Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3543: Retreat first

Hearing the sound, someone immediately turned and looked at it.

What greeted him was a cold-stained army thorn, which pierced his neck directly.

The army stab was pulled out and splashed with blood, killing him with a single knife.

There will never be a chance for a second knife. Such a quick means shows the strength of the opponent.

The remaining nine people hurriedly aimed their guns at Xiao Yi, and in the end they couldn't understand why the speed of the guns could not keep up with the speed of a person's hand.

Nine bodies fell to the ground, and Xiao Yi walked away calmly.

"I don't want to be an enemy of you, but it's a pity that there are always some short-sighted people who have to find the door myself."

Xiao Yi was looking for the traces of Xu Qiang and Duan Zhisheng, worried that the two would be in trouble, in this situation of enemies on all sides.

Walking alone in the manor with a military stabbing, Xiao Yi didn't bother to take care of it as long as the people he met didn't do it.

But there will always be some people who do not know whether they live or die, wanting to trouble Xiao Yi, and eventually die in Xiao Yi's hands.

When he came to the banquet, the leaders of the various forces hurriedly left the manor with people, looking for opportunities to seize the weapons of others.

When entering the manor, they handed over all the guns they had with them, and let Drake's people take care of them.

One thing that would not have gone wrong, who would have thought that Drake just became the boss tonight and died in a blink of an eye.

Under the chaotic situation, one after another has chosen the importance of life-saving. In addition, the bosses of the various forces also fought, making the situation even more chaotic tonight.

Freeman led the members of the Flame Mercenary Corps through the manor. After previous battles, they seized the guns and equipment of a ten-man team.

For the time being, he had the ability to protect himself, but at this time, Freeman did not choose to retreat in time, but was looking for Xu Qiang's traces everywhere.

"Report to the general. We searched the residence of Xu Qiang before. There was no one in the room. It seems that it has been evacuated early."

"I heard all the explosions before, and it is estimated that Xu Qiang also realized the danger and retreated with someone."

Freeman arranged for the two to search, but the results obtained made Freeman very dissatisfied.

"This ant escapes very fast, no matter what, you must find them for me. Tonight is the death date of the two of them."

"Understand the general, we will look for it!"

Thinking of the humiliation he suffered before, Freman was so angry that if this matter is not resolved, it will become a nightmare in Freman's heart.

Xu Qiang and Duan Zhisheng had just grabbed a pistol and shot a few rounds without bullets. If they want to leave here, they need to go through the front of the battle area.

The car they drove when they came was parked there. Only when they got into the car could they breathe a sigh of relief. Xu Qiang threw away the pistol.

Leaning on a pillar, after taking a few breaths, he took out a cigarette.

"Why are there so many people in the mafia? It is almost impossible to go through here without being discovered."

Xu Qiang had a headache when he arrived. At the very least, there were hundreds of people in the fighting area in front of him, and it was impossible to pass.

"Wait a moment and observe what the situation is. It is estimated that at this time, people from other forces are also trying to break through here."

As soon as Duan Zhisheng's voice fell, the leader of the party attending the banquet rushed to the battle zone with everyone, planning to fight and leave here first.

As a result, just approaching the vicinity of the battle zone, one by one shells fell. Those people had no time to escape and were overwhelmed by the falling shells.

How could the physical mortal fetus be able to withstand such a blow, Xu Qiang shuddered in his heart, but fortunately he didn't rush to fight it.

"It's so **** cruel, no wonder this mafia is the boss of the arms business, and the shells are like no money."

There is a separate warehouse in the manor, and all the arms stored in the warehouse are smuggled arms, used to provide those in need of businessmen, as well as armed forces.

It's just that this batch of munitions doesn't need to be sold, and they are directly sold here. Anyway, it is also something that does not require money, just make it casually.

While Xu Qiang and Duan Zhisheng were waiting for the opportunity, Freeman also rushed to this side with others, and his keen vigilance made Freeman realize that he could not pass through at will.

Order everyone to stop moving forward, observe the situation clearly, and Freeman did not find Xu Qiang's trace.

"Freman is here!"

Duan Zhisheng could perceive that Freeman's breath was approaching. Xu Qiang was about to look around and was pulled back by Duan Zhisheng.

"Do you want to die? He is less than 20 meters away from us. As long as you show up, you will be spotted. People are looking for you everywhere with a knife."

"Ahem... I almost forgot, what shall we do now? I can't wait here forever. If this continues, I will meet Freeman sooner or later."

"Wait a little longer, the turning point is about to appear."

Freman was full of anger and looked for Xu Qiang. Once the two sides met, the other side had weapons in their hands. If they played against each other, no one would be disadvantaged.

At this moment, Drake was originally the boss of the business here, and those confidants who used to follow Moro in the past have already been suppressed in power.

Soon there was a gap in the strength of the two sides. The side that supported Drake was better than those of Moro's henchmen in terms of number and equipment. Soon a breakthrough was opened in the anxious battle.

Guarding the battle area in front of Xu Qiang and the others, a situation of one party fleeing finally appeared. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Qiang and Duan Zhisheng mixed in.

Freyman is struggling to find Xu Qiang, this is already the last area, if he can't find it again, he will lose this rare opportunity.

"Damn it! Where is this Xu Qiang?"

Suddenly someone found Xu Qiang's figure through a telescope.

When Xu Qiang and Duan Zhisheng passed the final checkpoint, four huge searchlights turned the night into the same day.

"The general found it, he is there!"

"What? Let me see!"

Freeman took the binoculars and looked in the direction of his subordinates. Sure enough, he found Xu Qiang and Duan Zhisheng among the fleeing group.

"Yes, nothing can be wrong this time, it is indeed the two of them, I will not forget the figures of these two people!"

"General, what shall we do?"

"What else can I do, follow along, don't let this Xu Qiang escape."

With such a rare opportunity, Freeman would kill Xu Qiang even if he tried to kill a few of his people today.

The members of the Flame Mercenary Corps, carrying weapons and equipment, followed the fleeing personnel, chasing after Xu Qiang and Duan Zhisheng.

Originally didn't want to have a positive encounter with Freeman, Duan Zhisheng felt Freeman's breath constantly approaching when he retreated.

"Broken! Freeman found us."

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