Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3807: Make trouble

The big man stirred a few times from the porridge with a spoon, picked out a hair and said.

A long thin hair may encounter this situation when eating on weekdays.

Most of them just throw away their hair, but for a restaurant that is open for business, this is different.

To open a restaurant to do business, we must do a good job of hygiene, and we must not neglect to let the guests spot problems.

When the waiter saw the hair in the porridge, he immediately understood what was going on, he said to the big man.

"We didn't fall into this hair."

"You didn't **** do it. Could it be that Lao Tzu threw it in by himself and wronged you? There is a saying, it's called the shop bully."

The big man found the cause, took advantage of the topic to make the matter a big deal, and cleaned up the people here.

"Lao Tzu brought people to eat with you. It gave you enough face. I didn't expect you to put such disgusting things in it."

"Don't be angry, I can be sure that this hair was definitely not what we fell in."

"If you say no, don't you? What the **** do you have evidence."

The waiters working here are all wearing hats, and their hair is shaved under the hats, and the hats are tightly buttoned up.

This approach is to take into account the living conditions of the restaurant, the hair in the porridge is very long, obviously they did not put it in.

"Our hair is less than one centimeter. The one you found in the porridge clearly exceeds ten centimeters. Doesn't this explain the situation?"

The waiter took off his hat and looked at the waiter's short hair, suddenly the big man had nothing to say.

After turning his eyes for a long time, he thought of a statement, pointing to the back kitchen of the restaurant, arrogantly said.

"I didn't put the hair in by myself. Except for your waiter, it must be put in by the cook who cooks the food, yes... it must be like this!"

"Are you suspicious of the back kitchen?"

"Call out the cook who cooks to Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu wants him to say something. If you can't say it, don't blame Lao Tzu for beating someone today!"

The waiter sneered. This kind of person really doesn't shed tears when he doesn't see the coffin, so he has to find the cook.

According to this person's request, he went to the back kitchen and said that there were a total of six people in charge of cooking. These six people were middle-aged men in their forties, with superb cooking skills.

More importantly, everyone keeps a bald head. Some people die, and some people shave their hair directly.

In the previous few incidents, people who came to make trouble made such an excuse, so Sun Desheng, the manager of the store, thought of a way to shave all the hair of the back chef.

In this way, the work becomes very refreshing, and the guests are not afraid of looking for things with this. When the six chefs stand in front of the big man, the big man’s face instantly becomes very ugly.

Finally, I thought of an excuse and a method, but the opponent's tricks were even more ruthless. People don't even have hair, so how could hair fall from the porridge.

The incident had reached such a point that Sun Desheng came out of the office and it was time for him to come forward and solve it.

Sun Desheng noticed the existence of Xiao Yi and the three of them. Although they had previously worked in the Tenglong Group, Xiao Yi, the chairman of the board, became the shopkeeper.

He didn't even see Xiao Yi's face, but saw that Xiao Yi felt a little familiar and didn't recognize it.

He walked straight to the big man, and the big things were turned into small ones. He thought that this matter was almost done, and there was no need to continue to make trouble.

"Are you satisfied with the meal?"

"What do you mean? I found a hair in the porridge. We must tell us about this matter."

Sun Desheng laughed and sat down with all the concessions that should be made. The person in front of him still refused to let go.

He raised his finger to the roof of the restaurant. Monitoring equipment was installed in all corners of the restaurant. Guests eating here could clearly see every move.

"We all have monitoring here. Just check the playback of the monitoring to know how the hair fell in."

"What? Monitor... monitor?"

The big man noticed that he had already installed surveillance, and he could clearly see every move.

He pulled a piece of hair just now and threw it in. It has nothing to do with the people in the shop. This is not the same as revealing it.

Sun Desheng didn't really want to check the surveillance, but just to give this person a reminder to let them retreat in the face of difficulties and do not continue to cause trouble here.

"If you can't do this, let's do it. If you have a meal here today, treat it as my treat. I don't want to be enmity with others, no matter who is behind it."

Not only forgiving these people, but also exempting these people, the purpose is to let them leave as soon as possible.

It sounds like this condition is very good. There is no reason to refuse. It was their own people who threw their hair. Sun Desheng had a good move, which had already been expected.

It's just that the purpose of the big man today is to cause trouble. If he leaves like this, boss Wang will definitely not give money.

After thinking about it, he definitely couldn't forget it so easily. He suddenly grabbed the foot of the table and raised his hand to overturn the table.

"What? Are you going to treat? They look down on Lao Tzu, what are you?"

The attitude of the other party let Sun Desheng know that no matter what he said, this person would not stop.

"Since this is the case, then I have to call the police and let the police handle the matter."

"I bother!"

The big man spit on Sun Desheng's body, got up and said to the people behind him.

"What are you waiting for, smash me!"

More than a dozen people moved immediately, clutching the tables, chairs, stools, chopsticks, spoons, and everything that could be smashed.

The chaos on the side of the scene for a moment, Sun Desheng just wanted to calm the matter down, but he didn't expect it to get worse. The other party used this despicable method to drive them off the street.

He just took out the phone to call the police, the phone was snatched by the big man, and threw his hand on the ground. The phone was smashed.

"Still calling the police in front of Lao Tzu, let you come and see how good Lao Tzu is today!"

Sun Desheng is a scholar, he can handle the official scenes, but he is not good at this kind of thing, and he doesn't know what to do for a while.

You can only find an employee in a store to report to the police. He stays here to watch the scene and try to delay the time.

The ground is embarrassing, and the big man wants to let the people in this shop understand that it is not so easy to open a shop on this street.

Boss Wang spent 20,000 yuan and hired them to come here to hit the ground. Before I had friendship with Boss Wang, this matter must be done for Boss Wang.

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