Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3632: Will not fail

"No matter how tall and tall the trunk of a tree is, it's just like a dead tree. This understanding is the leaves on the branches. Only when the branches are full of leaves can it prove that the tree is alive."

A very simple analogy, Qinglong immediately understood the meaning of this, and nodded to Xiao Yi.

"I really want to understand."

"This is some of the insights I got when I was breaking through, and I hope it will be useful for you."

"Thank you, Xiao Yi, if it weren't for your prompt reminder, I'm afraid I will enter a big misunderstanding in my cultivation."

Qinglong said gratefully, with this reminder from Xiao Yi, then he also had confidence.

There were a lot of people tonight, but Xiao Yi looked around and couldn't find Suzaku.

In the past, every time he came to Xiaoxiao Villa, Suzaku would always appear in front of him for the first time, this time I don't know why.

He found the three elders and asked casually.

"The third elder, why didn't I see Suzaku? Did she go on the mission?"


The third elder turned and looked at Xiao Yi. The question Xiao Yi asked for a while made him really wonder how to answer it.

Originally planned to talk to Xiao Yi, but the elder Ji Jiangyue said that the two young men, as an old man, should not worry about it.

With a gray beard, the third elder smiled a few times.

"Yes... She is going to perform the task, why do you miss her, Xiao Yi?"

"No! Every time this woman whispers to my ears, I don't see her this time, I really feel a little uncomfortable."

Xiao Yi didn't think too much about it. The Third Elder wouldn't lie. Maybe Suzaku really has an important task and hasn't come back yet.

"When I look back and wait for her to come back, I will go to the girl Suzaku and say, if I have time, let her go to H City to find you."

"No, her mission is also very important."

The third elder didn't know what to say, so he found another topic and put it aside in advance.

Anyway, he is already old. Maybe when he leaves the world with a kick of two legs, it is not his turn to worry about the young man.

This banquet lasted until four o'clock in the morning, and everyone was exhausted, especially the third elder. In order to wait for Xiao Yi to retreat, he waited outside Shimen for a week.

Finally, I saw that Xiao Yi was safe, and I should take a good rest. At the end of the banquet, only Xiao Yi was left.

He walked out of the hall alone and sat in a pavilion, enjoying the night view here.

After drinking and eating, the whole person is much more energetic, and there is no sleepiness at all.

Cicadas screamed, and fireflies flew by Xiao Yi's side, like shooting stars in an instant.

Xiao Yi sat in the pavilion. At this moment, a figure appeared behind Xiao Yi, walked over slowly, and sat down on the side.

"Thank you! This time without you providing me with a place to practice, I wouldn't be able to make such a smooth breakthrough."

Without turning around, Xiao Yi knew who was here, and Ji Jiangyue also did not sleep. At this time, she saw Xiao Yi in the pavilion.

"It's just a small effort. Besides, you can make a breakthrough. This is your own destiny. I haven't done anything."

"I know that you have been thinking of ways to protect my integrity because of the love you had with my father. When my father chose my mother, it must have hurt you."

When Xiao Yi talked to Ji Jiangyue, he could feel the traces of sorrow accumulated in Ji Jiangyue's heart.

Apart from his own father, there is no one who can make Ji Jiangyue like this.

Ji Jiangyue really hated Xiao Yi's father, but this hatred was born out of love.

"It's a thing of the past, Xiao Yi, like your father, you are always surrounded by many women. These women like you. Have you ever thought about how to deal with it in the future."

Xiao Yi could understand that what Ji Jiangyue's words meant was to ask Xiao Yi what he thought, or whether he planned to, just like his father, suddenly cut off contact with other people.

Familiar faces appeared in Xiao Yi's mind. After thinking for a long time, he smiled and said to Ji Jiangyue.

"There is no perfect solution. I don't want to be like my father, letting down the hearts of many women. The big deal is that I just want it all."

"I want it all?"

"Yes, it's not that I can't afford my current strength anyway."

Ji Jiangyue didn't know how to talk to Xiao Yi next, there were three words that he wanted to say.


Such embarrassing words can be said, but for Xiao Yi's situation, asking for everything is the best choice.

Will not disappoint her people's wishes, this seems to be the most suitable choice, Ji Jiangyue looked at the night view at the foot of the mountain.

In the same situation, why didn't I think about it that way, and stubbornly asked the other party to be single-minded, unable to tolerate the existence of other women.

She liked Xiao Huaiyi, and she could not even marry for Xiao Huaiyi, but in this matter, she blocked her own way.

"It is so good, Xiao Yi, you are different from your father, and the women around you are also different from us. I hope you can cherish them and cherish everyone."

"Are you planning to urge marriage?"

"Hehe, I don't mean this, I just want to remind you that if someone is sad and lonely because of you, I will not spare you!"

This was not a joke. Ji Jiangyue issued a warning to Xiao Yi. She didn't specify who it was, but she expected it in her heart.

Xiao Yi didn't speak. Some things weren't spoken out of the mouth and needed actual actions.

"You go back early and rest."

In the early morning, the sun had just climbed the mountain.

Xiao Yi came to the shore alone, and the boatman was already waiting for Xiao Yi's arrival.

He has already made a smooth breakthrough. There is no need to stay in the Xiaoxiao Villa. It is time to go back and have a look. By the way, he can find out where these Black Dragon clans come from.

There are still many things waiting to be solved by himself, Xiao Yi will not stop here, jump on the boat and said to the boatman.

"Let's go! I should go back."

The long boat pole in the boatman's hands pushed against the rocks on the shore, and a small boat swung toward the center of the lake.

When the boat was about to row to the center of the lake, there was fog in front of it, and the fog blocked people's sight.

A figure stood on the mountain peak, looking at the ship going away, and waited until the ship entered the mist and disappeared from the field of vision.

The wind blew gently, and the blue silk on the temples swayed with the wind.

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