Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3581: Forced sale

Things are really good, and the firearms just developed in a certain country are in Jock's hands.

Freman was greedy for this batch of arms, but Jok the Lion opened his mouth, and it was horrible to ask for the price.

The price is twice as high as the price on the black market, which is difficult for Freman to accept.


The mercenary group also needs to live, and everything must be carefully planned. He can't put such a large sum of money in the arms business.

"I said Mr. Jock, if your shipment is more than 8 million yuan, I will definitely not refuse, and this shipment is very timely for me."

"Listening to your tone of voice, is this plan to reject my business?"

"I can't accept the price you proposed, so I hope Mr. Jock can adjust this number down so that our business will cooperate for a long time in the future."

Freeman could go to talk business with that Drake before, or talk about prices at the arms dealer, but the people he met this time were different.

Jock knew that General Edward's arms business was handed over to Xiao Yi to take care of it. From now on, it would not be so easy to buy suitable arms on the mercenary battlefield over there.

Only his own hands control the arms sales, so Jock didn't mind having a business friend missing, and smiled a few times while holding the phone.

"If you don't have the strength to come up with this money, then I can only say sorry, I will sell this batch of goods to other people."

Freman was suffocating his anger, it was like sucking human blood, it really was the rumored Jock.

Doing business with this kind of person, you won't even have your turn for the last residue. Jock knows that this price is not acceptable to Freman for a while.

"I can remind you that in the future, if your mercenary group wants to buy arms from me, the price will double this number."


"As a general of the mercenary group, you should understand that my Jock has this strength. Don't blame me for not warning you in advance. I was originally a businessman."

Clenching his fist, Freeman didn't expect that he would be forced to this point, except for that Xiao Yi.

Anyway, he was also a general of a mercenary group, so he was so controlled by others. After thinking for a while, Freeman made a decision in his heart.

In order for the mercenary group to develop for a long time in the future, he can only choose to agree to this Jock's request and keep this batch of arms at this price.

"Okay! Mr. Jock counts me as planted this time. I want all the goods you brought, and the money will be transferred to you immediately."

Freeman was very unwilling, but he did not dare to offend Jock and set himself up such an enemy.

Jok dared to openly do arms business here, which shows that Jok does have some means. Few people can compete with Edward in business.

Fourteen million. He can buy the same two batches of arms at the same price, but he has to suffer such a big loss here.

Jock smiled on the phone, as long as he had the goods in his hand, he could control a person like Freman.

Soon, according to the account that the other party said, he credited the account with 14 million U.S. dollars in payment and purchased this batch of arms.

"Hehe... I have received the money. We will cooperate happily in the future. This business will be a good start."

Jock hung up the phone, Freeman raised his fist and slammed his fist on the table with resentment, wishing to kill Jock now.

Not to mention losing the battle, but also at such a time when I was so frustrated, I felt so angry but there was no place to vent.

"Damn it!"

Fortunately, this batch of purchased arms was all that Freman wanted, and he arranged for someone to accept the goods.

All the goods have been moved to the warehouse, and someone is responsible for guarding them. This is more than ten million dollars in arms, and how many bounty tasks can be earned.

Just when Freeman was angry about this, suddenly his cell phone rang and took a look.

There was a message on the phone indicating that the account had arrived, reminding Freman that a sum of 8 million US dollars of funds had arrived.

He has a good memory, staring at the end number of the account that was transferred, he immediately thought of who this account belongs to.

"How is this going?"

Back in the room, Freeman picked up the phone and dialed a number.

The people on the phone seemed to be waiting for Freeman, knowing that at this time, Freeman would call.

Jock answered the phone in a hurry, and he could even guess what Jock would say to him next.

"What's the matter with Freman? Isn't there any dissatisfaction with this batch of arms that I sent?"


"What do you mean?"

Freeman can remember correctly, the account that transferred the money to him was the one that he used to send Jock to.

Originally, it was 14 million U.S. dollars, but Jock refunded him another 8 million, but left 6 million U.S. dollars.

The price is the same as in the black market. He doesn't understand what Jock really wants to do and what his intentions are.

"Why did you only collect six million dollars and why did you refund me eight million dollars?"

"Oh... It turns out you were talking about this. I thought about it and wanted to charge you the market price. This first deal will be regarded as making friends with you."

What Jock said about making friends, Freman would not even believe the punctuation marks. A businessman like Jock would eat people without spitting out bones.

I wish that all the money in your pocket would go to him. He would not expect him to be kind.

Freeman is not a fool, he knows that Jock will do this, there must be his intentions, but Freeman still doesn't know what he is doing.

"Make friends? Mr. Jock, you should know what kind of world I am in. There can be no word "friend" in the first place, and some are just relations of interests."

In the mercenary world, don't believe anyone except yourself, including members of the mercenary group.

Because Freman has money to earn with him, these talents will be desperate. If Freman loses, maybe the next second will be the wall and everyone will push.

There are also those allies on the battlefield. The front feet are friends with you, and the back feet will immediately stabb you in the back for reasons of interest.

Freeman knew more about this kind of things, and Jock was talking about friends with him, which was a huge joke.

"Mr. Jock, just tell me what you want. I guess the eight million dollars you returned to me is not so easy for me to hold."

Freman bluntly said that Jock had planned to go around again, but this Freman saw through his intentions and directly opened the skylight to speak brightly.

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