Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3799: I took this knife

"If you do, don't complain. Since you can come in, there must be a way to get out. With such a rare opportunity, you shouldn't take this magic weapon quickly!"

"That's my turn too!"

I saw the white-haired old man walked under the long knife and raised a withered hand. The long knife seemed to have been summoned.

It was pulled out from the rock wall and fell into the hands of the white-haired old man. The aura of the white-haired old man with a long knife in his hand once again skyrocketed several times.

"This is a forbidden land. Any intruder will eventually be buried in the dust here and the secrets here!"

The white-haired old man made a weird sound, as if rusted in his throat, and it sounded like a blow out.

Xiao Yi broke into here this time, but he didn't want to stay here. He also planned to expose the secrets of this place to inform the world.

"Older, I don't care who you are. I have no intention of entering here. Since you want to stop me, don't blame me for being rude."

The white-haired old man held a long knife, raised his hand to cut off the sword light and then hit Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was bare-handed but he didn't timidly fight because of this. He ran his Dao Qi, his hands were full of golden light, and with the strength at the moment, he just took the opponent's slash.

The battle began, with a dead man who had never met and would not speak to Xiao Yi's questions.

Five minutes later, traces were left in the stone chamber. The white-haired old man was a strong man before his death, and he relied on the last ray of will to act after his death.

If this were when he was alive, Xiao Yi would definitely not be his opponent, but now it is different. Xiao Yi has to go out from this place and at the same time get the long knife in the hands of the white-haired old man.

"This old guy doesn't know that he is tired, but just blindly launches attacks and defenses. If this continues, the loss of Dao Qi in my body cannot be replenished, and I will be trapped here to die."

Xiao Yi realized that he was already the strength of the Golden Profound Realm. Facing a corpse left by a white-haired old man, it was still very difficult to deal with.

Just like those experimental subjects of Dr. Madman, the opponent doesn't know tiredness or rest, let alone pain, the longer you are, the more you suffer.

"Come on, I don't have so much time to spend here, let's make a decision!"

Golden light gathered in Xiao Yi's palm, and the white-haired old man rushed towards Xiao Yi with a long knife in his hand, making a powerful slash.

The hard rock wall was immediately cut open, and after Xiao Yi avoided the white-haired old man's slash, he hardly had any hesitation.

The palm of the hand hit the old man's temple, and the golden light gathered between the palms entered the old man's head.

After the white-haired old man missed the air, he did not stop, and then raised his long sword, planning to make a second slash.

It's a pity that he is just a dead person after all. This remnant body relies on the last trace of will in the body to act, how can it be Xiao Yi's opponent.

Jin Mang entered his head and destroyed the internal meridians, making it unable to move again. A pair of scarlet eyes gradually dimmed at this moment.

The long knife fell from his hand, Xiao Yi raised his hand to take it, and the body of the white-haired old man fell in front of Xiao Yi. This time he couldn't move anymore and completely became a dead man.

"People are already dead, so don't use this shameful method. Anyway, when you are alive, you are still a strong man."

Xiao Yi took the Dragon Slashing Sword, a simple and thick long knife, which looked completely featureless.

A Xiao Yi in his hand felt that the extremely domineering power from this knife turned out to be disobeying Xiao Yi's will.

Its owner is not Xiao Yi, such a magic weapon will have its own will, and it is not easy to control it.

"Now you are mine, it is not your turn to be wild in my hands!"

Xiao Yi used Dao Qi to suppress the domineering force of the Long Sword, and at the same time Zi Xu told Xiao Yi a way.

Cut his own finger with a long knife, and squeeze a drop of blood on the blade of the long knife. The white-haired old man has already become a dead person.

The long knife has also become a thing of no owner. Only through the dripping of blood to recognize the master, can the power of the long knife be completely suppressed and become the new owner of the long knife.

Xiao Yi did what the master said. The sharp blade almost pressed his finger to it, and he cut a wound, and red blood leaked from the wound.

After that, Xiao Yi dripped blood on the knife, and the blade of the Dragon Slashing Sword emitted a wisp of blue smoke, and the dripping blood merged into it.

Xiao Yi held the Dragon Slashing Sword in one hand, inserted it into the ground, sat down cross-legged and ran the "Xuantian Dao Fa", conditioning himself, and at the same time refining this long sword.

This was Xiao Yi's first magic weapon. Although it was taking advantage of others, the quality of this Dragon Slashing Sword was not low. Don't give anything for nothing, Xiao Yi would not be polite.

A trace of golden aura radiated from his body, and then wrapped around the Dragon Sword. At first, the Dragon Slashing Sword was struggling with violent shaking, trying to break free from Xiao Yi's restraint.

But gradually, the Dragon Slashing Sword was bathed in Xiao Yi's Dao Qi, as if he was enjoying it, and it calmed down. There were some damages on that quaint sword, which was repaired this time.

The quaint blade burst out with a strange brilliance, and the blade burst out with buzzing sound. As Xiao Yi finally converged his breath, he seemed to hear a deep dragon chant.

The Dragon Sword was completely quiet, and Xiao Yi became its owner. After accepting this fate, he returned to Xiao Yi's hands, and Xiao Yi reconsidered the long sword.

"Dragon Blade? It really is the same as this name, revealing a domineering force."

Accepting this magic weapon, Xiao Yi came to the body of the white-haired old man and stepped forward to bow his hand.

"Thank you for the magic weapon left by the predecessor. The Dragon Slashing Sword is in my hand. It will definitely not lose your reputation."

Although the old man was dead, this was something Xiao Yi could do. When he finished saying this, the white-haired old man's clothes moved.

Thinking that the white-haired old man was going to cheat the corpse again, Xiao Yi couldn't bear it. He couldn't take the old man's body apart.

I was embarrassed to do this after taking other people's things, but this time Xiao Yi could rest assured that the white-haired old man was not a corpse.

A piece of sheepskin fell out of his clothes. Because of the age, the sheepskin was severely weathered. Fortunately, the writing on it can still be seen clearly.

This time, Xiao Yi could recognize all the words written on it, and he subconsciously read it out, revealing a history.

"We gathered the power of everyone to experience a battle of sealing demons, and finally sealed the monsters here. I am the leader of the people, bewitched by the villains, cut open the body of the monsters, and took out the inner alchemy of the monsters, intending to increase Seek cultivation for emergence and ascension."

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