Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3578: No emergency person

The punishment for Perod is what Freman meant, and no one can ever change his decision.

At this time, who came to intercede, and ended up being punished along with him. Perrod didn't want to hurt other brothers because of his own fault.

"Don't tell me anymore. This time I did something wrong. I should accept the punishment. If you have to follow along, there is no need to die for this kind of thing."

Perod was tied to the pole. With what Freman had said before, no one continued to step forward to plead for Perod.

"Still watching what to do here, quickly put the pole up for me, waiting for me to find someone to do it?"

A few people had no choice but to step forward, leaning on the pole and standing in the pit with reinforcements around.

The former deputy of the Flame Mercenary Corps was punished just because he disobeyed Freman's orders.

Freeman thought he was right. He was punishing the traitors of the mercenary group. By the way, he could also sound the alarm for others.

But I don't know how many people's hearts have been hurt because of Perod. They were following Perod and didn't want to see such a scene.

They had to leave one after another, leaving Perod hung on the pole alone, waiting for the sun.

Fortunately, it was already twilight at this moment, and it would be better after the sun went down. Freman ordered Perod to hang on the flagpole for seven days.

If you don't eat or drink for seven days, even a normal person can't stand it. What's more, if you are **** to bask in the sun, a person will be dried up within seven days.

"Perrod, do you think you are wrong?"

Standing in front of the flagpole, Freman asked Perod for the last time. This answer determined Perod's life and death.

If Perod asked for mercy in front of him, he would consider forgiving Perod this time and let him be an ordinary member of the mercenary group.

"The general has reached such a point. I know that my approach to the mercenary group is indeed wrong this time, but deep down in my heart, I don't feel that I'm at fault."

"Okay! As expected of the person I chose, the bones are still so hard!"

This is not the answer Freeman wanted. He turned around and walked towards his residence. In his heart, this Perod had become a dead person.

"Then you can enjoy it, the last few days of your life, I want to see how hard a person like you can last for a few days."

No mercy, even the life and death brothers on the battlefield of the past ended up like this.

Perrod really gave up his heart to Freman, such a person is not worthy of his own life, just as this time, repaid Freman's kindness.

He didn't know that after he left Xu Qiang's residence, two people followed and sneaked into it quietly, not even those responsible for alerting.

Duan Zhisheng and Zhan Spear were appointed by Xiao Yi to find a way to save Perod.

The best thing is that Freman can be merciful and find a place to lock up people. If they are shot directly, the two of them will be late.

"How? Did anyone find it?"

Duan Zhisheng asked Zhan Spear Road. The two people had previously turned the place into two areas and separated them to find Perod's trace.

After some searching, Duan Zhisheng found nothing. He didn't find the trace of that person. It should be that War Spear has gained something.

"found it!"

Warspear took off his mask, and he dressed himself like a member of the mercenary group, so that the internal activities of the mercenary group would not attract other attention.

"Oh? Where? Is the person alive?"

"Well! He's still alive, but he's sentenced to death."

"What does this mean?"

Only in this camp, War Spear found where Perod was and was hung on a pole.

After inquiring about the news, Freeman was really cruel to deal with Perod.

A map was unfolded, where the situation of the station was marked, and the middle position was marked with a special mark.

"This Perod is in this position. When I found him, this guy was hung on a pole, and Freman ordered him to be exposed for seven days."

"Seven days? I'm a good boy."

Duan Zhisheng is a cultivator. After he came to this mercenary battlefield, the hot environment here, even people like him could not stand for a long time.

Normal people cannot move outside at noon. They can only hide in a cool place and wait for the temperature to drop.

Now this Freeman has hung people on the poles and has to dry them for seven days. To put it bluntly, this kind of punishment is better than killing people directly.

"For seven days, let alone the moisture in the body, even the bones have been dried. This Freman is really cruel."

War Spear can also be regarded as seeing the face of this Freeman, and the people who treat him are so cruel, it can be seen how bad the character of this Freeman is.

The mercenary group is not formed solely by profit. The reason why many people follow the mercenary group is because their captain has a special personality charm.

The leader of the mercenary group is where the soul is. Presumably the previous Perod followed Freeman, and he was also attracted by some place.

But now it has fallen to this end, such a result is really embarrassing.

"There was news circulating in the camp, it seems that Freman knew. This Perrod had previously informed us, so in Freman's eyes, this person became a traitor to the mercenary group."

"He didn't reveal any important news. Besides, Xiao Yi didn't let the mercenary group retreat as this person said."

Duan Zhisheng thought that if this Perrod really convinced Xiao Yi, it would have avoided the tragic battle before.

He didn't need to suffer such a loss as Freeman. Now it seems that Freeman intends to buckle all this culprit on Perrod's head.

"What do you think we should do now? The captain said that it would be of great use to find a way to bring this deputy back."

Zhan Spear was asking Duan Zhisheng's opinion. If he wanted to save people, he could be rescued right now.

With the strength of two people, there is no pressure to take one person away, but Duan Zhisheng at this time has other thoughts in his heart.

"Don't worry!"

Duan Zhisheng didn't rush to act. Since this time he is here, he can simply stay for a while.

"Let this guy get more exposure on the pole."

"Huh? What is this, what if someone dies?"

"You can't die for a day or two. He chose to come back and rejected Xiao Yi's proposal. Naturally, he has to pay for the decision he made."

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