Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3546: Insist on revenge

The flame mercenary group is tantamount to a stumbling block in front of Xu Qiang.

After stepping on this stumbling block, Xu Qiang can make real progress, otherwise he will always stay in place.

Xiao Yi smiled.

"Well, since your kid said that, then do what you said. I won't interfere in this matter, but be careful at this time. I will help you evacuate from here."

The situation is still very chaotic. The two parts of the Mafia have brought the battle into a fiery situation.

Everyone winked anxiously, clamoring forward, the sound of gunshots and shells exploding continuously from around.

Freeman ordered people to search the whereabouts of Xu Qiang and Duan Zhisheng. After searching, there was no result.

Not only that, but three people died.

At this moment, Freeman was standing next to the bodies of the three, and his deputy squatted down to check the injuries of the three.

The body was traumatized and was stabbed by a three-row army, which directly penetrated the heart from the back.

The skill of the shot was sophisticated, and he didn't hesitate to kill with one move.

The other two had their necks squeezed. From the posture of the three people falling to the ground, the three people died almost at the same time.

"The general and these three people were killed almost at the same time. The man who shot was not ordinary."

Freeman's face was gloomy, the attack on Xu Qiang was unsuccessful, and three people died, Freeman's hatred for Xu Qiang grew deeper.

If Xu Qiang is caught, he will surely let Xu Qiang know what he will end up offending.

"Based on your analysis, is it the expert next to Xu Qiang?"

The deputy had paid attention to Duan Zhisheng before. Duan Zhisheng's method of making moves was very special. The folding fan in his hand was his best weapon.

The wound of the dead person has changed, obviously not done by the master.

"I didn't see that person using a military sting, and killed the three of us almost instantly. This person has super strength in close combat."

The deputy's words reminded Freman that three more dead players were added at this moment, and they couldn't continue chasing.

"The general gave up tracking this Xu Qiang. What we should do now is to retreat, rather than continue to struggle for this kind of personal grievances."

Freman who insisted on going his own way, no matter who persuaded him, he would not take it seriously, and he turned and stared at his deputy.

"Are you giving me an order?"

There was something in Freman's words, and he directly pointed the finger at the deputy and asked what the deputy's intention was.

"General! I am thinking about this for the mercenary group, and I have never had other intentions."

"Is that so? If you have no other intentions, then just shut up to me, no matter how much you pay, Xu Qiang must die tonight!"

Pushing the deputy away, the deputy knew at the moment that he could not continue to persuade General Freeman, the general would no longer listen to his words.

"What are you guys still doing here? Find me the trace of Xu Qiang. I will award one million dollars for who killed him!"

Under the great reward, there must be a brave man. As soon as I heard about one million dollars, the members of the flame mercenary group would receive only 300,000 dollars a year.

This is equivalent to the result of their hard work for three years. The price for getting the money is to kill someone.

One sentence is equivalent to giving his players a doping, and everyone moved to follow Xu Qiang's trail.

Xiao Yi took Xu Qiang and Duan Zhisheng to find a parking place, knocked on the window and opened the door, and directly used the wiring in the car to ignite.

When a car started, the sound of the engine starting also attracted the attention of some people.

"over there!"

"General, we found the Xu Qiang. They started a car and planned to escape."

"Stop them, the general said, killing this Xu Qiang can get a reward of one million dollars!"

After the members of the Flame Mercenary Group discovered Xu Qiang's trail, they immediately reported to Freeman.

The flies that can't be driven away, as long as there is a little movement, they will immediately provoke this group of people, and they can't get rid of them.

"This **** group found us again, Xiao Yi, you and Xu Qiang go first, I will get rid of these annoying flies."

Duan Zhisheng suggested that Xiao Yi closed the car door and motioned for the two of them to go first.

"Stop talking nonsense and leave, I will stay and break, and I will find a way to meet you later."


"Without so much time for thinking, you also said that these are just some flies."

Xiao Yi closed the car door and walked towards the mercenaries. The members of the flame mercenary group didn't know what kind of opponent they would face next.

He promised that Xu Qiang would not kill Freeman, except for this group of flies. He would keep Freeman's life and give Xu Qiang a chance to exercise.

A military stabbing was enough for one person. Duan Zhisheng knew that ink was not allowed at this time, and let Xu Qiang drive off first.

Xiao Yi didn't have to worry about dealing with these goods at all, waited until everything was settled, and then reunited with them.

After hearing the report, Freeman drove along the direction of Xu Qiang's escape, took a shortcut in advance, and detoured directly to Xu Qiang's side from the other road.

Against the other members of the Flame Mercenary Corps, Xiao Yi did not notice Freman's movements. At this moment, Xu Qiang was driving, and Duan Zhisheng was walking on the retreat.

He noticed that another car appeared on his side to follow. The person who appeared at this moment was definitely not here to give gifts.

Freeman, sitting in a jeep chariot, commanded the driver to keep approaching Xu Qiang, looking for the best time.

"Xu Qiang is all you asked for, even if you offend that **** of death Xiao Yi, today is your death date."

Freeman took out a grenade gun from the side, loaded the shells, aimed at the car that Xu Qiang drove and pulled the trigger.

A howitzer traversed an arc in the dark and landed on Xu Qiang.

"not good!"

When Xu Qiang realized the danger was too late, Freman took a shortcut and prepared a long-range weapon.

He hurriedly controlled the steering wheel, the shell exploded beside Xu Qiang, and the burst of shock wave pushed Xu Qiang's car away from the original road.

The car drove to the side of the desert, unable to maintain its balance, and swayed into the sand dune ahead.

Seeing Xu Qiang's car being hit by a single shot, Freeman was filled with joy at this moment, and finally killed this boring opponent.

"Follow it! I have to make sure this person is dead!"

Freeman directed the driver, and the driver drove towards Xu Qiang's car, life and death at stake.

Xu Qiang and Duan Zhisheng, who were involved in the explosion, were involved. At the last moment, Xu Qiang knew that the gun would fall and both of them would be finished.

Relying on his instinct, he adjusted the direction of the car, and turned and used his body to block Duan Zhisheng's side.

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