel that something is missing today."

With blood stains on his face in a daze, Wang Sheng wiped it out. He suddenly thought of something, and grabbed the clothes of another little brother.

"Go... to Lao Tzu's room, quickly bring the goods to Lao Tzu, forgot to take a few mouthfuls, no wonder you are dying."

The younger brother hurriedly followed the instructions and ran to Wang Sheng's room. Wang Sheng couldn't wait to wait.

After waiting for a few minutes, the younger brother stood in front of Wang Sheng with both hands empty.

"What's the matter? Where's Lao Tzu's goods?"

"Brother Sheng... the goods in your cabinet are gone, you cleaned them all yesterday."

"What? You **** bunch of **** things, are you stealing things from Lao Tzu in your back?"

Wang Sheng became irritable and restless, and the little brother in front of him was also beaten by Wang Sheng, kicked and kicked, and beaten.

Others stepped forward to persuade them, and they were all beaten up. This angry Wang Sheng could not be surrendered by ordinary people. The only person who could deal with Wang Sheng was Xiao Yi.

Raising his head again, Wang Sheng's tears and nose were running, and his body was limp on the ground, looking for something like that.

Liu Li knows what's going on. The trap she designed earlier worked at this time. She opened the bag she carried with her now.

He took out a white sealed plastic bag, faced Wang Sheng, and said with a light smile.

"Wang Sheng, are you looking for this thing?"

After hearing the sound, Wang Sheng turned around and stared at what Liu Li was holding. He suddenly went crazy and rushed towards Liu Li.

"Give it to me, give it to me!"

A few thugs from the Green Gang stood in front of Liu Li at this moment. They stepped forward to block Wang Sheng's front and stopped Wang Sheng.

"I don't understand the rules at all. You first educate him and speak in front of me. It's not so arrogant."


The two thugs grabbed Wang Sheng and gave a beating. Wang Sheng is a good player in fights on weekdays, and the two green gang thugs will not look at him.

But now is the critical moment, he can't even stand firmly, naturally he doesn't have the strength to fight these two thugs.

Soon Wang Sheng was beaten to the ground, one of the thugs pushed Wang Sheng to the ground, and the other was wearing leather shoes and stepped on Wang Sheng's head.

"Brother Sheng... fuck, give your head to Brother Sheng."

"After destroying these bitches, dare to treat Brother Sheng like this, you must not spare them."

The people guarding the casino rushed in from everywhere to settle accounts with the people from the Green Gang. Liu Li hadn't paid attention to the people in the Four Seas Bar.

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