Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3685: Xiao Yi's assistant

"It's so fragrant, Xiao Yi, do you know magic? You can have such a magical fragrance when you add magic when you cook."

Mia was very curious. She was all human, and she was still a woman. Why didn't she even know the most basic poached egg.

On the contrary, Xiao Yi is a big man with superb cooking skills, and all kinds of ingredients in his hands will soon become a delicacy.

"This is just the basis of Huaxia cooking technology. You will naturally learn it after you stay in Huaxia for a long time."

"Really? Then I believe what you said, I must find a place to learn art from a teacher when I look back."

Xiao Yi opened the lid of the pot, and a burst of scent came to his face. Just as Edward was walking, I saw Edward already holding a bowl and a pair of chopsticks walking over.

The head of the dignified Edward family has never eaten anything, delicacies and delicacies, in his opinion.

But at this moment, the fish made by Xiao Yi and the spicy crayfish aroused Edward's appetite. The three of them sat together, even Mia no longer maintained the image of a lady.

The feasting food made the bodyguards who were present looked hungry. If only Xiao Yi could do it in this world to eat with Edward in this way.

A meal narrowed the distance with Edward. Edward is also an ordinary person. Aside from his identity, he also wants to be an ordinary friend with Xiao Yi.

After eating until sunset in the evening, Mia and Edward were very happy to play. Then they were going back, and there were many things waiting for Edward to handle.

Xiao Yi sat there waiting, as if waiting for a friend, in this quiet twilight hour.

A bright moon rose in the sky, and several lone stars were gradually lit up, dotted with the night sky.

A figure walked under the night sky, walked behind Xiao Yi, smelled the smell from the pot, and said very upset.

"Your kid asked me to come over just to show me this leftover pot?"

When this person approached, Xiao Yi showed a smile on his face, knowing that he would definitely come.

No matter what method is used, no matter where it is, as long as Xiao Yi needs it, he is as timely as staying by his side.

"Keep it for you, why are you anxious."

Xiao Yi cleaned up the contents of the pot before, and then made some again and put them in a large bowl.

No one else came here. It was the Facebook guy that I met before. This time, Xiao Yi and Edward were cooperating in the arms business and there was such a big accident.

The attacker and the Black Dragon clan can't be separated from each other. At this moment, he is lack of skills and has no time to respond, so he can only come to him for help.

"I don't know your taste. I just make some. If you are not used to it, you will leave it there. I don't have time to make a new pot."

The Facebook man took the big bowl and smelled the tempting fragrance. The contents must be delicious.

Seeing that this person was not moving and holding the bowl, Xiao Yi said.

"What? Afraid of me poisoning it?"

"Where's the chopsticks! Is your kid planning to let me grab and eat?"

"There are so many things, you will die if you do it yourself!"

Xiao Yi handed him a pair of chopsticks. This mask man probably thought of something before, but he opened a hole in the mask, just facing his mouth.

Just eating in front of Xiao Yi's face, Xiao Yi still couldn't see through his true face. He was so scheming and cunning, he had already taken these into consideration.

"Hey... It's so fragrant. After so many years, few people cook for me. It's really good to think about it."

"I said you don't feel bored with this mask on your face?"

"You don't need to worry about it. This is made of ice silk. The cold and breathable will not be stuffy."

Xiao Huaixin knew that Xiao Yi had been thinking of ways to reveal his true colors.

Before the time was right, Xiao Yi would never be allowed to know who he was. On this point, Xiao Yi didn't need to think about it.

Xiao Yi also persuaded this kind of person, even wearing a mask when eating. What's the secret of his identity? He had to use this method to disguise.

"Tell me, what is your kid looking for me?"

This meal was not for nothing, Xiao Yi sent him the news of the meeting, and there must be some trouble in it.

What Xiao Yi couldn't solve was probably related to the Black Dragon Clan. The existence of the Black Dragon Clan has now been unearthed.

Next, he could predict that once the Black Dragon clan had enough power, it would definitely move around in this world. The Black Dragon clan had been hiding in the dark for hundreds of years and was planning what conspiracy.

While eating and chatting with Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi opened a can of beer and handed it to him. Where can there be crayfish without wine.

"Edward and I are cooperating in business. Surely you should know about this?"

"Edward, this kid is very clever. A noble person like him can work with you because you belong to the Xiao Clan and you have some intersections with your father."

In front of Xiao Yi, Xiao Huai told the truth, regardless of Xiao Yi's identity as the Xiao clan and the relationship with his second brother.

Even if Xiao Yi's ability is great, he wants to cooperate with Edward in doing business, I am afraid that Edward will not agree so easily.

"Do you know that there is a cold sword mercenary active in the mercenary world."

"Boy, are you testing my ability to gather intelligence? The Xu Qiang next to you is a talent. If you cultivate it, it will be of great use to you in the future."

Xiao Huaixin not only knew about the Lengjian mercenary group, but also knew that Xiao Yi had accepted the three masters to assist his mercenary group.

When he heard the news, Xiao Huaixin was still a little bit disbelief. He didn't expect Xiao Yi to make such preparations and develop his own mercenary group in a foreign country.

Xiao Yi made this move very well, avoiding other people's attention. Once the Lengjian mercenary group grows, it will become a powerful force in Xiao Yi's hands in the future.

"Now my mercenary group is in trouble. I previously cooperated with Edward in the arms business. This is only the fourth batch of arms. I met a master of repair and robbed the cargo on board."

"Cutting the goods? This seems to violate the rules set by the cultivator."

"It's not just that the cargo was robbed, but more importantly, half of the more than 60 crew members on the ship are missing. Most of the missing people are already horrible. If such an accident occurs, the news has to be temporarily blocked."

Even Edward, knowing that there was a problem with the cargo ship, did not disclose the news.

Once this news is made public, it will definitely cause people to be shocked, what kind of existence it will be like if they dare to act on Edward's goods.

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