Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3663: To death

After a tombstone, Liu Siyi's voice came, and she said loudly to Xiao Yi.

"You leave here quickly. If there is a long delay, my people will come over immediately."

Leaning on the tombstone and pressing the wound on her lower abdomen, Liu Siyi's speech at this time seemed to consume all her energy.

Xiao Yi stayed here, and the danger would approach step by step. Her father and the masters in the clan wanted to capture Xiao Yi back and complete their so-called blood sacrifice formation.

Following the voice, Xiao Yi wanted to find and opened the Soul Realm, but Liu Siyi closed her breath flow, making Xiao Yi unable to probe.

"It's useless, even if Xiao Yi is I beg you, please leave here soon, please?"

Liu Siyi was begging, if it was purely an enemy, Xiao Yi would go up to make up the knife.

But thinking back to the experience of meeting Liu Siyi until now, although it is not unforgettable, at least it is considered a friend.

Regardless of the position of the two people, Liu Siyi was right. She just wanted to live. This was a very simple idea.

After opening the window, another bullet hit the door on the other side. This kind of performance car is not bulletproof.

A bullet hit, the iron sheet of the car door was torn a hole, unable to support for too long.

"Do you think that in this case, I will leave you alone? Get in the car and I will take you out of here. It's safe to leave here."

"Do not……"

Liu Siyi rejected Xiao Yi, everything started because of her, and it must be ended in her own body.

"As long as I am by your side, I will still leak your whereabouts. On the contrary, for you, my existence will be the biggest threat."

"In any case, let's pass this level first."

"Don't worry, I'm also one of them. They won't kill me, Xiao Yi, a smart person like you, don't even think of such a simple truth."

Liu Siyi had made up her mind. She stayed and let Xiao Yi go. The people came for Xiao Yi and the target was not her.

Just when Xiao Yi was still insisting on taking Liu Siyi away, he suddenly stretched out a hand behind a tombstone, and this hand was holding a short knife.

Liu Siyi slowly leaned out from behind the tombstone. Xiao Yi had a bad premonition that this woman was going to do something stupid.

"Quick...Go away!"

"I said, I can take you with me."

As soon as Xiao Yi's voice fell, when he was about to get out of the car, Liu Siyi grabbed a short knife and thrust it back into her chest.

The sharp point of the knife pierced her clothes, and she stared at Xiao Yidao firmly.

"If you don't leave, I will die in front of you. If you want me to live, get out of here quickly."

"Don't be impulsive!"

Besides Suzaku, Xiao Yi was the second woman with such a strong personality.

He really had no choice but to do what Liu Siyi said and closed the car door.

"I'm going! I'm going now!"

Xiao Yi got in the car and turned around, stepped on the accelerator and left on the way down the mountain, leaving Liu Siyi alone, leaning on the tombstone of the eagle.

Seeing Xiao Yi drove away without attracting the masters of the clan, Liu Siyi finally felt relieved and turned to touch it with one hand.

There were blood stains on the tombstone, and Liu Siyi smiled on her face. She was laughing at herself and her people.

"I'm sorry to have been living in place of your sister. If you were really my brother, that would be great."

I really want to get rid of this identity that makes people fall into endless pain, but everyone is the same. From the moment of birth, the fate has been finalized.

It is destined for her existence that the wield black dragon clan is alive, even if it is for the tribe to sacrifice themselves, there should be no hesitation.

"Xiao Yi... if there is another life, I just want to meet you again."

Leaning on the tombstone to breathe, the injuries on her body were very serious. Fortunately, her own physical fitness was very tough and could support it till now.

Slowly standing up, holding on to the tombstones, Liu Siyi walked towards the top of the mountain and left here alone.

Life is like a dream, and dreams are like life. Perhaps this is the case.

I used to live in City H and the things that happened were like the past, and they were lost in the blink of an eye.

When all these were lost, she returned to her original state, bearing responsibilities that she shouldn't have taken on her own.

"Damn it, such a good opportunity actually let him escape."

On the other mountain, Wang Yu watched Xiao Yi drive away and disappeared from his field of vision. If he was given another chance, he would definitely kill Xiao Yi.

Alone lying in a bush, since the mission failed, there is no need to stay in this place.

Packing up and planning to leave, it is on a rock above Wang Yu's lurking position.

There is a figure who has been paying attention to his every move from the beginning, and has moved a few times to kill, wanting to kill this small character.

In the end, they all chose to give up. It would take no effort to kill such goods, but if such a person keeps it, it will have unexpected effects.

"Is it a pity?"

"Yeah... It's really a pity to let him run away under my nose."

Suddenly, there was a voice beside him. At first, Wang Yu didn't care.

Then he responded, but then he realized that the situation was not right. There should be no other people besides himself.

He immediately stood up from the bushes and looked around, without any gain.

A stone fell from above and hit his head. Wang Yu was holding his head in pain, and the warm current was flowing along his fingers.

The stone fell and smashed his head. He raised his head and took a look. He didn't know when, above him, there was a person squatting on it.

Wang Yu hurriedly retreated towards a hidden location, and gathered Qi to launch an attack or defense at any time. This person could approach quietly, showing that his strength must be unusual.

"Damn... who are you?"

He stared at the man in black clothes and a facial mask.

Can't see through this person's original face, since it is here, why wear a mask, and what is the purpose of pretending to be a ghost.

"Don't you dare to see people in their true colors?"

"Hey... are you talking about me?"

Xiao Huaixin jumped down from the stone. He planned to kill this person from the moment this guy shot Xiao Yi.

But this kind of stuff stayed and let Xiao Yi deal with it. He was here to help Xiao Yi, so he couldn't let himself do anything.

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