Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3794: Hidden off-limits

Such a ban is indeed very difficult for Liu Han, and the people who set the ban are very clever.

If the five elements are mixed with the yin and yang changes, the prohibition on each level is different. Once the wrong method is used, the prohibition will be triggered.

Once the prohibition is triggered, the twelve prohibitions will converge their forces in one place, forming a huge formation.

This kind of formation is not only a magical formation, but the operation of the five elements' power keeps people trapped in the formation until they run out of energy and die.

"That girl doll is very smart. She has solved the three restrictions. Even if she has practiced for hundreds of years, it is still not that simple to break the restrictions."

Zixu understood Liu Han's thoughts at this moment. Once the ban was triggered, her identity would be exposed and she would have the strength to escape from the ban.

However, in the future, he will not be able to hide in the Breaking Dawn Villa, so the gains outweigh the losses. Instead of entering rashly by himself, it is better to find a strong person.

"She can't enter it, do you think I can break it?"

"You kid, she doesn't care about your power."

"Oh I see……"

Liu Han could detect the Zixu in Xiao Yi's body, Xiao Yi's words may not be able to do it, but Zixu is different.

If Zi Xuneng had released the prohibition, she would be able to explore the situation of the forbidden area of ​​Bro Xiao Villa, and if there was no whereabouts of the holy artifact, she would be at ease.

"Boy, you will do what I told you to break through the remaining nine restrictions. It is not difficult."

According to Master's reminder, Xiao Yi found the method of prohibition, and adding another force to this method could disrupt the restraint of prohibition.

After passing through quickly, the abnormality within a short period of time did not trigger the restriction. Xiao Yi quickly passed the twelve restrictions and came to the foot of the mountain.

"here is……"

Xiao Yi looked around, the environment in front of him was so unfamiliar, as if he had come to another world.

I stood on the cable bridge and looked at this place before. It was lush and full of vitality. Such a heavy spiritual energy nourished everything and made the trees here grow tall and lush.

But at this time, Xiao Yi, who was standing at the foot of the mountain, smelled a fishy smell in his nose. The source of the smell seemed to be coming from the mountainside. The more he went up, the smell became stronger and the smell made people breathless. Come.

The surrounding vegetation has also changed. The leaves at the foot of the mountain are withered and yellow, as if they are sick. Looking up, there is no grass growing on the mountain peak. It is impossible to imagine that there would be such a strange place in the Xiaoxiao Villa.

"The old man understands that the setting of this prohibition is actually more important, it is a blind trick."

After passing through the prohibition and coming here, Zixu understood it, and that's why what Xiao Yi saw on the cable bridge was completely different from this time.


"The prohibition is to prevent others from entering this place, and the second function is to hide the truth here."

Zixu explained that there was obviously a change here, but it still looked like a peaceful scene from the outside.

Who could have imagined that there would be such an unthinkable place in Bro Xiao Villa, the so-called something abnormal, there must be a demon, such a cover-up method must be hiding the truth.

"It's good to give birth to a strong evil spirit. The evil spirit is permeated here. The opportunity to occupy this place. The leakage of the evil energy and the spiritual energy here combine to form a miasma."

Miasma... something that was originally produced in a dark corner, an evil place, how could it be in a fairyland on earth like the Dawn Villa.

Xiao Yi really didn't understand what was on the mountainside that would radiate such a powerful force. He walked upwards while looking around.

The remains of one animal appeared in the field of vision. The fur on the outside of the corpse had already rotted, leaving behind a pile of black bones.

"Don't be curious, the miasma here has invaded the bone marrow, so the white bones have also turned black, so this situation is normal."

Zi Xu and Xiao Yi explained that once the birds in the sky and the beasts on the ground enter this area, they will not be spared.

Xiao Yi turned his Dao Qi into a shield and blessed it around his body to resist the invasion of evil. If people stay in such a place for a long time, they will inevitably be unable to return to the sky because of the miasma.

The fishy smell became stronger, and he was about to reach the mountainside. Xiao Yi followed the source of the smell and came to a clearing.

The surrounding trees were all dead, standing like skeletons on the mountain. Xiao Yi noticed that black liquid was dripping drop by drop on the branches of several low shrubs.

When the black liquid drips on the ground, a blue smoke will appear. This black liquid is already corrosive. I really don't understand why it is like this in the Xiaoxiao Villa.

Xiao Yi thought of a sentence, no matter how sunny it is, there will be dark corners.

Could it be that even the awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring Dawn Villa could not escape this sentence?

He was not approaching a mountain anymore, but approaching a conspiracy, slowly revealing the heavy coat of the conspiracy.


He didn't pay attention to what he stepped on, and looked down at Xiao Yi's face changed.

He has seen many dead people, and he has killed countless people. Dead people or skeletons are very common things for him.

At this moment, under Xiao Yi's feet, a black skeleton was rolling. There was not only one on the ground, but a dozen black skeletons. Without exception, it became like this because of the invasion of the miasma.

The invasion of the miasma left the skeletons of these skeletons in good condition. The clothes they were wearing had already been decayed and weathered, leaving behind a pile of black bones, proving that they had been to this place.

"What's going on here? Isn't this the forbidden area of ​​Breaking Dawn Villa? How could they die here?"

Xiao Yi curiously said, since they were able to get here, it means that the previous twelve restrictions, they all passed smoothly.

Can have such strength, but all died in one place, did Liu Han say that the things in the cave were not so simple and full of danger, and finally killed them these invaders?

"They died here before the prohibition appeared."

Zi Xu said, this explanation is reasonable, he said immediately.

"It seems that this is the truth that the person who placed the restriction wants to hide."

"Master, what do you mean by this?"

"Perhaps the establishment of this Breaking Dawn Villa is based on a killing, just like the black bones in front of you. The dead are trapped here forever. Only the living can go out and show off One side is alive."

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