Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3610: Expedient

A great battle destroyed Edward's private villa, and the good residence became the current ruins.

Looking back at these, one can imagine how fierce the battle was just now, that is, the master can burst out such strength.

"Hey... This requires an explanation from Edward."

Looking at the time, it is reasonable to say that Edward at this time is on the way to dare to come.

Xiao Yi took out the phone to contact Edward. Edward happened to be in the car. He asked Xiao Yi this time to discuss important matters.

"What's wrong with Xiao Yi? My housekeeper arranged it in advance. You should be waiting for me while drinking tea in my villa, right."

"In fact, I told you about this. When we meet tonight, I think we should talk about it in another place."

"What do you mean by this? I'm almost here, and let's talk about my own private villa, don't you look down on it?"

Looking up at the bright moon in the sky, Xiao Yi let out a helpless laugh.

"It's really good, but your villa is leaking."

"Weird weird don't know what you are talking about, I have already arrived."

Edward's driver drove the car outside the villa. Originally, at this time, the lights in the villa should be brilliant.

Even if they don't live, those servants are paid that salary, and they will take care of everything in the villa.

But what is going on with this black light? The important thing is that there are no security guards outside the door, which is really outrageous.

Thinking of what Xiao Yi said earlier, thinking that the people here were not attentive to service, this angered Xiao Yi.

When the car drove into the courtyard of the villa, the driver felt something was wrong, and he turned to Edward Road.

" seems something has happened here."

The car drove into the front, and the power supply here was paralyzed because of a fault in the power supply line.

Only the tools for emergency lighting were left, and Xiao Yi and Wan Yanlie had just fought, and the explosion shock broke the drainage pipe under the ground.

Many places under the ground are spraying water, but this is where Edward invested tens of millions of dollars in construction, how did it become such a virtue.

"What is going on here?"

Edward frowned, and the two military vehicles behind him stood in front of Edward.

Obviously, this is a sign of some impulse. If the danger is still at this time and hurts Edward, all of them will have to be buried.

After Xiao Yi hung up the phone, he knew that Edward was coming, so he walked to the entrance of the villa and waited.

When he saw a vehicle approaching, he walked toward the people who were protecting Edward's safety, jumped out of the car, and pointed their guns at Xiao Yi.

"Stop and don't move!"

"Raise your hands and lie on the side to explain your identity."

Anyone who sees such a scene will surely become suspicious and become vigilant.

Xiao Yi understood what these people were doing. He spoke to the car in front of him.

"Mr. Edward, I said that I would meet in another place, so I'm right."

After hearing Xiao Yi's voice, Edward put down his guard and pushed the car door and walked down.

He signaled his own person to put down the gun, and there is no need to worry about safety if Xiao Yi is here, he walked in front of Xiao Yi a few steps.

Looking around, he was originally used to entertain guests, but the place where he lived has become a ruin.

The house fell...

"If you remember correctly, I contacted the person in charge here before, and they arranged for us to meet and chat tonight. Why is my residence like this?"

Edward said hello with a full face, who was so courageous and dared to demolish his place.

"I'm sure it was good when I came, but something happened in the middle, so it became like this here."

"It seems that we really need to talk to another place."

From the look in Xiao Yi's eyes, it was obvious that what happened here before was not easy. You need to find a safer place and sit down and talk.

I got into Edward's car and stayed in Edward's car without going anywhere this time for safety.

This car has been specially modified to withstand the impact of the rocket bomb, plus many people around Edward are protecting his safety.

Talking about some private topics couldn't be more appropriate. After the car drove out for a while, Edward kept enduring his inner doubts.

"Xiao Yi, you can tell me now, what happened and why my private villa seemed to be demolished."

"Even if you don't need to ask, I will tell you that this happened because of me. If I said it was because of the fighting between two people that destroyed your residence, would you believe it?"

This problem itself is problematic. Normal people can believe that two people can demolish a complex building.

Edward looked at Xiao Yi with a very special look. He knew that Xiao Yi didn't like to make jokes, especially when faced with such serious problems.

But Xiao Yi's expression told him that what he said was true at this time, and he let out an exclamation.

"You mean, you fought with other people and demolished my house by the way?"

"It can be understood that, to be precise, this time I met a special expert, who is completely different from those before. He can suppress me in terms of strength."

Xiao Yi concealed a part of what had happened before and told Edward, without explaining the origin and identity of the Black Dragon clan. Even if they were told to Edward, they were of no use.

Edward only needs to know that Xiao Yi caused a big trouble this time, and even he couldn't protect Xiao Yi's thoroughness in this trouble.

After hearing what Xiao Yi said, Edward frowned. No wonder he had just negotiated with Xiao Yi about the cooperative arms business. In a flash, a mysterious boss appeared and told him to intervene in this matter.

It turned out that the goal of all this was directed at Xiao Yi, which was the same as he had guessed, so it didn't feel strange at the moment.

"It turned out to be like this. It seems that even you have been involved in this trouble this time. Sure enough, you kid, no matter where you go, will cause trouble."

"It doesn't matter to me. There is a saying in China that if there are more lice, it is not ticklish. There are more people in this world who want me to die. It doesn't matter if I have one or two more."

"This is clearly a matter of life and death. It is so easy to say, I really don't know what you are thinking in your mind."

Edward admired Xiao Yi's free and easy, and he could sit there peacefully when the sky fell, without taking it seriously.

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