Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3584: Power struggle

From the time Xiao Yi met Natasha, to later let Natasha investigate many things and leave it to you.

Natasha did not refuse almost every time, and Xiao Yi was very satisfied with the final result. Natasha's strength should not be underestimated.

But this time there was an unexpected situation. On the phone, Natasha told Xiao Yi clearly that she should never continue to investigate.

Xiao Yi could think of Natasha's serious expression through the phone. He wondered if there was any special situation inside, and asked.

"Natasha did you have any trouble?"

"Xiao Yi is not like this. If you ask me to help investigate other things, I will not refuse. Only in this matter, I am sorry that I am not able to do it."

It was this new arms dealer who was so powerful that Natasha did not dare to offend.

The business of underground news is shameless. The reason why we are in peace is because Victor has created a perfect system.

Different people in this system play different roles and are responsible for collecting information for this system. As long as they want to know, they can all check it out.

With this network of connections, Victor firmly sits in the first position, there is no underground intelligence system, more perfect than his.

But the prerequisite for doing this kind of business is not to touch the other party's interests, before the other party's strength is stronger than you.

Before Xiao Yi asked Natasha to investigate the Mafia, Natasha told Xiao Yi the specific information, but only this time, she could not reveal to Xiao Yi the news about the arms dealer.

At this point, it can be seen that the strength of this newly emerged arms dealer is higher than that of the Mafia.

The more mysterious he said that, Xiao Yi became more interested in this arms dealer, he would not be here to embarrass Natasha.

"Well, I see. I just called to confirm. If there is no connection between this matter and Edward, then I can rest assured."

"Although I can't tell you Xiao Yi, what is the origin of this arms dealer and what kind of news it has, but I can tell you another point."

Natasha felt that she owed Xiao Yi's favor, so she tried her best to help Xiao Yi, and by the way gave Xiao Yi a reminder.

A new arms dealer has appeared on the mercenary battlefield, and he can compete with Edward in power. I don't know what changes will be brought to the mercenary world in the future.

Judging from the goal of this person's cooperation, it shouldn't be a good kind, deliberately causing war.

"The first collaborator of this arms dealer is Jock of the Jock family!"

"It turned out to be him!"

Xiao Yi hasn't heard Jock's name for a long time, since he caused Jock a lot of trouble last time.

Joke faded out of Xiao Yi's world. When he heard it again, Joke had become the second big boss of arms sales here.

He just arranged for Xu Qiang to take over the arms business here and at the same time get on the ship Edward.

In a blink of an eye, a Jock appeared, clearly intending to grab business with him, and the grievances between the two did not end.

"Unexpectedly, this Jock would have the courage to do business in arms."

"Xiao Yi, have you forgotten? The former Jock approached the Mafia people to be able to do arms business."

Natasha reminded him that Xiao Yi was really about to forget that there was such a thing.

At the time, Jock met the superstar Sophie from a magazine in China.

Knowing the hobbies of the Mafia man, he invited Sophie to go on a cruise in his own name.

Su Fei'er couldn't help but had to agree to this request, but fortunately, Xiao Yi was accompanied at that time.

Sure enough, after this Jock exposed his original purpose, Xiao Yi started to kill one of the mafia bosses, so he also formed a grudge with Jock.

"No wonder he was robbing me of business as soon as he appeared, because he was planning to find me to avenge him."

"So I remind you, Xiao Yi, you must be careful of this Jock, especially this time Jock found the backer."

Natasha said, a Jock is very difficult to deal with, plus the mysterious power behind Jock.

The current Jock and Xiao Yi are against each other, and she has this ability. She told the news of Jock to make Xiao Yi pay more attention.

She knew exactly what the emergence of the arms dealer meant, and when she was born, she and Edward had the strength to compete.

"Thank you for your reminder, I will pay attention."

Xiao Yi hung up the phone. He believed that Edward's character would not cooperate with him while still doing this kind of business secretly.

Sure enough, as I thought, the arms that War Spear said were not made by Edward. Another arms dealer appeared here.

After thinking of this, Xiao Yi felt that it was necessary to contact Edward, maybe Edward would find something.

Among the Edward family, he was sitting on the sofa in the living room reading a newspaper after dinner.

Classical castle architecture, living in it makes people feel like they are back to the Middle Ages. Having eaten dinner every day, reading newspapers here for a while has become Edward's habit.

At this moment, a mysterious guest came to Edward's private residence.

Uninvited visits are basically the end of being turned away.

But this person showed something that the butler had to consider carefully and needed to find Edward himself.

"Go tell your Patriarch, that a friend wants to see him, if he doesn't have time, just show him this thing."

This is a young man, estimated to be around 30 years old, and his face is gloomy, especially his eyes, which is really scary.

A black card was handed over in his hand. It was just an ordinary bank card. The color of the bank card was black, and the face of the card was a skull pattern.

The housekeeper once saw this kind of card in the hands of homeowner Edward. Holding this kind of card means that his assets exceed trillions of dollars.

Holders of this kind of bank card can spend anywhere in the world, and do not need to pay the bill. The bank is responsible for everything on the account.

A symbol of nobility and wealth, the butler never thought that he would have the opportunity to see it twice.

Edward only passed the application at the beginning of this year and received this global limited edition bank card.

There are several stars on the card, one star represents the lowest level, and the highest level is five stars. The butler has just heard of it and has never seen it.

And at this moment, the card passed by this person actually has three stars on it. What does this mean? It means that the strength of this person is higher than that of the Edwardian family.

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