Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3637: Irresistible entertainment

"As I said, this guy is an alien. The trailers of the TV series have to be broadcast on major TV stations in the prime time period. He doesn't even know it."

Qin Jiaqi followed and said that everyone knew something, Xiao Yi was confused, and really didn't know at all.

"Sister An said that after the fan meeting is over, which is forty minutes, they will come over."

Forty minutes, Xiao Yi just made the meal, and the time was just right.

"It turns out that's the case. I'll go cook first. Will any of you help?"

Several women were very enthusiastic and sat on the sofa in a tacit understanding, watching the latest Korean drama, leaving Xiao Yi into the kitchen alone.

Leaving silently for so many days, and not even saying hello after coming back, this was regarded as punishment for Xiao Yi, let him cook by himself.

Nothing can be solved by a big meal.

Xiao Yi's cooking skills became more and more exquisite. Forty minutes, the table was filled with plates. Every dish was full of color, fragrance, and taste. Smelling the scent of rice made you appetite.

Finally, two soups were simmered on the natural gas stove. When Sophie came over, the soup was almost simmered.

"Well, when Sophie comes over, we can have dinner."

As soon as Xiao Yi's voice fell, Sister An called. Sister An first said sorry to Xiao Yi.

It was originally agreed to eat at Xiao Yi's house today, but at this time something unplanned occurred and had to make adjustments.

"Sister An, is there anything wrong?"

Sister An is Sophie's agent. In terms of social status, she is definitely inferior to Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi is a low-key person and has always called her that way.

"Xiao Yi, let me say sorry to you. In the script that Faye took, one of the sponsors found Faye on a special trip. I can’t refuse to invite Faye for dinner.”

This is the trouble of being stars, because they are public figures and need to deal with different occasions.

Sometimes, even though he knew that the other party had bad intentions, he did not have the right to refuse. Sophie didn't want to participate in this dinner.

She hadn't seen Xiao Yi for a long time, thinking in her heart that she would appear in front of Xiao Yi for the first time, and that someone had to make trouble at this time.

On the one hand, it’s Sister An’s job, on the other hand, the crew also needs to survive. The other party invested a lot of money and called Sophie several times, hoping that Sophie could make the appointment.

"It's okay. Work is the most important thing. If you have anything to do with Sister An, you can call me anytime."

There is something in Xiao Yi's words. He understands the trouble Sophie is facing. There are often some unkind local tyrants, thinking about those nasty things.

Tell Sister An in advance that Xiao Yi will show up if you run into trouble.

"Xiao Yi, I know. When the matter here is over, I immediately took Mayfair over."

Sister An contacted Xiao Yi in advance, and after talking to Xiao Yi, she turned to look at Sophie.

The fan meeting has just ended, this time I want to go out a little easier, it seems unlikely now.

"Maybe, I also know you are embarrassed. This investor is not small, and I have read his information, and his style is more decent, so you will accompany him to dinner and leave immediately after the meal."

The director of the crew has approached her several times, but Sophie really couldn't refuse, so she could only agree.

"Sister An, I know it's not easy for you. After this shooting is over, I plan to formally withdraw from this circle and never step in again."

Sophie is tired, and her biggest dream is to play a TV series in which she is the heroine. Now this dream has also come true.

Next, she intends to withdraw from the inside, and she will not encounter such a difficult choice, and will accompany Xiao Yi wholeheartedly.

Sister An wants to say a few words to stay. Nowadays, when Sophie’s reputation is flourishing, it is an unwise choice to withdraw at this time.

But after thinking about it, Sophie's man is Xiao Yi, and the market value of Tamron Group has reached more than 100 billion.

There is no need to worry about the future life at all, Sophie brought it up by herself and treats Sophie as her own sister.

I'm used to seeing the dirty things in this circle, if I really choose to quit, I will be quiet and don't have to look at other people's faces.

"Well! It's just that when you quit, will you still recognize me as Sister An?"

"Sister An, don't worry, no matter when you are my Sister An, this will not change forever."

Without Sister An’s help and careful care, there would be no Sophie’s today.

To be a man, one must know how to return to Entu.

Xiao Yi put down the phone, and the women still didn't know what happened.

"Sophie has a temporary meal, so I won't come over at noon. Let's eat first."

"Ah...Is she just here?"

"The sponsor of the script, if you want to invite her to dinner, we won't wait here, we all use our chopsticks."

These are things that celebrities often meet. Everyone didn't care. After shopping all morning, I was really hungry.

Especially seeing a table full of dishes, one after another picked up the chopsticks to start, full of praise for Xiao Yi's cooking skills.

Xiao Yi let go of one of the two and destroyed the other's dantian. It would be impossible for him to embark on the path of cultivation in his life.

This person took a letter left by Xiao Yi and disappeared at the end of the street. He wanted to quickly convey this important news to the protector.

On the outskirts of City H, a temple was built on a mountain peak.

Due to inconvenient transportation and the hot weather, few pilgrims come to the temple to burn incense.

The guardian of the temple is an old monk, who usually takes care of the things in the temple. After the temple opened today, the first and only pilgrim was welcomed.

A middle-aged man came to the temple, the temple will not refuse visitors, no matter whether the people are good or bad.

After entering the temple gate and worshiping the Buddha statue for three times, the man lighted three incense sticks and put them in the incense burner.

"This temple is very quiet. If you spend your old age here, it must be a relief."

Wan Yanlie raised his head and looked at the Buddha statue. He has never believed in Buddha. If there is a Buddha, he can show the spirit by worshiping Buddha. The curse on his people has long been lifted.

If you don’t believe in Buddha but enter the land of Buddhism, you will burn a few incense sticks to show your respect.

"The donor's words are very bad. With a pure heart, there is a pure land of bliss in this world. If the heart is not pure, even in the land of Buddhism, it will be difficult to calm down, let alone liberation."

The old monk is over eighty years old. There are many people who have seen him and he has experienced many things. Some pilgrims only need to look at them to know his inner thoughts.

Just like the one in front of him, he could see that in Wan Yanlie's eyes, an unresolvable hatred was brewing.

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