Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3622: The most failed father

Since Xiao Qian chose to stand on their side this time, Xiao Huaixin was telling Xiao Qian this important news.

In the line of the Xiao clan, it is a thing to celebrate. If Xiao Yi also lives in the clan, the moment his daughter is born, the entire Xiao clan will celebrate it.

It's just because of Xiao Yi's special status that he couldn't enjoy the glory brought by the Xiao Clan. He has always lived alone.

Hearing the news, Xiao Qian wore a gray beard. This news was the good news he had heard over the years, and few of them could make him happy.

Now that Xiao Yi has a child of his own, their lineage continues to be passed on. Compared with other things, this incident can inspire Xiao Qian.

"Is this true? Xiao Yi has a child of his own, a boy or a girl?"

"It's a daughter. At present, the two of them, mother and son, live in the place I arranged. There are people taking care of them in life, so there is no need to worry.

"Good daughter, good daughter!"

Xiao Qian said the same sentence several times in succession, always saying that his daughter is good.

He also wanted a daughter at the beginning, but he was destined to have five sons. According to benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and faith, he took one of the words for each of the five sons.

I think that when the child grows up in the future, he can truly achieve the same five words, and the five brothers can always live in harmony.

This was not wasting his thoughts, but in the end, the brothers turned into enemies, and even staged a scene of brothers fighting each other.

If you have a daughter among your own children, it will be fine. The daughter does not need to fight for these, she will share the pain with her.

"If you have time, you will bring them, mother and son, to see me. The place where I live is lifeless, except for my old man living in it, it's almost the same as the graveyard of the dead."

Xiao Qian had to admit that he was really old. Being old is not just about age, but the most important thing is a person's mentality.

Whenever the subordinates retreat, only Xiao Qian is left in the house. He deeply feels what it means to be alone.

According to common sense, when he was his age, it was time to enjoy the happiness of family.


The struggle between several children was constantly staged in front of him.

Not to mention the happiness of family, there is not even a person who can speak intimate words beside Xiao Qian. When sitting in the room every day, Xiao Qian will reflect on himself.

What did he do in his entire life? Looking back and thinking about the things he had done, Xiao Qian let out a sigh.

"What you said earlier is correct. As the patriarch of the Xiao family, I can be worthy of the whole clan, but as a father, I am the least qualified."

Xiao Huaixin was just an angry remark that day. For the second brother's matter, he wanted to find Xiao Qian to preside over justice.

But his father didn't pay attention to this matter. The death of the second brother really seemed to be an accident. From that day on, Xiao Huaixin hated Xiao Qian's incompetence.

Even if he couldn't manage his own home, there was no face to face his people, Xiao Huaixin smiled lightly.

"When it starts, you also know to sit down, calmly think about the things you have done, and know that you are an unqualified father."

"I know I've been ashamed of you all these years, but Huaxin, you have thought about it, in fact, among the brothers, you and I are in the same situation."

Xiao Qian had the same attitude towards every son, but these children did not understand his intentions.

He didn't expect everyone to understand that what he had to face was the survival of the Xiao Clan, and the face that the Xiao Clan had always maintained.

Xiao Huaixin seemed to be a little confused, what did his father mean by this sentence, and why he brought the topic to himself again.

"Don't understand what I mean? I know that you were to protect your woman, so I had to drive him out of Xiao's house. When she left, there was already a child in her belly."

"I did this, but I didn't regret it. If she stayed, it would be dangerous."

"I don't know if danger is not dangerous, but as a father, have you ever asked about your children?"

A word made Xiao Huaixin unable to answer. He turned around and looked at Xiao Qian, opening his mouth to speak, but he didn't know where the words started.

It is true that he is not a qualified father. He had to drive his wife away, but for so many years, he has never asked a word about his children.

"If the woman from the Jiang family gave birth to a child, the child would have been sixteen or seventeen years old, but she had never seen her biological father when she was sixteen or seventeen."

"do not talk!"

Xiao Huaixin interrupted Xiao Qian's words. No one mentioned it. It's okay. When someone talked about it in front of him, a sense of guilt suddenly rose in Xiao Huaixin's heart.

I have been suppressing this longing for many years, not wanting to disrupt my future plans because of my wrong actions.

"Now I don't have the face to meet them. If I meet her, will Xiao Huaili let me go?"

Xiao Huaixin smiled. With such a smile, he seemed to be a lunatic at this moment.

Turning to look at a mirror, the self in the mirror is no longer the vigorous young man back then, and gray hair began to appear on the sideburns.

Even if you want to go back to the past, there is no such opportunity.

"Do you think it's easy for me to pretend to be crazy and stupid in front of Xiao Huaili all the time? Xiao Huaili has been suspicious of me many times, sending people to try to test whether I have really changed or is pretending."

These things have never been mentioned to anyone, even Xiao Qian is the same. He has never revealed any news and does not know what kind of environment Xiao Huaixin lives in.

"He moved his hands and feet in the medicine I drank, deliberately using the power of the medicine to destroy my meridians, making me completely unable to practice."

"Help me find those stunning women, do you think it's really for me? His fundamental purpose is to use wine to hollow out my body."

"Every time I am only in the dead of night, I can truly be myself, but even when I sleep at night, I have to keep one eye open."

Xiao Huaixin was talking to Xiao Qian almost in a roaring tone. How could Xiao Qian know these things?

"This is my third brother, the patriarch of the Xiao family. In order to ensure that I live in the Xiao family and will not take the path of Xiao Huaizhi, I have spent a lot of time trying to hide him from the past."

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