Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3797: Gossip lock

The most valuable thing in the cave has already been taken away in advance, and staying here has no effect.

Zi Xu told Xiao Yi that he could leave. For Zi Xu, the most attractive thing was this strange beast's inner alchemy. If it could be refined by hand, it would definitely have a good effect.


It's just that this strange beast is powerful, and the formed inner alchemy possesses most of the cultivation base of the strange beast.

Even if it is obtained, people with low cultivation bases are of no use, and if they swallow the inner core of the alien beast, they will only die faster.

Thinking that there might still be a chance here, as long as this alien beast's inner alchemy is still in this world, sooner or later there will be a day to find it.

"It seems that this place is really the forbidden area of ​​Xiaoxiao Villa, and there is no clue to the sacred thing Liu Han said."

Although there was nothing to gain, Xiao Yi learned a secret this time, and this secret was related to the whole Bro Xiao Villa.

He couldn't disclose the matter. Even if Xiao Yi went to tell Ji Jiangyue, Ji Jiangyue might not believe what he said.

Moreover, Xiao Yi himself broke into the forbidden area of ​​Xiaoxiao Villa, which was originally a violation of the regulations, and the hidden circumstances have not yet been clarified. This is a secret Xiao Yi knows.

"Boy, wait a moment!"

When Xiao Yi turned and left, Zi Xu suddenly shouted, he seemed to have made a new discovery.

"What's wrong, Master?"

"Now you turn around and see that there is no Tai Chi picture on the stone wall."

Under Zixu's reminder, Xiao Yi focused his gaze on the stone walls surrounding the cave. The evil spirits produced by the blood of the strange beasts eroded the surrounding stone walls and turned them into a black color.

I couldn't see what was on it, and after Xiao Yi came here, his own strength was limited, his vision became very blurred, and after searching for it, he didn't find the Tai Chi picture that Master said.

"Master, you read it wrong, there is no Tai Chi picture here?"

There were only eroded stone walls and the black liquid dripping from the gaps in the stone walls, exuding a nauseating stench.

How could Zi Xu be mistaken, thinking of the unusual things in this cave, it is normal for the apprentice not to see this Tai Chi diagram.

"On the upper right of you, the Taiji diagram should be a formation. The traces of the formation are eroded by evil, so you can't see it."

He was able to sense the power of Taiji Tu, so he concluded that there would be something mysterious on this stone wall, and he let Xiao Yi run the "Xuantian Dao Fa".

The power of the exercises echoes the pattern on the stone wall. When Xiao Yi did what Zixu said, the evil spirit eroded the clean stone wall and the pattern of Tai Chi Yin and Yang fish appeared.

The yin and yang fish are slowly turning, and then around it are the eight hexagrams of Taiji diagram, Qiankun, Kanli, Duize, Gen

Zixu is right. On this stone wall, there really is a Tai Chi diagram. Setting a Tai Chi diagram in such a place seems a bit unreasonable.

Because this Taiji diagram can't play any suppressing effect, the evil spirit is permeated here, and even the Taiji diagram is corroded, and its weak strength almost disappears.

Xie Buzhen is just the opposite here, and Tai Chi Tu doesn't exist for long, Xiao Yi asked Master.

"Master, what do you mean by the formation of the Taiji diagram here? The suppression of the formation obviously can't play any usefulness. Isn't it superfluous?"

"This is not a Tai Chi formation. To put it simply, it is a Tai Chi lock."

"Tai Chi lock?"

Zi Xu and Xiao Yi explained that Tai Chi formations generally exist in front of palace Taoist temples and the main gates of large families to ward off evil spirits.

This is a relatively common use. The other is based on the eight hexagrams in the Taiji diagram, which evolve between each other to form an array. The foundation of the array is inseparable from the change of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.

However, what Xiao Yi saw at this moment was another one. The Taiji diagram was the center and the eight hexagrams were the locks. Only when the corresponding position was found can the Taiji diagram be opened. After the Taiji diagram is opened, perhaps in this cave, What secrets are still hidden.

"Master, you said this is a Tai Chi lock, so what is the password to open it?"

It was the first time that Xiao Yi heard about Tai Chi locks, so naturally he didn't understand the way to unlock it, so he had to ask Master.

"Let the teacher come and investigate. If this Tai Chi lock is wrongly solved, it will cause confusion in the formation and it will never be able to open."

Zi Xu also has in-depth research on Tai Chi locks. The places where Tai Chi locks are used the most are in the cemeteries of some people who have deep cultivation and fallen.

The purpose is naturally to prevent people from coming to robber the tomb. In these people's tombs, there are often some things that the tomb owner used before his life, magic treasures, secret methods or rare treasures.

After a while, the son imaginarily manipulated Xiao Yi's body, a white glow flowed between his fingers, and slowly put his palm on the Tai Chi diagram.

"It's done!"

Baimang circulated on every hexagram and found a way to break it, and then the Taiji diagram became brighter.

The pattern of Tai Chi Yin and Yang fish opened on its own, and a slight tremor appeared in the cave. It turned out that there was another dark room on this rock wall.

"There is actually a stone room here!"

Xiao Yi saw the stone wall eroded by evil spirits, and an entrance slowly appeared. After the Tai Chi lock was unlocked, the mechanism set here would operate by itself.

A heavy boulder lifted up, revealing a dark hole. If you look into the hole, your field of vision is restricted.

Even Xiao Yi couldn't see through the pitch black here, let alone what kind of mystery was hidden inside, Xiao Yi stepped forward after hesitating for a moment.

Having reached this point, how could he retreat halfway, he must go in and check what is inside.

As soon as he was about to walk in, Xiao Yi suddenly stopped, the golden light gathered between his palms, staring at the front and frowning.


Three arrows shot from the depths towards Xiao Yi.

When he was about to stab Xiao Yi's body, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the arrow feathers, and took a few steps back.

These three arrows played a powerful force. According to Master and Zixu's words, the cave here should have existed before the Dawn Villa.

Then there will be no living talents in this place, so there is only one explanation, and there are institutions here.

After the Tai Chi lock was opened, the mechanism was triggered and three hidden arrows were fired in an attempt to kill Xiao Yi.

"Breaking into this place without authorization, death but no life!"

A thick and old voice came from the front through the cave, revealing the pressure of the soul.

Even though Xiao Yi had already made preparations, the appearance of this voice made his body startled and almost lost his mind.

The deterrence of the soul, after so many years, the coercion of the strong still exists, one can imagine how tragic a scene broke out in this cave.

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