Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3818: What means

Since Xiao Yi left the Xiao Clan last time, Xiao Huaili didn't take this matter to heart, and thought it hadn't happened.

Even if Xiao Yi was Xiao Huaiyi's son, what happened back then was already a foregone conclusion, and his father could not reverse the case for this matter.

Xiao Qian obviously knew what happened that year, but he didn't ask more about it, which showed that his father had already accepted the result in his heart.

Because once this matter was brought up, it was the face of the entire Xiao Clan that was lost. It seemed a bit unworthy to do it just to reverse the case.

Therefore, Xiao Huaili had already prepared for it. At that time, Xiao Yi came to the Xiao Clan and made him feel surprised. He did not expect that Xiao Huaiyi's son was still alive in this world.

I saw Xiao Yi that time, as if Xiao Huaiyi, his second brother, was standing in front of him alive, and never left the world. The two people were so alike.

After all, he is the patriarch of the Xiao Clan, and all rights are controlled by Xiao Huaili's hands.

"I really didn't expect this Xiao Yi to be alive. If Xiao Huaiyi were the patriarch, this kid would have achieved such an achievement at a young age. He is more than several times stronger than you."

Under the premise that Xiao Huaiyi was not dead, this time the patriarch of the Xiao clan would definitely fall to Xiao Yi's head.

However, people cannot be resurrected from death. Xiao Yi is just a person living outside, and he has not accepted the teachings of the Xiao Clan. In addition, he has become a useless person.

"Who made him not long-eyed at the beginning and insisted on coming to the Xiao Clan to make trouble? He naively thought that with his little ability, he could stand in front of me and challenge me."

Xiao Huaili disdainfully said, the younger generation Xiao Yi is indeed very strong, but it is still too much, not in a short time, the strength can make up for it.

"He has been abolished by me, and he has become an ordinary person. No matter how good his mind is, there is no threat at all."

"Father, I think things are not as simple as you think. I am afraid that Xiao Yi has not been abolished."

"How is this possible? When he and the others left the Xiao Clan that day, I personally came to check it out. It was obvious that his dantian was destroyed and he would not be able to practice in this life."

Xiao Qing reported what he had heard from the outside world to Xiao Huaili. He did not just go out on his own, but also did a lot of work.

He sent his confidant around him to inquire about Xiao Yi's news, only to find out that Xiao Yi was frequently outside.

Even just before, Xiao Yi fought against the powerhouse of the Black Dragon clan, and under the hands of this Black Dragon clan, he could still remain invincible.

"This happened!"

"Father, in addition to the news I heard from Xiao Yi, some people appeared beside Xiao Yi, who seemed to be protecting his safety."

Xiao Huaili frowned. He was sure that what he had discovered at the beginning was not wrong. He personally grasped Xiao Yi's wrist, Xiao Yi's meridians were like a dry river, and he lost his life.

Under such circumstances, with Xiao Yi's ability, how could he withstand his move, the destruction of Dantian was only the slightest result, and it was a miracle that Xiao Yi survived that day.

Had it not been for Xiao Qing to tell him the news, Xiao Huaili still didn't know, this matter would have been kept in the dark.

It's important that Xiao Qing naturally wouldn't make jokes in front of him. After thinking about it, Xiao Huaili felt it, sending out dangerous signals from Xiao Yi.

If Xiao Yi really hadn't been abolished, what kind of means was used that day that even he could deceive the past. What kind of support does a seemingly simple person have behind him?

A young man born in the outside world who had never received training like a young man of the Xiao clan was the first to start a path of cultivation. With such a powerful strength, if Xiao Yi had no one to guide him, Xiao Huaili would be the first to not believe it.

"Can you find out, behind this Xiao Yi, who are protecting him?"

Xiao Qing shook his head. The outside world was not like among the Xiao Clan. His abilities were limited. It was already very difficult to detect these news.

"Father and my people, they only detected these. After the people who helped Xiao Yi showed up, they planned to follow along all the way, trying to understand the identity of these people, but unfortunately they were lost."

They didn't know that those who appeared next to Xiao Yi and were responsible for protecting Xiao Yi were the confidants of Xiao Qian.

As early as more than 30 years ago, they were arranged by Xiao Qian in the outside world, and their life and work had already been integrated into the lives of normal people.

How can I not know that someone is staring behind him, after the task is completed, everyone quickly dispersed and became a member of the masses.

"I'm really curious about what method Xiao Yi used to fool me into thinking that he has become a useless person. Only then will he be relieved to leave."

Looking back now, Xiao Huaili felt Xiao Yi's terrifying scheming. Perhaps when Xiao Huaizhi brought Xiao Yi back to the Xiao Clan, Xiao Yi had already thought of his way out.

It's a pity that even he couldn't see through it. Xiao Yi tried to hide from the sky, not only ruining the day's marriage contract, but in exchange for his own safety and leaving the Xiao Clan safely.

"Damn... if this Xiao Yi really has such a method, then he must get rid of it!"

"Father, are you worried, does Xiao Yi seek revenge from you in the future?"

"Haha... Revenge? It depends on whether he has this ability."

Xiao Huaili let out a sneer. With Xiao Yi's current strength, he would not be able to catch up with him in ten years of cultivation.

Moreover, as Xiao Yi is making progress, he is also breaking through. Once he has broken through the Nine Heavens of the Nine Heavens Royal Thunder Technique, he only needs to move his fingers to clean up a Xiao Yi.

If there were no words from Xiao Qing and someone was by Xiao Yi's side and secretly protecting him, Xiao Huaili might still not take this matter to heart.

At this moment, he was very concerned about who was the one who was doing his hands and feet behind his back. He was healed for Xiao Yi that day, besides the Heavenly Master Zhang, there was another person who was his father.

Obviously his father didn't question him about what happened back then, but Xiao Huaili knew in his heart that this matter had become a heart disease in his father's heart, and one day he would still settle the account.

If his father made a decision to let Xiao Yi return to the Xiao Clan, then Xiao Qing would add a powerful opponent if he wanted to be the patriarch.

I have been planning ahead for so long, and I don't want to miss the opportunity like this, so at this time, Xiao Huaili must do something.

"I already know this. Then you will do what I said, and honestly improve your strength. If you can't even pass this level of tempering, you are not worthy of being my Xiao Huaili's son!"

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