Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3592: Forced to surrender

The gun was loaded and after the first shot at Freman and the others, the others became angry, even if it was your flame mercenary group.

It was your provocation first. We belonged to the legitimate defense. Now we can't shoot too much.

Freeman had thought about it, first took people in to arrest people, and waited until afterwards to explain to this mercenary group. ,

With the current status of the flame mercenary group, they have this ability, but they did not expect that these people will directly fire at them.

Several cars were beaten into sieves, and the person driving inside was also severely injured. Someone immediately shot back.

When the situation was chaotic, I didn't know that the more he fought back, the more chaotic he was. Soon these people from the Flame Mercenary Group became one with each other.

Even if the members of the Flame Mercenary Corps are strong in combat, this time they broke into the other side's premises, how could they withstand such an attack.

They didn't have any reinforcements, but the other side launched a steady stream of attacks, which made Freman into a weak situation.

Soon Freman realized that if he continued to fight like this, he was afraid that he would also die here.

"Stop the attack!"

Freeman ordered that the others did not understand what Freeman's order meant.

It is obvious that the other party is attacking them now, if you don't fight back, can you just wait for death here?

"General, one of us is dead. We can't stop at this moment. They took the initiative to shoot."

"Idiots don't understand now? There are too many of them, and we can't compete with them at all. If we continue to fight, we will all die!"

Suppressing the impulse of these people, Freeman had no choice but to open the window of the car at this time and raised a white flag.

Although he wanted to shoot back, life-saving is now the most important thing. Freeman raised the white flag for the first time.

The mercenaries stationed in the camp, when they saw the white flag, even if they were angry, they stopped attacking at this time.

"They surrendered with the white flag."

"I thought that his flame mercenary group was really invincible and invincible, so he would raise his hand and surrender."

The leader of the mercenary, leading people forward, pointed his gun at Freman's car.

Once the other party has any unusual behavior, he will immediately choose to shoot and kill all these people at any cost.

Earlier they heard a voice saying that Freman was going to encircle them, but now they have only seen twelve vehicles, and the twelve vehicles wanted to destroy their mercenary group with more than six hundred.

I don't know if it was Freman's brainless or too arrogant. In short, they are now standing in the perspective of the winner.

"Get off! Throw away the weapons in your hands and raise your hands!"

Freeman was a hundred unconvinced, so he could only take people out of the car and threw his weapon aside.

A total of 31 people in the twelve vehicles were shot dead, and four of them were injured to varying degrees.

The two were seriously injured, fearing that they could not sustain it. After getting off the car, the leader of the mercenary group saw Freman's figure.

He knew Freeman, and stared at Freeman's figure in surprise.

"General Freeman, I didn't expect you to be here. You are really arrogant. With your people, do you want to destroy us?"

The leader of the mercenary group said that Freyman had also become their defeat this time, and it seemed that the flame mercenary group had really poor combat effectiveness.

"What? Where did you hear that I want to kill you?"

Freman's face was foggy, what is going on, Freman came to find someone, and when did he say this.

It is not easy to destroy a mercenary group. Before that, adequate plans must be made, the deployment of arms, and the deployment of combat personnel.

These must not be wrong, even if Freeman is arrogant in nature, it is impossible to act rashly and do such a stupid thing.

The leader of the mercenary group captured Freeman, but he couldn't decide on the matter, so he contacted the captain of the mercenary group and asked him to make his decision.

"What do you mean? Freman, are you saying I'm wronging you?"

"Well, I won't care about this with you. Let me see your captain. This requirement can be done."

Freeman is a general of the Flame Mercenary Corps, even if they are caught, they dare not embarrass.

You must know that if you kill Freeman, you will be faced with the revenge anger of a mercenary group, and at this time, the leader of the mercenary group can also see that there seems to be something hidden in this matter.

So Freman was taken to a tent with the captain of the mercenary group in it, waiting for Freman's explanation.

Freeman was searched again and confirmed that he was not carrying any dangerous tools before letting him in.

"General Freeman, your people openly broke into my station and attacked us. The flame mercenary group is really powerful, so is it so defiant?"

"You mean, my people shot first?"

"Isn't it? There was a jeep you painted the icon of your flame mercenary group before. After breaking in, it directly fired at our people. There seems to be no grievance between you and me?"

The captain of the mercenary group asked, when he heard this, Freeman seemed to understand something.

No wonder these people, when they saw them, they chose to shoot without hesitation. It turned out to be such a thing.

"This is a misunderstanding. A traitor appeared in my resident. I hung up the traitor and exposed it. As a result, this traitor had his own internal response."

Freyman explained what happened in the resident to the captain of the mercenary group, and it was not that he attacked here.

The other party thought about it carefully, but what Freman said was somewhat true, even if Freman did it on him, he didn't need to go to the battle himself.

Twelve chariots rushed over like this, it was almost like death, Freeman added immediately.

"I'm tracking the traitor, and that traitor has arrived at your station. To save time, I thought about waiting to explain to you afterwards. I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Freeman hated that the person who rescued Perrod had thought of this way to block his tracking. ,

It is simply despicable to get home, and effortlessly killed his own people, and also used the power of other people to block their tracking.

"It turns out that this is the case. I didn't expect that a traitor would also appear under your Freeman's hands. If you say so, this matter is a misunderstanding."

"It's purely a misunderstanding. If I want to do something to you, I won't just bring this person over, **** traitor, I will definitely not spare him."

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