Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3505: All black money

"So I think there must be something wrong with this auto repair shop, maybe there is a secret room in this auto repair shop, we can't find it."

"Look again, if it's like what you said, you will definitely find it out."

Wu Tian and He Yunguang both set out to look for them again, and they must find out a clue.

It’s really not easy to find out where the auto repair shop is in the huge space. Two people circled the auto repair shop and took another round, but there was still no gain.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning, and the employees of the auto repair shop were busy working, looking for Wu Tian and He Yunguang, who had no results, but they had to give up.

Looking for a place to hide temporarily, waiting to find an opportunity to start again, at this moment, a few cars drove into the auto repair shop.

"someone is coming!"

"This car... is Lu Qingshan's."

He Yunguang recognized it at a glance. The black Land Rover at the front had the license plate of Lu Qingshan.

At this time, Lu Qingshan personally dispatched and came to the auto repair shop, obviously not here to repair the car. He Yunguang and Wu Tian looked out with their probes.

A total of six cars came, each of which was worth more than one million. After the cars stopped, Lu Qingshan got out of the car.

"That's right... This is Lu Qingshan himself. What is he doing at the auto repair shop at this time?"

Wu Tian didn't understand. Yesterday he followed the boss of the auto repair shop. The boss seemed to have something to leave, and he was not here at the moment.

"There must be something to do. Lu Qingshan stays in his room on weekdays and rarely goes out. Looking at the current situation, there are probably very important things."

He Yunguang guessed that he was right. Today is the day of delivery, and Lu Qingshan must visit it in person.

The quantity on the order form must be the same as the one shipped back, and the goods must be strictly controlled. Once there is someone who sends the goods out privately, it will be very troublesome.

The auto repair shop is a warehouse of Lu Qingshan, but these people in the auto repair shop, except for Lu Qingyun and a few who have a very good relationship, the others do not know what inside story this auto repair shop has.

"Fang Master Lu, are you here to guarantee the car again?"

The employees here are very enthusiastic and stepped forward to greet Lu Qingshan. They just knew that the boss had a good relationship with Lu Qingshan.

If other auto repair shops don't pay Lu Qingshan, this auto repair shop will not be able to go on, but the boss is different here, and the young gang who come here to repair the car have to obey the rules.

"Yes. Drive over these cars for me to check, if there is any problem, please handle it to me."

"Lord Lu, please, our boss had something to go away yesterday. It is estimated that he will be back today. Several people need to wait a while."

The employees of the auto repair shop brought Lu Qingshan to an office in the auto repair shop.

Every time Lu Qingshan came, he would sit and rest here, but Lu Qingshan also set a rule, that is, when he is in the room, no one is allowed to disturb him.

The door is locked inside, even if someone outside is knocking on the door, if there is anyone who is not long-eyed, if you dare to knock on the door at this time, you will definitely be interrupted by both hands.

I have seen a new employee once, and because of this rule, this new employee has never appeared since that day.

With the previous example, who would dare to ask for trouble, honestly do their own business, and leave it alone.

Wu Tian and He Yunguang hid in a corner. After seeing Lu Qingshan enter a room, those auto repair shop employees left.

In the auto repair shop, Lu Qingshan is an ordinary customer, helping Lu Qingshan to check the condition of the vehicle, waiting for the boss to come back by the way.

"With Lu Qingshan, you will definitely find some clues, but Lu Qingshan is in the room and it is not easy to investigate the situation."

Wu Tian's brain is brighter, he knows that Lu Qingshan must be on the side of the auto repair shop, leaving something important.

Moreover, according to the information received before, Lu Qingshan and the owner of this auto repair shop are likely to be brothers. Important things are left to his own brother to manage, so that Lu Qingshan will not worry about it.

"There are not many employees in the auto repair shop, so I will figure out a way."

He Yunguang also knew that he had to go close to Lu Qingshan to find clues.

The few people Lu Qingshan had brought, and the others were resting in another room. Only Lu Qingshan was alone. There must be ghosts in this room.

After entering the room, Lu Qingshan locked the door behind him. There was no need to worry that someone would break in suddenly. He took off his coat and stared at a painting on the wall.

Today is the delivery time. Every shipment can make Lu Qingshan earn tens of millions. After several years of operation, almost all the money on the black market is stored here.

"Living in this world, no one can escape the temptation of money. I, Lu Qingshan, have the current assets, so I don't have to worry about money in this life."

Picking off the painting hanging on the wall, there was a small hole behind, Lu Qingshan pressed the switch with his hand, and there was a gap in the floor of the room.

The gap is getting bigger and can accommodate a person to pass through, and a step extends from the floor all the way down to another place.

Lu Qingshan walked down the steps. On weekdays, no one else was allowed to enter this room. Apart from Lu Qingshan, it was his younger brother Lu Qingyun.

Others didn't know the secret in this room, and walked down the steps to the end. This was a specially excavated basement. The employees of the auto repair shop didn't know that there was such a place.

Lu Qingshan turned on the lights here, and the moment the lights turned on, the scene in front of him was shocking. How many people in this world, even if they lived a lifetime, had never seen such a scene.

Bundles of banknotes are piled together to form a hill. The money is black money traded in the underground black market, and it is not visible.

It can't be deposited in the bank, so I can only find a place to put it. The money deposited here has exceeded several billion.

Lu Qingshan thought about it. After doing a few more business deals, he would not touch these, and honestly be the leader of his youth gang and live the life of the boss.

"Think of those mortals who have struggled for a lifetime. What they can earn is just the tip of the iceberg. This is a world of money. Lu Qingshan has money and everything."

After going around these mountains of money, Lu Qingshan left here and returned to the room, waiting for his brother's return.

Twenty minutes later.

When Lu Qingshan walked out of the room, Wu Tian and He Yunguang seized this opportunity and slipped away quietly. If you don't do it now, it will be too late to do it again.

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