Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3538: I'm here

At Drake's residence, two uninvited guests came tonight. They did not have any invitation letters in their hands.

The heavily guarded private house was nothing in the eyes of Xiao Yi and Zhan Spear, and soon sneaked into the courtyard, collecting information everywhere.

"The captain seems to be correct in your guess. Moro is not dead yet and was taken here. That Drake, find a place to lock him up."

Zhan Spear grabbed a few tongues, and heard the news from these people's mouths, and learned that Moro is still alive.

It's just that half of his foot has entered the ghost gate and fell into Drake's hands. Drake will never make him feel better.

"I knew it would be like this. Since Drake became the boss, he must have his subordinates witness Moro's death with their own eyes, so that those people who followed Moro in the past can follow him completely. "

"You can figure out what you think of this person."

"It's a very simple truth. You must show yourself when you become the boss. Well, have you found out where Moro is?"

Xiao Yi asked, Zhan Spear shook his head, and the place where Moro was imprisoned must be extremely hidden.

Those who had been caught by War Spear didn't know where Moro had been taken. If they wanted to know the news, they would only need to grab a higher-level tongue to ask.


A huge private estate, this is not an ordinary three-bedroom house, finding someone is not that simple.

Xiao Yi knew that Moro was alive, and this matter was much easier. If he wanted to find Moro, he could only find someone.

"Go! Let's go find Drake!"

"What? The two of us are not on the invited list, so are we going to look for him so furiously?"

"Where does your kid come from so much nonsense, just follow me. Pack a Drake, it's no different from killing a pig."

Zhan Spear didn't know what to say. Somehow, he was the boss who had just taken office. In Xiao Yi's mouth, he turned into the same level as the pig.

If this Drake heard it, he didn't know what his expression would be, so he had to follow Xiao Yi and continue to walk forward.

Passing by the two mafia brothers, the two are still talking about which woman is good-looking here tonight. If you find a chance, you must have a good time.

As a result, they were knocked sap from behind, and the two of them were dragged to a warehouse, their suits taken off, they were naked like fading pigs.

"Boss, I found that you have changed. When did you become so insidious."

Zhan Spear changed his clothes and sorted it out.

There was a long time in his mind that he thought that the captain, who was so upright, had become so slippery that his mind was full of ghost ideas.

"Of course you need to use your brain to do things. You have to be flexible about everything. If there is always a strain, then you will be useless."

After the two had packed up, they turned around and left the warehouse. Xiao Yi's purpose was simple, to kidnap Drake and ask Moro's whereabouts.

So the goal is very clear, go directly to Drake, Drake, who had just walked out of the underground black boxing ring earlier, had a terrible heart.

Originally planned to pit Xu Qiang well, but before that, Xu Qiang was in the limelight, and he was also teased once.

It is indeed the person chosen by Xiao Yi. Just Xu Qiang and the mysterious master around him are enough to cause headaches for the opponent, and one person can beat a hundred.

"We must find a way to prevent this Xu Qiang from leaving here alive. If he leaves here, he will grow up in the future, he will not have my status."

Drake realized that it is very important that people who can't be friends, let him disappear in this world forever.

A touch of coldness appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he would definitely make Xu Qiang pay the price he deserved.

Thinking of the next show, Drake is going to meet someone, to see this person for the last time.

One person, accompanied by two bodyguards, walked down a path, but didn't know that he had already been spotted at this moment.

Xiao Yi and Zhan Spear followed far behind Freeman. Zhan Spear planned to step forward and tried to solve the two bodyguards, but was stopped by Xiao Yi.

"Wait! If you guessed correctly, Drake should be going to see Moro."

"Boss, you said that you were going to tie Drake."

"Now I have changed my mind. Following them, Drake will lead us to Moro."

After temporarily adjusting the plan, Xiao Yi and War Spear followed Drake for a long distance. In the realm of Soul and Soul, Drake could not escape Xiao Yi's control.

Every move was within the range of his perception, after turning a corner, Drake came to a room outside.

Someone is guarding it, and Moro is a key figure, and someone must be sent to guard it, and there must be no mistakes.

"Boss Drake!"

The people guarding the door greeted Drake.

Drake took a step forward, and the two opened the door of the room. Opening the door requires a triple password to verify. The more you prepare, the more security.

After the door was opened, Drake entered it. The room was surrounded by concrete structures. Unless Moro would escape, he would not escape from here.

Wearing handcuffs and fetters, he is a prisoner alive, and the boss of the mafia is so downhearted, and the end is embarrassing.

"I'll come to see you for the last time. You are about to be hanged soon. Do you have any last words?"

Drake smiled and said, Moro was very spine at this time, he sneered.

"Drake counted me away and saw you the dog wrong. Come if you want to kill me."

"This is how you end up believing in people easily. Well, this is our last side. I'm here to send you on the road."

While the two in the room were talking, the four guarding outside were killed by Xiao Yi with a spear.

This level of lock, the battle spear is a pediatrics, soon opened the lock, he guarded the outside to prevent anyone from approaching.

Xiao Yi entered. The place where Moruo was imprisoned was quite spacious. After turning a corner, Xiao Yi saw Drake and Moruo.

The two people were talking. When Moro raised his head and saw someone coming in, when he saw the person clearly, a complicated expression appeared on his face.

"Xiao... Mr. Xiao Yi, why are you..."

Drake thought Moro was joking, how could Xiao Yi be here.

He suddenly felt someone approaching him, and when he turned around, a silver needle pierced Drake's neck and controlled Drake's movements.

Drake reached into his arms and planned to take out the gun, but he was locked here and his body was unable to move freely, knowing that Xiao Yi did it.

"How... how could it be? How could you appear here?"

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