Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3634: Welcome to be a guest

"This learning matter is indeed important, but we must also learn to combine work and rest. If I keep fighting like this, I am worried that Xiao Ya will not be able to bear it."

Xiao Yi was just such a relative, and he promised his grandfather that he must take good care of Xiao Ya and not let Xiao Ya be wronged.

"I think you don't need to worry about this. Xiao Ya is not a three-year-old child, so she knows what to do."

Qin Jiaqi understood why Xiao Ya worked so hard, and his brother Xiao Yi could make money so much, so she didn't need to worry about money in this life.

Xiao Ya wanted to use her own efforts to truly realize that she could survive independently without having to worry about Xiao Yi and relying on her own abilities.

"After the college entrance examination is over, I think you should find time to spend more time with Xiao Ya, take her out for travel, and see the world."

"I had this plan before. Now that some important things have come to an end, I can make time for it."

Leaning on the sofa to rest, Xiao Yi is now back to City H, so the eyes that have been paying attention to him from behind should soon surface.

With her eyes closed, Qin Jiaqi did not bother Xiao Yi. At this moment, Xiao Yi expanded the power of the soul, allowing the power of the soul to cover her residence and the surroundings.

With his breakthrough in this realm, the power of the soul has also received a new step. Sitting here at the moment, within a range of no more than ten meters in front of him, he can influence and control the actions of the opponent through the power of the soul.

Even using the power of the soul to destroy the opponent's mind, after being attacked like this, even if he wakes up afterwards, he is afraid that his intelligence will be affected irretrievably.

Such a method is a bit cruel, and it is a bit more cruel than a confidant to kill the other party. Xiao Yi would never use it if he had to.

The spread of the power of the soul, clearly showing the situation around the residence in Xiao Yi's eyes, he could notice any disturbance.

When Xiao Yi returned to City H, the news spread like wildfire, staring at his eyes secretly, revealing the news of Xiao Yi's return.

At this moment, in Xiao Yi's residence, two suspicious-looking men climbed the fence and jumped into the courtyard.

The two easily knocked out the servant who was cleaning in the yard, then stuffed the person into the bushes and quickly changed into the servant's clothes.

All these actions went smoothly, without any procrastination. Soon the two of them came out again and took the tools and pretended to be cleaning.

"Is the message confirmed?"

"It has been confirmed. She sent it out. She has been monitoring the situation here. After Xiao Yi from the Xiao clan returned, he sent back a message as soon as possible."

The two were walking around in Xiao Yi's residence, their direct goal was to find Xiao Yi's place where Xiao Yi lived.

Report the news again, and wait for the orders from the people above. With the skills of the two of them, I am afraid that it will not be so easy to beat Xiao Yi.

Quietly approaching the courtyard, a three-story building went around a corner, avoiding the sight of others.

In order not to cause trouble and smoothly complete the work explained above, they found a suitable angle, holding a telescope in their hands, and observing the situation in the room.

The tempered glass on the floor of the room has a good line of sight, through which you can directly see the situation inside.

They are still fortunate that the people who designed the house here are simply helping them, and they can explore the situation without any effort.

"Found it, he is in the living room."

"I also feel that the news she reported is true. It seems that the law protector's suspicion is wrong, and the young lady did not betray our clan."

The law protector is talking about Wan Yanlie. Because of Liu Siyi's abnormal performance, the people in the tribe are wondering if Liu Siyi and Xiao Yi have been together for a long time, and the two have developed feelings.

The Black Dragon clan and the Xiao clan are not at odds. If this is the case and things are investigated, Liu Siyi will face the cruelest punishment.

"The hatred between our Black Dragon clan and the Xiao clan is deeply rooted in our bones. It is impossible for anyone to fall in love with the Xiao clan."

The two of them were discussing, Liu Siyi must be the same as them, full of hatred towards the Xiao Clan.

Only the blood of the Xiao clan can release the curse on his body, and only in this way can he resolve the grievances accumulated by the Black Dragon clan.

Seeing Xiao Yi in the living room, leaning on the sofa, he was very leisurely, and I didn't know that he had been spotted by others.

"Hello, welcome to my site!"

Attentively observing Xiao Yi's situation, and when he was about to report these to the protector, a voice suddenly appeared in the two of them.

The work of the two people was interrupted, and they looked around and didn't find anyone around. What was the matter with this voice.

"Did you hear anyone talking?"

"Did you hear that too? What is going on? Why does it feel like being by our side?"

An ominous premonition emerged in their hearts that they quickly withdrew their spirits and planned to retreat from this place first.

But I don't know the whereabouts of the two of them. Xiao Yi has already noticed it. If you want to leave here now, how could it be possible without Xiao Yi's consent.

Xiao Yi, who was lying on the sofa, suddenly opened his eyes. Qin Jiaqi in front of him didn't know what had happened, and Xiao Yi appeared at the door of the room.

The naked eye couldn't see how Xiao Yi did it. Soon Xiao Yi came behind the two and chuckled lightly.

"You are really chasing after you, have already reached my territory, you dare to be so arrogant!"

Being able to stare at him at this time, and as soon as he appeared, he came to the door immediately. Apart from the members of the Black Dragon clan, Xiao Yi couldn't think of anyone who could have such a way to reach the sky.

The two of them didn't notice how Xiao Yi appeared. They were still observing Xiao Yi's actions. Xiao Yi was on the sofa in the living room.

In a blink of an eye, they appeared behind them, and immediately they turned around and made an attacking posture.

"You... how did you come here?"

"Could it be that the voice just now was you talking? It was spying on us secretly, it is really despicable!"

Xiao Yi really admires these two people even if he can speak such big words.

Their moves are somewhat similar to the Wanyanlie they encountered earlier, and the same is true for the aura of cultivation.

"Hehe, you two broke into my house, and you even said that I was despicable. Is this the way your Black Dragon clan does things?"

One sentence clarified the identities of the two people, and the law protector had instructed them not to reveal their identity information once their whereabouts were revealed during the action.

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