Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3518: Downfall boss

To know from the South African region, if you come here, you need to travel thousands of kilometers, not to mention.

What's more troublesome is that along the way, you will encounter blows from various forces, even his flame mercenaries who cross this front will suffer losses.

The harsh environment coupled with the struggle of forces, it is impossible to imagine how a new recruit of mercenaries can travel through these thousands of kilometers.

"The results of the investigation will definitely not make mistakes. This Xu Qiang is already well-known in South Africa. They also have a gold mine with amazing reserves."

Hearing the word gold mine, Drake's eyes lit up. You must know that he, the mafia boss, controls the business here and does not own a gold mine.

In the battlefield of mercenaries, the most alluring thing is gold besides money. How many people are crazy about the word gold.

A small newcomer mercenary had such wealth, and then Drake came and asked a question.

"Since this mercenary owns a gold mine, why doesn't he guard the gold mine and choose to come to such a place to die."

This seems a bit illogical. A gold mine is worth a few million dollars, enough to feed this mercenary.

But then his men answered his inner question, and he told Drake, an amazing truth.

"I found this mercenary. The captain is Xu Qiang in name. But the one who really established this mercenary was the **** of death from China."

This time Drake was not calm at all. He had just been holding a red wine glass, and after hearing the word death, he almost dropped the glass with a shake of his hand.

The two words "Reaper" have multiple weights, and I know in my heart how many powerful killers have died in the hands of this Reaper.

Drake did not expect that this time he would have something to do with this **** of death, and even more did not expect that behind this Xu Qiang, there was a **** of death supporting him.

"It turned out to be him. No wonder this mercenary looks different when it first appeared. It turned out to be a force cultivated by this person."

"This **** of death is not easy to provoke. People who have offended him will not end well in the end. We must not do anything to that Xu Qiang."

Needless to say, Drake knew in his heart that now that he knows the forces behind Xu Qiang, how could he still think about this.

Drake is so clever, especially when he heard that Xu Qiang was in control of a gold mine, his natural greed was exposed.

You can let Xu Qiang go, or you don't have to be an enemy of Xu Qiang, but at this gold mine, Drake's thoughts were moved, and he had to get it into his own hands if he wanted to.

"A tiny man sitting on a gold mine, what ability does he have, he has resources that even I have never had before."

Drake squeezed his fists, his complexion suddenly became gloomy, the gold mine must be brought over, and he tried his best.

Taking advantage of Xu Qiang's power, he hasn't gained a firm foothold, and it is the best time to make a move. For this reason, Drake thought of a way.

"For this banquet, I invited that Xu Qiang, and I also invited that Freeman. After Freeman arrives, you can help me convey a word."

His subordinates stood aside and listened carefully. Drake had a grumpy temper. If he did something wrong, he would end up being thrown to feed the animals.

"You tell Freeman, just say that I said, this time, he and Xu Qiang have any personal grievances, I will not participate in it. What he wants to do depends on his own decision."

"Boss, you have a good hand. Use his Freeman's hand to deal with Xu Qiang, so you don't have to worry about losing the conversation in the end."

"Do you know who died the earliest in this world?"

Drake asked him a very strange question, and he shook his head, unable to guess Drake's intentions.

He likes to have smart people around him, but he doesn't like this type. If it wasn't for the sake of having been with him for many years, Drake would kill him now.

"The earliest people who die are often those who are wise to say something, but after some words are said, they will die."

Drake awakened the man. He immediately threw himself to his knees in front of Drake, knowing that he had said something wrong, and kept kowtow.

"Boss, I know it's wrong, you forgive me this time, next time I will never talk nonsense, take care of my mouth."

"Okay, go ahead and do things. I'll go around you this time. I won't be so lucky next time."

The subordinates hurriedly stepped back. When they were speaking, they didn't dare to let out the atmosphere, for fear that they would upset Drake and would not survive today.

On the other side, Drake's eyeliner inserted here, following a clue, he caught Moro who was fleeing.

Moro was alone, planning to take out all his money, hire a mercenary to fight back, and get back what belongs to him.

But he forgot that the mercenary world here was already under Drake's control. No one would help him fight Drake, and he was caught in the end.

"Boss Drake, we have caught Moro, waiting for you to deal with it."

At 11 o'clock in the morning, after waiting for a long time, Drake finally waited for the news. He knew that Moro would not be able to escape for long and would be caught soon.

"Have you finally found him? Bring him to my room, remember not to embarrass him, he is also my boss."

"Yes, we will never embarrass him."

Drake got up and walked towards his residence, but now he wants to see what the face of the failed gang leader would be.

Moruo had fallen into the hands of Xiao Yi before, and did not die in the hands of Xiao Yi, but because of a carelessness, he ended up in the current situation. Among the mafia bosses, he is considered the most embarrassing one.

When Drake returned to the room, there was a person standing in the living room of the room at the moment. This person was the former Mafia boss Moro.

He was brought here, knowing that this place was Drake's residence, and his former highly regarded subordinates came to him like this.

The person who loved the deepest hurt him the most. After hearing the movement, Moro turned to look at Drake behind him.

"After all, I still haven't escaped your palm. Drake, you are so ambitious. The Mafia I worked so **** was finally robbed of your position."

Moro was not reconciled, but the matter was a foregone conclusion. He even lost the opportunity to turn defeat into victory today.

Falling into Drake's hands would definitely not let him live, and his life here would be gone.

"My boss, you made me want to kill you. After you left that day, I have been sending people to find you. I finally found you. Those guys didn't embarrass you, right?"

Drake asked this deliberately, and he personally stepped forward to help Moro open the handcuffs. In such a place, Moro was a wise man, and he definitely didn't dare to resist.

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