Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3641: Spreader

Wan Yanlie knows how strong his daughter’s personality is.

Even if she is a father, in some cases, she may not be able to convince her.

After all, it was his own flesh and blood. He wouldn't kill Wanyanyu if he didn't have to.

Keeping the daughter will be of great use in the future. The only one who can control the daughter is his wife, who is the daughter's biggest weakness.

Wan Yanlie turned his back to his daughter, and Wan Yanyu stared at him angrily, knowing that his father was not joking, he could do such things.

"Think of your mother. She has been locked in for more than ten years. No one can release her without my permission."

A big living person was kept in a separate room, as if he were in a prison, without even the most basic freedom.

People with weak psychological endurance will really not be able to stand it, and go crazy directly, her mother has been destroyed in the hands of her father.

"If you do anything that leaks the news, I promise to deal with her first. She has lost the value of utilization, and living is a waste."

"No! No, you don't want to kill her."

Wan Yanyu hurriedly said, her mother was pitiful enough.

"I always listen to your arrangements and do things for you, just to let you let her go and let her leave her normal life."

Wan Yanlie turned around and stretched out his hand. What does this mean, the daughter knew in her heart that he didn't need to say more.

After hesitating for a moment, Wan Yanyu returned the key in his hand to her father.

This also means that she chose to give up and will not expose her father's conspiracy.

"It depends on your performance. If you are obedient, I will definitely let her go. You should understand that her life or death depends on your decision."

Unable to escape his father's control, Wanyanyu could only obey his arrangements and continue to become a flag in Wanyanlie's hands, at his mercy.

"I don't care how you look at that Xiao Yi or say you like him. If you violate the taboo in the clan, you are seeking your own death."

As the descendants of the Black Dragon clan, there is no choice of emotion, as long as it is an order to make sacrifices for the people, there should be no hesitation.

"Next I need you to go back and continue to return to Xiao Yi's side. When I catch him smoothly, your mission will be completed."

"Will you kill him?"

"Even if I don't do it, other people in the clan will not let him continue to live."

He personally sent the person he likes to a dead end, Wan Yanyu now feels that his hands are covered with blood.

Thinking of the days when I was with Xiao Yi, I finally had a place like home, but I was about to lose it again. I personally ruined it all.

Don't want to bear to see this scene, closed his eyes trembling, and then Wan Yan Lie continued.

"Furthermore, in this blood sacrifice array, what is needed is the blood of a living person. If the blood of a living person is burned, it is impossible to continue to live even if you don't do it."

"I understand, then I will do what you said, hoping you can fulfill your promise."

"After the matter is over, I will let her go to reunite your mother and daughter."

The mother's life and death are in the hands of his father, and Wan Yanyu has no choice.

The face was gradually changing, and soon she returned to her original appearance and transformed into Liu Siyi's identity again.

Walking down the mountain alone, the last glimmer of hope in his heart for his father was finally completely shattered.

Revenge occupies a person's heart and has long been blinded.

When Liu Siyi left, Wan Yanlie turned and said behind him.

"Come out now."

When he talked with his daughter, he knew that someone had appeared beside him.

There is no second possibility to be able to find his traces except for those people who arranged it.

After hearing Yan Lie's voice, a young man walked out from behind a stone and came to him.

Facing Wan Yanlie, he respectfully salutes.

"I have seen the guardian."

The expression in his eyes was obviously dodging, as if he was hiding something, this change in eyes was seen by Wan Yanlie.

The previous conversation between Wan Yanlie and his daughter should have been heard, but he didn't panic and said something coldly.

"I remember that you two were dispatched together, why are you only coming back?"

"To report to the protector, the situation is beyond our expectations and beyond our control."

"Oh? What is going on?"

Two people came back and one, and their faces were so ugly, obviously something happened.

The young clansmen told Wan Yanlie about the situation they had encountered before. When the two of them were investigating the situation, they were discovered by Xiao Yi.

Not to mention where their whereabouts were exposed, the two of them had no room to escape in front of Xiao Yi, and they were disbanded in a blink of an eye, unable to gather energy for cultivation, and became ordinary people.

Among these words, Wan Yanlie only noticed one point. The two of them had their pubic fields deposed and turned into a waste.

"What do you mean, that Xiao Yi started to destroy your Dantian?"

"It's true. He defeated the two of us almost effortlessly."

Wan Yanlie didn't believe this statement. He grabbed the person's hand to play with, putting his fingers on his pulse.

After the pulse diagnosis, Wan Yan Lie's face turned gloomy, the pulse condition was stable but the dantian was dead, and there was no fluctuation in Dao Qi.

Obviously his dantian had been abolished and he could not gather energy for cultivation. The person in front of him was not lying.

"How is this possible? The waste man Dantian needs a huge gap in realm to do it. I have fought against that Xiao Yi before, how could he do this."

According to Wan Yanlie's prediction, Xiao Yi's realm was not much different from the young people in his clan.

Even if the two lose to Xiao Yi, at least they can escape smoothly from Xiao Yi's hands, without falling to the end of the dantian being abolished and unable to gather energy for cultivation.


The only possibility I thought of was the mysterious power hidden in Xiao Yi's body before.

After this power appeared, even he could be suppressed, and it was not impossible that the two men's dantians were abolished.

"I'm not lying to protect the Fa. It was indeed Xiao Yi who did it, and it abolished our cultivation base."

"It seems that he really has some means, I underestimated this kid."

Wan Yanlie asked immediately.

"I remember that you two were dispatched together, why are you alone?"

"Returning to the protector, we were dispatched together, but the other person was detained by Xiao Yi, saying that he was only willing to let him go until the protector personally passed by."

Having said Xiao Yi's request, Wan Yan Lie was very annoyed. He was the protector of the Black Dragon clan, and he was actually called by Xiao Yi as a servant.

"It's a big tone, he thought he could let me go in person if he caught someone!"

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