Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3649: It's up to you

It's just that you must remain calm in front of Xiao Yi. When you don't know anything, he asked Xiao Yidao with wide eyes.

"Chairman Xiao is all right?"

Xiao Yi squeezed the camera. This style should cost a lot of money.

It's completely different from what you see on the market. As for who this thing is, you can figure it out with a thought.

"You really don't know?"

"This is just a joke. I'm the manager of a hotel, managing so many people in the hotel, how can I know who put this thing up?"

"If you don't know, then just call the police. I know the terminal on the network and the fingerprint on it will find out who this thing belongs to."

Speaking of Xiao Yi taking out his cell phone to make a call, the manager quickly stopped him when he saw it. If this matter was reported to the police, his position would be lost.

This behavior further proved that he was feeling guilty. Xiao Yi put the camera in his pocket backhand and sneered.

"what do you mean?"

"Don't get me wrong, Chairman Xiao, I just think this matter is related to the honor of our hotel. If it spreads out, the hotel will be over."

The manager was self-defeating and was caught by Xiao Yi. He wanted to try his best to turn around and make the matter go.

"Is it just what you said? If I didn't guess wrong, you put this thing up."

"No... this is impossible. I am the manager of the hotel, how could I do such a thing."

Xiao Yi's eyes told him that Xiao Yi had already seen through his intentions, and he didn't say it directly, it was to leave him a chance.

Looking at Guo Yongcai on the ground, the purpose of this hotel manager is very simple, just for money.

"The thing is yours, you know that he is going to attack Sophie, so you installed a camera in the room in advance to take pictures of the two people eating."

One sentence made the manager's face even more ugly, and he even wondered whether Xiao Yi could read mind, even his inner thoughts were all said.

"Perhaps during this period, you can shoot even more exciting content. With this video material, you can threaten him and Sophie and ask for money to seal it up."

This is the purpose of the manager. Both of them can be regarded as public figures. If such a video is circulated, it will cause serious consequences.

Holding the handle of the other party in his hand, just wait for the other party to pay the money, but the abacus is very clear.

"I don't know if I'm right."

When Xiao Yi said something, the manager didn't even have room to explain, and Xiao Yi said what he could say.

With his face as gray as death, he suddenly knelt down to Xiao Yi, begging Xiao Yi to let him go.

"Chairman Xiao, I was wrong. I really know that I was wrong. Please let me go. Don't call the police. If you call the police, I will really be over."

Once it was called to the police, his manager's position could not be kept, and he would face jail.

It is necessary to know that it is the superstar Sophie who is secretly photographed. He cannot bear the public opinion of the society. When he is released from prison, no company will use him.

Really ruined, he still has a wife and children, so he doesn't want to be finished like this.

"Chairman Xiao, you forgave me. As long as you can spare me, I will promise you any conditions."

"This is what you said, not I am forcing you."

This was what Xiao Yi waited for. It was an ideal that Xiao Yi would ask for it. If it was a large amount of compensation, he really couldn't come up with it.

Money doesn't matter to Xiao Yi, what he wants is a happy life, pointing to Guo Yongcai on the ground.

"You find a way to ruin him for me. I promise that this matter will not be made public. It is a very simple matter for you."


"Give you three seconds to think, three..."

Xiao Yiming said that this was to use the manager's hand to clean up Guo Yongcai. The manager had ten thousand reluctances, but could only agree to it.

He doesn't want to go to jail, so let others go, first think of a way to keep what he is talking about.

"I promise! Chairman Xiao, I promise you."

"Very good! You are a wise man, I will leave it to you what to do next."

After leaving a word, Xiao Yi left the room first, leaving the manager to arrange the rest.

The manager is a brainy person, knowing what to do next, when Xiao Yi left, he called in two people and helped Guo Yongcai who fell on the ground.

I poured a glass of wine, added aphrodisiac medicine to the glass, poured it into Guo Yongcai's mouth, waiting for the effect of the medicine to come.

The desire to survive at the critical moment made the manager think of a vicious way. To blame, Guo Yongcai is not long-sighted. If you have to offend someone like Xiao Yi, luck is deserved.

"Go find a young lady, talk to her, give her 500,000 hush money, and bring it over if you agree."

At this time, Xiao Yi took Sophie and Sister An, and drove out of the hotel. He didn't want to stay any longer in such a dirty place.

Sophie was still in shock, but looking at Xiao Yi in the car, she felt more relieved.

"Xiao Yi's sorry, I caused you trouble again."

This time, Guo Yongcai's identity is not small, and if he gets grudges in the future, it will definitely affect Xiao Yi's business.

"Okay, you are better than anything. It doesn't matter if I have one more opponent or one less."

"This time I offended this person. Earlier, I received a call from the crew. The director scolded me and said that he would change the heroine of the TV series."

For this TV series, Sophie put a lot of energy and effort into memorizing the lines to follow the filming.

To show the contents of the script to the greatest extent, she does not even use doubles in many dangerous scenes.

In the end, it ended up with such a result, and I was very unwilling. This time, Sophie realized the helplessness in this circle.

"Are you unwilling?"

"There are a few. This is the first time I have participated in the filming of a TV series. As far as I am concerned, I am still acting as a heroine.

Sophie let out a sigh. At this point, it can only be so. She will not continue to agree to such a request from the crew for this drama.

Xiao Yi has known Sophie for a long time, knowing that Sophie is not a person who gives up easily. There is too much helplessness in this sigh.

"But it seems that I can't fulfill my wish, nothing more, I assume I haven't received the script."

"You can rest assured that the TV series will be filmed normally and you will still be the heroine."

Sophie looked at Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi was driving, she was not joking, but he had this ability.

"It's not that one investor is missing. I don't believe that there is no such person, and I really can't continue filming."

"Next, I will invest 100 million yuan in this crew for the filming and post-production of the crew. If the director doesn't use you, I can just change this kind of waste director!"

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