Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3512: The last straw

Lu Qingshan thought that this secret would only exist in his own memory, and no one would know it.

Except for himself, the person who knew about this was Drake. Is there a relationship between Drake and Xiao Yi? It is impossible to think about it.

Xiao Yi was just a soldier, and he returned to China to start a company. Lu Qingshan couldn't understand it.

"You will definitely think, why you do those things, I know so clearly, and this time I took control of your action plan in advance and blocked your goods."

"Yes...what the **** is going on, even if I am dead this time, I want to die and understand."

"The reason is very simple. The Drake you were looking for was just a mafia man, and I was looking for Moro of the mafia."

After hearing what Xiao Yi said, Lu Qingshan showed an unbelievable look on his face. Moro is the boss of the Mafia, and Lu Qingshan has also heard the name.

How many big men with influential status in society have a hard time seeing Moro. How could Xiao Yi meet such a person.

"No... it's impossible. You Xiao Yi is just the chairman of a company. With your identity, how can you see Moro."

"You really underestimated my strength. If you think this is impossible, then why did I get these so easily?"

What Xiao Yi held in his hand was something from the inside of the Mafia, and no one had the right to retrieve it except the boss of the Mafia.

Lu Qingshan stared at these things, his suspicion was gradually dispelled, Xiao Yi had never lied to him, especially at the end, there was no reason to lie.

The last meaning of pride was completely shattered by Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi could even get this kind of thing casually. The battle between him and Xiao Yi had already been lost at the beginning.

"It's me... I lost..."

"If you had this kind of consciousness earlier, you might still have time to look back. At this point, Lu Qingshan, you have to pay the price you deserve for what you have done."

"Xiao Yi, are you going to kill me?"

Xiao Yi did not answer, but the meaning was already very clear. There is no reason for a scum like Lu Qingshan to continue to let him live in this world.

Knowing that he would not end well, Lu Qingshan smiled, death became indifferent, but it is not easy to kill him.

"Xiao Yi, I admit that I lost, and I underestimated your strength, but what I want to tell you is that if you want to kill me, you still need to weigh and weigh, what will happen if you do this."

"What do you mean by this? Can't I kill you?"

"Don't forget that I am the boss of the Qinggang. If I die, what does it mean to the Qinggang."

This is something that the Youth Gang has never encountered for many years. The boss beheaded by others will become a shame to the Youth Gang.

When the time comes, the members of the Youth Gang will join forces. Whether Xiao Yi can leave this place is not to say. Once turmoil breaks out, such consequences need to be carefully considered.

"It's okay to kill me, but the elders of the Green Gang, I have already sent a message in advance, they are on the way to bring people, do you think you can leave here smoothly?"

"Really? Then you call and ask when these elders will come."

"Are you doubting the authenticity of what I said?"

Lu Qingshan took out his mobile phone, one arm was broken, he could only dial the phone number with one hand, and then pressed the speakerphone.

There are a total of four elders in the Green Gang, and each of them has at least a few hundred people in their hands. These people are not easy to provoke, and they are completely different from those on the periphery.

Being able to say this was precisely because of these elders, this became Lu Qingshan's last straw, and he could only hold on to it, relying on this straw to negotiate with Xiao Yi.

"Think about the consequences of this incident, Xiao Yi, you are a smart person. You can kill me if you insist on killing me, but don’t forget, only I, Lu Qingshan, can stop the Qinggang’s field. Who can hold it down."

Lu Qingshan was negotiating with Xiao Yi, but Xiao Yi was silent, and the call was always blind.

"Xiao Yi, you let me go today. I can keep all the things in the Qing Gang. As long as you spare my life, I can promise you any terms."

"You mean, just let me look at you and slip away under my nose?"

"Xiao Yi, do you have to kill me? I don't want to die yet. If you spare my life, the Qing Gang will not be an enemy of you. There is no loss for you."

The phone kept ringing blind tone, and no one answered on the other side, and Lu Qingshan faintly noticed that there was something wrong with the elder of the Qing Gang.

Xiao Yi stretched out a finger to help hang up the phone, but Lu Qingshan was still unwilling and continued to call another veteran.

After three consecutive fights, there was no response. At this moment, Lu Qingshan finally gave up. Xiao Yi could even dig out the Mafia. How could he not know his life-saving means.

"Lu Qingshan, your abacus is good. For this reason, I think you should listen to this call."

Xiao Yi dialed Han Bing's mobile phone number. At this moment in a tea house in City F, four veterans of the Green Gang were drinking tea with Han Bing.

They agreed to Lu Qingshan that they would help him solve his troubles, but that was an old thing. In this world, nothing is set in stone.

What's more, it's just a verbal promise. Seeing that Lu Qingshan is about to die and cause such a big disaster, these elders are not fools, and there is no need to follow them to die.

The veterans valued the interests of the youth gang. At this time, Han Bing put forward the conditions, not only to double their profits, but also not to do those shameful businesses. Failure to agree is a brain problem.

"Hey... this Lu Qingshan is really annoying. He doesn't want to answer his phone calls and keeps making calls."

"He stabbed Louzi by himself, so he wanted to solve it by himself, so why did he drag our old things to back up."

"Back then, the old gang master looked away and let such a thing control the Qing gang. Now that the Qing gang is exhausted, no one can save it."

Behind Han Bing, it was the bodyguard of the Han family who was responsible for protecting her to avoid accidents.

Hearing what these elders said, the old guys were very clever and would not choose to help Lu Qingshan. Why would you go to die if you had money?

When Han Bing agreed to Xiao Yi to persuade these old things, he felt that Xiao Yi was whimsical and it was impossible. The result was really the same as Xiao Yi guessed.

Speaking of letting them run the Han family's business, they immediately agreed. None of them knew about the reputation of the Han family. They could not even dream of embarking on the big ship of the Han family.

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