Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3666: Master showdown

Wan Yan Lie clapped his hands, and several more masters appeared around Xiao Huaixin, and Xiao Huaixin surrounded him.

With a large number of people and a powerful Wan Yanlie, Xiao Huaixin was definitely not an opponent in such an unfavorable situation.

"It seems that you are planning to keep me here, right?"

"What do you think?"

Xiao Huaixin let out a few sneers, since the action led by Wan Yan Lie had been exposed to the Xiao Clan.

Then there is no need to continue sneaking, the strongest battle will inevitably break out between the two clans, and the purpose of the Black Dragon clan is to eliminate the entire Xiao clan.

"I don't care what status and status you have in the Xiao Clan, since you are here, then go to the funeral for my clan."

The black long knife in Wan Yan Lie's hand condensed into a black shadow. He raised the long knife towards Xiao Huaixin and cut it down again.

Xiao Huaixin moved his fingers, holding a silver long spear in his hand, and the tip of the spear reflected the cold light, which was frightening.

"I want to see how you keep me here!"

A silver spear was in hand, and a little white light was condensed on the tip of the spear, and the white light hit the black knife shadow.

The black shadow of a knife that was ten feet long and three feet wide fell, and the terrifying aura and pressure caused the ground to vibrate, and the surrounding wind was strong.

One by one, the thin and thick trees were uprooted and flew out, and the stones as large as grinding discs rolled on the ground.

The fight between the two people caused such violent aura turbulence. Facing such violent fluctuations, Xiao Huaixin stood on a rock with a spear in his hand.

A white mantle and white rainbow pierced the sun, and it was spotted on the black knife shadow, the black knife shadow with endless pressure, when it was about to be cut down, the breath fluctuation stopped abruptly.

A crack appeared in the blade shadow formed by the condensed breath, just like a piece of glass. The crack appeared and continued to spread around until the black blade shadow was completely shattered.

The black knife shadow collapsed, the fluctuations in the aura stopped, and the long spear in Xiao Huaixin's hand leaned against the rock.

"But that's all."

Xiao Huaixin smiled, this method wanted to take him down, and he really didn't take him seriously.

Although in the Xiao Clan, he has always been playing the role of waste, no one has ever cared him, and even Xiao Huaili thought that he Xiao Huaixin could no longer cultivate.

The purpose of concealing in one's own way is to preserve one's own strength. Others don't know that if Xiao Huaixin breaks out his full strength, he can fight Xiao Huaili day and night and remain invincible.

It's just that there is always a power gap between the two, so the final result is that Xiao Huaixin will lose. Once he fails the challenge, he will lose everything like his fourth brother.

Wan Yan Lie's moves were cracked. Since he appeared in Huaxia, he has rarely encountered such a strong opponent. The mysterious master of Xiao Yi was one of them.

The strength of the two people is comparable, and if you continue to fight, there will be no results. Wanyan Liexie smiled. Today, besides him, there are other masters in the clan.

"Hehe, your strength is indeed very strong, I admit that, but don't forget, there are so many helpers by my side."

Each of the eleven members of the Black Dragon clan is a master carefully trained, and the gap in realm cannot be avoided.

However, if these eleven people joined hands, they would all be afraid. In this situation, Xiao Huaixin was completely in a disadvantageous situation.

"I said just now that I was despicable and shameless. You are too embarrassed to say that if you bully less."

"All of this is for the purpose. If someone like you exists, it will ruin many of our plans."

Wan Yanlie's face has been developed, and a person who can use his daughter to become a tool, there is nothing he can do.

Xiao Huaixin was despicable and shameless just after speaking, and when he said such words in an instant, he didn't know who the really despicable person was.

"So you should die here."

Eleven people stood around Xiao Huaixin, Xiao Huaixin smiled, if there is no certainty and means, how could he appear here directly.

Obviously knowing that the opponent is terrible, and there is no defense at all, the idiot would do this. The long spear in his hand shot a white light toward the sky.

Baimang exploded after being lifted off, and the aura fluctuating from the explosion could be seen from a hundred miles away.

"No! He's sending a signal, stop him!"

It was too late when Wan Yan Lie realized this, Xiao Huaixin's signal came out, and the masters of the Xiao Clan were right beside him.

Everyone followed the aura fluctuations, and in the surrounding jungle, Wan Yan Lie could feel that all the powerful people were approaching here.

Within a few breaths, one person passed through the bushes and appeared in the sight of everyone, leaping into the air and landing beside Xiao Huaixin.

"Are these the **** of the Black Dragon clan? It just so happens that my hands are itchy recently. Come and do something with me!"

"Don't wait for me, count me."

"And me! I'm all talking about the Black Dragon clan's strong combat power, then I want to see how strong it is, or whether the rumors are bragging!"

One by one, masters of the Xiao clan appeared next to Xiao Huaixin. They were originally the confidants of Xiao Qian, and they had entered the territory of China more than ten years ago.

Everyone plays a different role, but they all have the same thing, that is, to follow Xiao Qian's orders.

Except for Xiao Qian, no one could mobilize them. Now Xiao Qian gave the order and Xiao Huaixin became their new master.

Although this person of the Xiao clan appeared in this way, no one could see his true identity, and no one would ask more about this matter.

Seven masters appeared, although the number was a bit less than that of Wan Yan Lie, but when these people appeared, Wan Yan Lie frowned.

The eleven people he brought were very strong, but in terms of aura, there was a gap between them and the seven people around Xiao Huaixin.

In the later stage of cultivation, there is a level of difference in realm, and there is a big gap in the strength of the explosion. It is conceivable what the consequences will be if he chooses to do it.

Wan Yan Lie prepared the manpower in advance, and Xiao Huaixin also had arrangements, and his strength was not at all disadvantaged.

Xiao Huaixin stared at these people in front of him. It had been a long time since he had really touched others. He always wanted to look for opportunities and fight well.

"My people are all here, and now I want to try, the so-called Black Dragon clan, how strong is the combat power?"

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