Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3596: The beginning of the turmoil

"Captain, I didn't send any further words."

Warspear stopped and said that the city was divided into three areas.

Among them, near the pier, there are ordinary people who are not rich, but can live a good life.

They rely on their own hard work to make money, although under the squeeze of capitalists, the wages given to them are pitiful, and they have no choice.

To be able to find a lucrative job, you have to find a foreman with a backing, otherwise such a manual job will not fall on them.

The foreman used Hua Xia's term. They were in the local area, and they were fairly capable people, similar to those gang bosses who were on the road.

They are responsible for collecting laborers and assigning them to the dock to work.

From this, you can get rewards in the hands of capitalists. In addition, these workers, for every tribute earned, one third of them need to be turned over to the hands of these foremen.

Some other people living here, capitalist businessmen, control the flow of trade here, and they control more than 90% of the wealth.

Although the buying and selling of slaves in this kind of place is not something to do in the face, these rich and rich people never put this in their eyes. Every place where the rich live has their own slaves.

The third type is people living in slums. They have no money to hand over to the foreman and cannot get a job. They can only rely on picking up trash or doing scattered work to earn a pitiful little money.

War Spear drove past the slums, and after passing through a barbed wire fence, the scene in front and the slums had a difference between heaven and earth.

The slums are dilapidated, but the house in front is luxuriously built. A barbed wire fence and an artificial river separate the areas where the two live, and live the lives of different people between each other.

"The gap between rich and no money is so obvious in this kind of place."

Xiao Yi got out of the car and walked to the front. He was going to talk to Edward. Edward had a private residence in this place.

People who are too kind will definitely not be able to live here. Seeing these sights is enough to make you cry.

"It's all illegal arms business that will lead to such consequences. They originally had their own residences, and they still work hard at farming. At least they can live a peaceful life."

"What does this mean?"

"Captain, you don't know. Apart from these rich people living here, most people are actually ordinary people in the mercenary battlefield."

Zhan Spear explained that there was no such thing as a mercenary battlefield before, but because of the emergence of war, a mercenary business was opened.

In order to suppress their opponents, the forces of all parties had to spend money to hire mercenaries to assist in the fight and help them win the war.

"In order to be the boss, different forces continue to spend money to hire mercenaries. This has formed a vicious circle."

As a result, the place where people lived was ravaged by the war, and in order to survive, they had to leave their hometown and leave their place of life.

"Ordinary people can only choose to flee if they want to survive, so they are all concentrated in this place, and the purpose is to live."

"It seems that this arms business should be abolished."

Xiao Yi sighed. He chose to cooperate with Edward in the arms business this time. He didn't know what impact this decision would have.

Warspear had been a mercenary, and had been here before, and lived for a while.

They have a thorough understanding of the inside information here, said Zhan Spear and Xiao Yi.

"Captain, you are so naive, how can those businessmen give up such a huge profit in the arms business."

If you have money, don't make a bastard, China has such a saying.

As long as there is interest, these capitalists can be driven crazy, Zhanspear then said.

"In the past, the underground arms business, I heard those who came over said that it was crazier than this. The Edward family made a lot of money and the general arms business continued to expand. At that time, the mercenary battlefield was much larger than this time."

Zhan Spear's father is a mercenary. He embarked on the path of being a mercenary, and he was following in his father's footsteps.

"Later I don't know why, more than 20 years ago, Edward suddenly made a decision to reduce his lucrative arms business to the current level."

Many people don't understand this matter. Edward is a businessman, how could a businessman give up the benefits he got.

Xiao Yi knew that the inside story was that his father had talked with Edward once, and he had to change his business rules.

Since then, Edward has also realized his mistake. The businessman really needs to make money, but he cannot base his own money on the suffering of others.

"Just take it once, Captain, you have confirmed with Edward that this time another arms dealer has emerged in the mercenary world, and the goals of his cooperation are very wide."

War Spear said here that once the arms business proliferates again, the forces of various mercenaries will be rekindled and put on the battlefield again.

"The original rules set by the mercenary world will inevitably be broken due to this impact. For the Cold Sword Mercenary Group, this is an important opportunity."

The Cold Sword Mercenary Corps created by Xiao Yi, War Spear I believe it will be able to go on. As for where it can go in the end, War Spear cannot jump to conclusions.

"In addition to these, some of the newly emerging arms dealers and cooperating targets, some of them are the captain's opponents."

"You mean, this new arms dealer is here for me?"

"Although it's just a guess, I don't think there is no such possibility. If you are not against the captain, then why do you have to seize the arms business with Edward?"

Zhan Spear and Xiao Yi were talking about these things on the road as they walked. Xiao Yi gradually got an eyebrow in his heart. Indeed, Zhan Spear was right. The first thing this arms dealer did when he appeared, the spear was straight.

The match was aimed at him.

Where these rich people live, it is forbidden to travel with all vehicles. Of course, this rule is for other people and there are no restrictions on the rich.

They can only follow this rule, walking on the road, passing through the set of checkpoints, and then come to a white private villa.

This is Edward's residence. Edward will not come here for almost a year, unless there is a special business that requires him to come and go out in person.

Most of the other time, the villa was handed over to servants to take care of it. This time it was a special situation. It was necessary for Edward to come to Xiao Yi personally to discuss it in person.

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