Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3652: Supporter

The one who appeared suddenly blocked this move for Xiao Yi.

The black light did not fall on him, but when he raised his hand, the palm of his hand quickly condensed a red aura, and the black light was slapped away.

The ultimate move played by Wan Yanlie, Xiao Yi, needed a lot of effort to deal with, but for this person, it was so easy to take this move.

With a casual slap, Xiao Yi guessed the identity of the person who emerged while he was surprised.

His own attack was repelled, and Wan Yanlie stared at the stranger who appeared in front of him. Strangely, he wore a facial mask on his face.

I couldn't see his true face clearly, but from the analysis of the way and breath of the shot, Wan Yanlie understood.

"If you want to move him, please pass my level first!"

Xiao Huaixin put on the mask again, always maintaining a mysterious identity in front of Xiao Yi, and would not reveal his information.

I learned about the Black Dragon Clan from Xiao Qian's mouth earlier, and in the recent period of time, the people of the Black Dragon Clan may have to do something against Xiao Yi.

Ji Jiangyue told him that Xiao Yi was retreating at Poxiao Villa. After leaving the customs, Xiao Yi returned to City H.

Knowing that Xiao Yi was not a timid person who was afraid of death, he came to Xiao Huaixin after Huaxia, and immediately followed Xiao Yi's side.

As long as he is following Xiao Yi, he will definitely wait for the Black Dragon clan to appear. Sure enough, all this is exactly as he expected, and the powerhouse of the Black Dragon clan has appeared.

From the moment the two met, Xiao Huaixin was here, but he had been hiding himself, and even Wan Yan Lie hadn't noticed his existence.

I planned to help, but I didn't expect Xiao Yi's current strength to be able to compete with the master of the Black Dragon clan in front of him, without being defeated.

Although this expert suppressed his strength, he could also tell that in such a short period of time, Xiao Yi had made amazing progress in strength.

"Sure enough, people from the Xiao Clan have already focused on us."

Wan Yanlie let out a sneer, he already knew that the mysterious person in front of him must be from the Xiao Clan.

Xiao Yi saw the mask this person was wearing. This person had helped him many times before, but he didn't expect to show up at this time and blocked Wanyanlie's attack for him.

"Really treat my Xiao clan as no one, let you go wild, right?"

Xiao Huaixin said domineeringly, this is not only the Black Dragon clan with masters, the real strong is in the Xiao clan.

"A traitor hundreds of years ago, who was beaten into a bereaved dog by the ancestors of the Xiao Clan, deserves to appear here."

"The bereaved dog?'s too early to say these."

Wan Yan Lie put away his aura, and a master of the Xiao clan appeared, and today he could only return without success.

There will be opportunities in the future, hundreds of years have come, and I don't care if it takes a few more days.

"The hatred between our Black Dragon clan and your Xiao clan, every member of the clan will keep in mind."

"Trash is trash, even if you keep it in your heart, what about your Black Dragon clan?"

Xiao Huaixin hated this kind of despicable thing that hides in the dark and starts secretly. The Black Dragon clan has issued the Black Dragon Order, but they dare not appear in the Xiao clan's clan.

"You are like a mouse, you only deserve to live in a dark corner for your whole life."

"Don't think that in this world, your Xiao Clan will always occupy that position. Sooner or later, our Black Dragon Clan's revenge plan will start, and then your entire Xiao Clan will be buried for the original blood debt!"

After saying this, Wan Yanlie's figure dissipated in place, like a wisp of blue smoke, disappearing without a trace.

Such a technique surprised Xiao Yi, who came and went without a trace. I don't know how many such masters are still in the Black Dragon clan.

Allowing Wan Yan Lie to leave, Xiao Huaixin didn't do anything, because he knew he couldn't keep this person, and the strength of the two was almost the same.

It will be no good for anyone to continue the fight, and his purpose today is not to fight, but to protect Xiao Yi from being attacked by the Black Dragon clan.

Turning to look at Xiao Yi behind him, Xiao Yi has not been deposed by his dantian, but with a peculiar technique, he deceived Xiao Huaili and everyone, leaving the Xiao Clan unharmed.

After learning this news, Xiao Huaixin was also relieved. If Xiao Yi wanted to return to the Xiao Clan, it would be impossible without strong support.

"Okay, he has already left. You brave brat, you dare to come alone to meet such a master."

Xiao Yi smiled awkwardly, he was not unsure, if it weren't for a smooth breakthrough, he wouldn't have appeared in front of Wan Yanlie like this.

"Thank you for helping me, I just want to measure how far there is from such a master."

"It's a good thing to have such a competitive spirit at a young age, but everything needs to be done according to his ability. He is deliberately suppressing his own strength. If he uses ten percent of his power to catch you, how do you respond?"

This is a very direct question. Wan Yanlie's goal is to catch Xiao Yi. For this purpose, he can do anything at all costs.

"If I can't beat it, I will run. Although I can't beat him for the time being, if I run, he won't be able to catch me."

"You kid is very slippery, it seems I underestimated you."

Xiao Huaixin was still worried before that Xiao Yi had no way to deal with such a strong man.

But after seeing the first battle between the previous two people, his worry was unnecessary. Xiao Yi was right. Couldn't he run away if he couldn't fight?

"Next, people from the Black Dragon clan will inevitably put their minds on you, so you have to pay more attention."

After telling Xiao Yi, Xiao Huaixin still has things to do. He wants to find out where the people of the Black Dragon clan are hiding from the signs of the Black Dragon clan's activities.

These people can't solve it, and they can't feel at ease. Finding the source to stop all of this is the most effective way.

"Hey, I think by now, you should also reveal your true identity to me?"

Xiao Yi was very curious about this person wearing a facial makeup, and why he appeared at critical moments every time.

The only certainty is that this person should be from the Xiao Clan, is it the subordinates of his father, or is it someone else?

Xiao Huaixin stagnated for a moment, and turned his back to Xiao Yi. Why didn't he want to take off this mask and face Xiao Yi as he was.

It's just that it is not the time yet. Once his identity is revealed, he will not be able to continue to move under Xiao Huaili's eyelids.

"I told you before that if the time is right, I will say who I am. Don't think that you will be complacent when you break through. An opponent who is stronger than you is still working hard."

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