Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3812: Xiao Huaiyuan's proposal

Xiao Huaiyuan was thinking, does he look like a villain? Why did Xiao Yi think so.

No matter how bad his character is, he wouldn't do this kind of thing, and it was not for this purpose to come to see Xiao Yi today.

"You can rest assured about this. It is not for this purpose that I am here to find you today. I will put it forward. This trip is just to talk to you, no other purpose."

"Then I am very curious. People of the Xiao Clan think that they are noble. People like me who live outside can attract your attention and come to visit me."

"It seems that you have a misunderstanding of the Xiao Clan. Not all people are like you said. Despite their identities, everyone is the same. Sitting here makes no difference."

Xiao Yi sat opposite Xiao Huaiyuan. This face of Xiao Huaiyuan felt very serious, like a teacher in school, with a trace of inviolable majesty in the old-fashioned.

The aura that he exudes proves that he has absolute strength. In front of this person, Xiao Yi is not his opponent at all. When encountering such a person, it is best to find a chance to slip away.

Fortunately, Xiao Huaiyuan did not show hostility. Xiao Yi personally poured him a cup of tea. Since there were guests coming, he would follow the etiquette of hospitality.

When he saw Xiao Huaiyuan, he actually had a question in his heart. He was thinking about finding someone to answer. Maybe this Xiao Huaiyuan would know some inside information.

"I really didn't expect that the disaster that Xiao Huaiyi encountered back then, as his descendants, you could survive by chance."

Xiao Huaiyuan didn't participate in the incident of that year. Most of the planners of that incident were Xiao Huaili's cronies. For people like Xiao Huaiyuan, Xiao Huaili would not believe him.

The matter is related to the position of his patriarch in the future, there can be no mistakes, so by the time Xiao Huaiyuan learned the news, it was already too late and everything was a foregone conclusion.

"It was my grandfather who used his child to replace me from the scene of the accident. Without him, I am afraid I would have become a lonely ghost."

"Your grandpa?"

Isn't Xiao Yi's grandfather Xiao doing? Xiao Huaiyuan thought for a while, and immediately understood that the person Xiao Yi said was Xiao Shan.

Xiao Shan is the most loyal person around Xiao Huaiyi. When he was out to do business, he would be taken with him.

Because Xiao Shan was not born with a surname Xiao, this was the name that Xiao Huaiyi later changed him, not everyone from the Xiao Clan, so naturally he was not qualified to practice the Xiao Clan's exercises.

Xiao Huaiyuan didn't expect that, in times of crisis, Xiao Shan would be willing to replace Xiao Yi with his own child, which shows how deep the relationship between the two masters and servants is.

Perhaps it was because Xiao Shan was just an ordinary outsider. After the events of the year, Xiao Shan lost track of the Xiao Clan. Xiao Huaili didn't pay attention to him, so that Xiao Shan lived with Xiao Yi.

"This person you are talking about is Xiao Shan, he is just a subordinate to the Xiao Clan, this grandpa seems a little inappropriate."

"I don't need to abide by any rules, in my heart he is my grandfather."

Xiao Yi has lived outside of the Xiao Clan since he was a child. As for the glory of the Xiao Clan and how prominent his status is, these have nothing to do with Xiao Yi.

From these words, Xiao Huaiyuan could hear that Xiao Yi's resentment towards the Xiao Clan was not just a few people, and a few words could ease it.

"It seems that you have a deep hatred of the Xiao Clan. To be honest, I came to you today because there is something that I need to talk to you."

The purpose of Xiao Huaiyuan's appearance here was really to make Xiao Yi unable to guess. With his next words, he finally understood.

It turned out that the position of the patriarch among the Xiao Clan was recommended by everyone, and the biggest checkpoint was the five elders of the Xiao Clan.

With the candidacy, they will pass the challenges set in the clan, and after layers of selection, the most outstanding candidates can stand in front of the five elders.

The five elders only need three to agree, and this person is the next patriarch. This method of selection is to make the election of the patriarch transparent and fair.

Among these candidates, one of them is the most special. This person is the head of the patriarch, and the younger generation is selected.

The Xiao Clan is divided into several lines according to the family situation. For example, Xiao Qian is one line, followed by Xiao Huaili and his brothers, followed by Xiao Qing, Xiao Cang and Xiao Yi.

The position of the patriarch can not be passed down to five people at most in one line. The patriarch was Xiao Qian's father before, followed by Xiao Qian, and later Xiao Huaiyi.

Although Xiao Huaiyi had encountered an accident, before that, Xiao Huaiyi's name had been written on the position of patriarch. Even if he failed to sit in this position, it still counted.

This means that Xiao Qian's line has only one chance to make his descendants sit in the position of patriarch, and Xiao Huaili's election will skip the previous procedure and let the five patriarchs choose.

"Although such a system is to ensure fairness, the word fairness has not appeared since ancient times. The next patriarch, Xiao Huaili, has already laid the groundwork for his son."

Xiao Huaiyuan said that choosing an incompetent person to be the patriarch of the Xiao Clan was really a result he didn't want to see. Instead of this, it would be better to have an open election.

It's a pity that even his elder is powerless in the matter of elections. The others have already agreed to Xiao Huaili, and he can only follow the trend.

"I understand. You mean to say that in the election of the patriarch of the Xiao clan, Xiao Huaili covered the sky with one hand, and no one else had a chance?"

"Not bad."

"But what do you say has anything to do with me? Who will be the patriarch of the Xiao Clan? I have no interest at all."

With a word of Xiao Yi, Xiao Huaiyuan almost dropped the teacup in his hand and dropped it on the ground. He had thought about it a lot before he came, what kind of answer would Xiao Yi have when he said something like this.

However, he never expected that Xiao Yi's attitude was so careless, as if the Xiao Clan had nothing to do with him, which made him talk about the topic.

"Ahem... Xiao Yi is the patriarch of the Xiao Clan, so many young people from the Xiao Clan want to sit in this position."

For this position, there are even people who do not hesitate to deal with their own hands and feet, rights and status, no one can stop the temptation of these two things.

Such a position, so many people are crazy about it, Xiao Yi actually can't afford the slightest interest.

"What does it matter to me? What is the patriarch of the Xiao Clan? What does it have to do with me? Didn't Xiao Huaili want to let his son sit in this position? Then you just nod your heads and agree."

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