Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3561: Unscrupulous

Seeing this sentence, Freeman's face paled, not only as a message, but also as a warning.

After crossing this arrow, leaving none, the meaning is already very clear. This time Freman must take someone to retreat.

"General, this is..."

Freeman handed the sign in his hand to the people around him so that they could see clearly.

"This is for us to retreat. It seems that what Perod said before is correct. This newcomer mercenary group has a strong support."

I wanted to say that Xiao Yi might be among them, but Freeman feared that this would affect everyone's morale.

If this person is not the death **** of China, and he will frustrate his own spirit in this respect because of a word from Freman, Freman will become a stupid commander.

A leader of the team, after seeing such a warning, did not take it seriously. They were the flame mercenary group, and would not be frightened by such a warning.

So he grabbed the sign and threw it on the ground, and stepped on it with his foot to vent his emotions.

"Pretend to be a fool! It's just a person, General, I will rush up now, holding this person's head to see you."

Freman intended to stop it, but after thinking about it, he felt that it would be okay to tempt him. The distance between this person and that person was more than 800 meters.

If there is an unexpected move, it will be discovered and reacted to it the first time. It is an irrational decision to confront them at this time.

The leader of the team walked toward the front, and soon stepped over the arrow feather, standing there with his hands in his waist.

"Haha! Isn't this all right? It's just an arrow. What's the big deal? Have the ability to kill me!"

The other members of the Flame Mercenary Group laughed loudly. Indeed, what this card could explain, and wrote a scare word.

Freeman raised his hand and signaled to attack, suddenly a cold light flashed in front of him.

"Be careful!"

He shouted in a hurry and hid in the chariot, only to hear a crack in the air above his scalp.

No shots were fired or shelled. When people thought it was safe, they all raised their heads and looked ahead.

The previous captain was still standing in the desert with his back to everyone, there seemed to be no special changes.

Freman frowned, and on a chariot behind him, there was a flagpole with a totem of the flame mercenary group drawn on it.

I saw a knife nailed to the flagpole with the blade deeply embedded in it. This is a flagpole made of steel pipes, not ordinary wood.

In the case of ordinary wood, if a knife is thrown from a distance of 800 meters, nowhere will there be such destructive power.


The flagpole broke in the wind, and the flag with the totem fell to the ground.

The captain in front of the crowd knelt down with his legs soft, and his eyes widened.

On the last side, I saw a cold light passing by, and then I lost consciousness, all of which seemed to be dreaming.

The short knife was shot from a distance of 800 meters, cut through his neck, and nailed to the flagpole behind.


A human head fell from his neck, and blood spewed from the arteries in his neck like a fountain.

The sand that dyed the ground red also dyed the arrow feathers inserted into the ground.

Speaking of doing it, and daring to cross this arrow, the end is a dead end.


"What is going on? How did he die?"

"There is a flying knife here. Could it be that this man threw the knife from such a distance?"

It is really impossible to imagine how powerful a person can do such an impossible thing.

Freeman's face was ugly, and the people under his hand had tried it, and the result was really killed.

One can imagine what the result would be if someone continued to step forward.

"Damn it! I'm going to kill him!"

"It's just one person, we have so many people, don't be afraid at all!"

Four or five people stepped forward and stepped over the arrow feathers. Without Freman's order, they raised their guns and fired in the direction of the dunes.

The bullet was shot out of the gun like a bean, and another man was carrying a rocket launcher and aimed at the front position.

A rocket fell to the location of the target, and the sound of the explosion spread rapidly in the desert, and the dust was overwhelmed.

The dust was so full that he couldn't see the situation clearly ahead. Freeman was sitting in the chariot. He didn't cross the feather of the arrow, waiting for the final result.

I believe this time, this person can be killed, the invincible **** of death on the battlefield is just a person.

Under such a firepower attack, leaving no way out at all, five people stood in the desert smiling.

"Pretending to be a fool to scare someone, I am not the one who was scared."

"This time even the coffin is saved, so go to death obediently. A mere person wants to block our way."

The diffuse dust continued to spread towards Freman, and Freman raised his hand to indicate that he could attack.

"Go! Use the fastest speed to solve this battle, the purpose is not to leave alive!"

Freeman commanded the audience, and the members of the mercenary group rushed forward. Here, Freeman left an eye on him, that is, the members were divided into three parts to initiate the charge.

Only when Freman’s attack on this side played an important role, the other teams scattered on both sides would follow along to attack and encircle.

The purpose is to prevent people from escaping from this encirclement net, and more than 30 members of the mercenary group entered the dusty environment.

Morale is high and intends to resolve the battle quickly.


This is not only their battlefield, but also Xiao Yi's.

In this environment, there is no impact on Xiao Yi, just like a game, Xiao Yi is a person with BUG.

One person rushed into the crowd with a military stabbing. At this moment, Xiao Yi became a true **** of death.

He waved the sickle in his hand, and a corpse fell down the road he walked. No one would be his opponent, and they didn't even see to death, who made the shot.

five minutes later……

Just when Freeman asked the second group to set off, he faintly sensed a trace of anxiety. The first group of people has not returned any news.

There was a **** smell in the air, and it smelled disgusting. At this point, Freman's face changed drastically, and he shouted into the wireless headset.

"What's the matter with Team One? Why didn't any news come back?"

"What are you doing? Answer my question!"

"The **** Second Squad stopped attacking and pull me down now."

No one in the headset answered Freman's question, and screams came, making Freman's face more serious.

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