Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3803: Another helper

"Even if we are alive, we will eventually become history. It is not surprising that you can find such a place."

The Third Elder didn't take it to heart, Xiao Yi put the paper away, and now that the Third Elder parsed these words, the next thing would be much easier.

After staying in the library for a while, staying here to read the book honestly did not fit Xiao Yi's character, so he took a step away first.

After returning to the residence, he took out the map on his body, rearranged the text parsed by the three elders, and mapped them one by one on this map.

A map that was originally incomprehensible, the situation immediately became clear. The places marked on the map were all place names.

"these are……"

After restoring these words, Xiao Yi fell into trouble again.

These locations marked on the map are not the same as modern ones. They are obviously place names from ancient times, so I don't know where they are.

While Xiao Yi was in doubt, Xiao Ya came back from outside and saw Xiao Yi frowning at a map.

Out of curiosity, she came over and took a look, and saw her brother looking frowning, staring at the map thinking, Xiao Ya stretched out a finger and pointed to a place on the map.

"Isn't this Kunlun Mountain?"

Xiao Yi concentrated and placed it on the research map. Without paying attention to Xiao Ya's return, she was already standing behind him.

"Kunlun Mountain? How did you know?"

This is obviously not the three words Kunlun Mountain, Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"Although the location marked on this map is not Kunlun Mountain, it is obvious that I know this river, and the source of this river is on Kunlun Mountain."

It is not unreasonable for Xiao Ya to be called a tyrant during her studies. She has been involved in a number of things both at home and abroad, and she herself is very interested in them.

This sentence awakened Xiao Yi. Even if it was named differently or changed on a map, the river would not change.

He gave Xiao Ya the map, and asked Xiao Ya to try to find out where the other places marked on it were, and to find these locations anyway.

Soon Xiao Ya used modern methods to mark the contents of this map on another map based on what she had learned.

The place written with special markers on the map is on Kunlun Mountain. If Xiao Yi wants to find out, he must go deep into Kunlun Mountain.

"It turns out that this map meant that, Xiao Ya, you helped me a lot this time."

"Brother, what are you doing looking for places on this map? Could it be that this is a treasure map? Are you going to dig for treasures?"

Xiao Ya asked casually, she was really right about it. This time Xiao Yi meant to go hunting for treasure.

It's just that the location marked on the map, whether there is a treasure or another danger, is unknown at this moment, he is also waiting for the answer to the mystery.

"I found a map. I was just curious about the content on it, not a treasure map."

"I thought you were going to dig treasures, brother."

"Why did you come back earlier today, what about the Yingluo who accompanied you?"

After the two came here from Xiao Yi, they stuck together all day long. They were probably about the same age. In addition, Ying Luo was really bored, and finally found someone like Xiao Ya who could chat.

So when I was free, I came to Xiao Ya to chat and hang out. I didn't come back until the evening. I came back quite early today.

"She came back earlier and said that she wanted to prepare, and she will return to City H with us tomorrow."

Earlier, Xiao Yi and Yingluo said, Yingluo agreed, and Ji Jiangli also nodded and agreed to let his apprentice go out for more experience.

Tomorrow Xiao Yi plans to leave here with Xiao Ya. This time Yingluo will go to the outside world together, so go back and prepare first.

The three of Poison King, Duan Zhisheng, and Matchmaker were already with Xiao Yi. If these four were brought together, it would surely have a great effect.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Yi took Xiao Ya and Yingluo, and the three set out on the return journey.

Ji Jiangli personally saw them off. Although she had lived abroad before, Yingluo basically never left her.

The master and apprentice are like mother and daughter, and now Yingluo is about to leave. I don't know when she will come back next time.

"The outside world, especially where you are going, is the real battlefield. The battlefield is ruthless. You must be careful. If you encounter problems that you can't solve, ask your seniors more."

"Master, I know."

Yingluo kept the master's instructions in mind, and after bidding farewell, the boatman set out to row towards the center of the lake.

This time, when he came to Bro Xiao Villa, Xiao Yi knew a lot of secrets and saw a lot of things. It turned out that the division between justice and evil in this world is not so obvious.

There are hidden secrets in this paradise of Breaking Dawn Villa. When passing through the mist in the lake again, Xiao Yi paid special attention this time.

Under the calm lake, there is a strange beast hidden. At this moment, under the suppression of the magic circle, the strange beast is temporarily sleeping.

Once the seal is broken and the alien beast is released from it, what kind of disaster it will cause, Xiao Yi does not know.

He can only do what he can do. As for these, leave it to the future. The boatman punted quickly out of the mist and came to the outside world.

"I haven't seen him for so many years, and I don't know how the big brothers are doing. This old guy has a weird personality. I didn't expect to work for you."

In my impression, the great elder is also the old man of the poison king, and he does not want to be hired and do things for others.

This time it turned out to be surrendered by Xiao Yi, and I had to admire Xiao Yi's abilities. At the time, Big Brother Poison King didn't even listen to the words of Master.

"Xiao Yi, I'm very curious, how you can make my big brother, this kind of free and undisciplined person, work for you, he is very strange."

"It's very simple, what do you want most?"

"Poison Ching."

Yingluo said without hesitation that for the whereabouts of this poison scripture, it can be said that he is a big brother, who has devoted all his life's efforts to it. ,

It is a pity that such an ancient book as Dujing is not so easy to find. I don't know where in this world it is.

When Xiao Yi said this, Yingluo looked at him curiously. Does this mean that Xiao Yi found the poison scripture and failed.

"Did you... really found it?"

"Yes, by chance, I found this poison scripture and gave it to your senior brother. According to the previous agreement, I will help him find the poison scripture, and he will do things for me."

Xiao Yi and Yingluo explained at the same time that Duan Zhisheng and the matchmaker followed him voluntarily, not out of Xiao Yi's force.

At the beginning, Duan Zhisheng's fate was hanging by a thread, and he was poisoned by the poison of the King of Poison. If this insidious poison broke out completely, Duan Zhisheng could not control it, and the end would naturally be a dead end.

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