Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3540: This is the end

The newly appointed boss is pleading with Xiao Yi, who is about to die. As long as Xiao Yi can spare his life, Drake can agree to any conditions.

"It's too late, Drake, you have seized Moro's position. These must be ended with one last."

Xiao Yi held another silver needle between his fingers, pinching Drake's mouth, and the silver needle pierced Drake's tongue.

As a result, Drake could no longer say a word, Drake's eyes widened, and a magical scene appeared.

In front of Xiao Yi, the facial muscles were changing rapidly, and Drake soon felt that he was looking in a mirror, and another himself appeared in front of him.

Xiao Yi changed into his appearance, took a black cloth bag and put it on Drake's head.

"Don't worry, I will send you on the road."

Dragging Drake's body and walking out of the room, the four bodyguards outside the room had been eliminated by War Spears.

Next, in Drake's private residence, a wonderful scene was staged. Someone revealed the news in advance that the former mafia boss will be hanged here tonight.

This has also become the focus of attention tonight, and everyone is looking forward to what the former Mafia boss Moro will end up with.

In the private manor, in an empty square, two pillars were erected with a beam in the middle.

A rope hung from the beam, and under the crowd, two Mafia subordinates escorted one to the stage.

This person was wearing a hood, unable to see his face clearly, and the atmosphere of the air became extremely terrifying.

Next, ‘Drake’ appeared on the side of the main seat, and today he announced that Moro would execute the hanging.

"Identification, execution!"

With an order, the two people on the stage took off their headgear, and the face of'Morro' appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone was watching this scene, and at this moment'Moruo' was struggling. He wanted to tell everyone that what he saw before his eyes was an illusion.

He is not Moruo, but Xiao Yi made him look like Moruo. The real Moruo is dead, he is Drake!

It's a pity that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't make any noise. The two people on the stage clasped'Moruo''s arm and walked to the rope.

A special execution rope was wrapped around his neck, accompanied by a gesture of "Drake" on the stage.

Pulling down a wooden stake on the stage, the wooden board stepped on by the person who was executed suddenly sank, and the person on the stage lost support.

Under the action of gravity, the body is continuously pulled downwards, but there are ropes around the neck, and the feet are kicking randomly, and there is no place to use it as a focus point.

"That's how it is for Moro, he is the last boss anyhow, this way of death is really tragic."

"I don't know how many people died in his hands before, and it's retribution to end up like this."

"The Mafia in the future will be completely determined by this Drake, Drake is really cruel, if it weren't for Moro's promotion, how would he have today."

The crowd onlookers made waves of discussions, and some even made a bet here to see how long Moro could last.

The wall fell down and everyone pushed him. When Moro was beautiful, everyone was making friends with him, trying to cheat Moro in order to get a share of the business here.

Now that Moro is in such a state of desolation, no one will treat him as an individual. That's what the general situation has already said.

"This guy, it turned out to be like this."

Duan Zhisheng has been paying attention to the ‘Drake’ on stage, not knowing whether this person on stage, intentionally or unconsciously, released a familiar breath.

At first he was still wondering if he felt wrong. When he saw the gesture of ‘Drake’ on stage, he immediately understood what was going on.

There was a problem with Drake's identity, then Moro must have also changed. As expected, Drake's breath was felt on Moro's body.

"what are you saying?"

Xu Qiang didn't understand the Tao, and Xu Qiang's level of cultivation was still far behind, and he didn't know what happened.

"Xiao Yi is here."


Hearing the sound, he looked around quickly and was slapped on the back of the head by Duan Zhisheng before turning around.

"Don't look around, your kid can't find him, he's on the stage right now."

Duan Zhisheng whispered, Xu Qiang stared at the people on stage, but still did not see where Xiao Yi was.

"Why I still can't find it."

"Of course you can't find it. It's far from the horizon, right in front of you. Now this Drake, he disguised it."


Xu Qiang looked surprised, staring at Drake on the stage again, he could not see anything, this turned out to be Xiao Yi in disguise.

"Then who is hanged now?"

"It is the real Drake who is hanged. Someone in the killer world previously issued a reward order against Xiao Yi. I am afraid that this reward order will not escape Drake."

Duan Zhisheng has also been investigating this incident, but he does not have a complete intelligence network like Natasha. Based on his own speculation, he has reached this conclusion.

"Although Xiao Yiyuan is in Huaxia, don't forget that his methods are able to reach the sky. The situation here is already clear to your heart, and you probably already know that Drake is making your idea."

The hanged Drake on the stage, after struggling for a while, there was no movement.

The tongue is exposed, the pupils are dilated, and there is saliva flowing out of the mouth, and it has no life characteristics.

The newly appointed boss didn't have time to enjoy the feeling of being the boss, so he died in Xiao Yi's hands.

'Drake' stood on the stage, he promised Moro that he would give him a decent way to die, so he ordered.

"The body is taken down and buried thickly according to the rules!"

After giving this order, he turned around and left the scene. The subordinates of the Mafia didn't know that the dead person was the real Drake.

The coffin was already prepared, the corpse was put in it, and it was immediately sent to be incinerated and buried in the cemetery.

The banquet was still going on. At about eleven o'clock in the evening, suddenly there was a violent explosion at Drake's residence.

The explosion flattened a three-story composite building. Drake, who was resting in the room, failed to avoid the explosion and was buried in the rubble.

The scene became chaotic for a while, and the Mafia killed two bosses overnight, for the first time in history.

Freeman didn't want to participate in other activities, and took his own people with his deputy, returned to the room to rest, and left immediately after the banquet.

Today is definitely his most humiliating day. He kneeled down to Xu Qiang in front of so many people, let Xu Qiang show off the limelight, and he, the general of the Flame Mercenary Corps, directly swept the ground.

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