Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3831: The lion has a big mouth

After hearing the meaning of this sentence, it turned out that Sauron was not afraid of death, but was asking for something from Freman.

Worthy of being an old fox, he has already counted all this in it. Freeman planned to go back. After hearing these words, hope rose in his heart.

"It seems that Boss Sauron wants something, right?"

Sauron smiled, and he picked up a piece of paper from his side, which had already been written for Freeman.

A list was written about what he needed. It seemed that Sauron had been prepared before that and planned to use this condition to negotiate with Freeman.

"this is……"

"I only need you to satisfy the goods on my list. Even if you are taking a risk this time, I agree to start hunting and help you get rid of this trouble."

Freeman took the list, and when he saw what was written on the list, his face became extremely ugly.

It is completely appropriate to describe Sauron with a big lion's mouth. The things written on this list are enough to arm a mercenary group of more than 200 people, and they are all the latest weapons.

Counting down such a batch of arms, it was worth more than 30 million US dollars at least, so Freman couldn't accept the request for so many things at once.

"Boss Sauron, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I am joking with you again?"

Freman's hands were trembling, he was angry, and it was not easy to attack in front of Sauron, so he had to endure it.

Such a condition is unheard of. It is just that you need to agree to start a hunting session. It is very simple to expel such a condition.

"I can't promise you Boss Sauron on this condition. Where do you want me to get such a batch of arms."

"Hehe, this is your business, Freman don't think I don't know, you are secretly engaged in the arms business with the Jock family, all I want is the fraction of your earnings."

"It seems that you already know that I am indeed cooperating with the Jock family, but the Jock family gave me so little profit. It made me produce so many things at once, and I really can't get it out."

Sauron smiled, and he couldn't get it out. He already had a measure in his heart. What was written on it knew that Freman had this condition.

"It seems that you are going to reject me. Okay, then you can go back. This is a hunting matter. As long as it is between the three of us, if two of us disagree, it cannot be opened."

As a result, Freeman's proposal was invalidated, and Freeman, the new third, was not worth mentioning in front of Sauron.

Feeling the contempt and disdain of Sauron's remarks, I really want to take a stand and fight with Sauron to see who is qualified to stand here.

Relying on the masters around him.

It's just that it's not working right now. Those masters won't listen to Freeman's words. After thinking about this, Freeman plans to go back to Rost, wanting to find a breakthrough from Rost's side.

"Well, you don't have to think about it. Roster has already received a call from your deputy. He sold it to Perrod as a favor. This time I don't agree with it. No one wants to open it."

Seeing through Freman's thoughts at this moment, Sauron bluntly said that even the last hope was not left to Freman.

No wonder that when he went to find Roster before, Roster seemed to have known his purpose. It turned out that this person was making a ghost, which was really hateful.

If he knew this earlier, he should order in advance to put his deputy to death, otherwise there would be no current result. His deputy became his opponent, and he was fighting Freman everywhere.

"Boss Sauron, can't you reduce this condition? If it is one-third, I will promise you now."

"No, no, no! There are a lot of things on the list. If you agree to bring them over, I will naturally agree."

Sauron did not let go, which brought the negotiation between the two sides into a deadlock. At this moment, Sauron said again.

"Don't forget that you and that newcomer mercenary group have become deadly enemies. If they grow up here, I'm afraid there will be no place for you."

The previous battle is an example. How many people Freiman mobilized, a battle ended in failure, and it was his initiative to reconcile.

If Xu Qiang and the others were given time, the trouble would get bigger and bigger. Thinking of this, Freman gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Okay! I promise your request!"

Freman gritted his teeth and said, not forty million. In order to get rid of Xu Qiang and the others, he did it this time.

"I will prepare this batch of goods as soon as I go back, and they will be delivered to you immediately."

At this moment, Freeman agreed to the condition, which made Sauron feel surprised. The bottom line in his heart was half of the condition.

One can imagine how much Freman hated this mercenary group in his heart, and at the same time there was a trace of fear in his heart.

After agreeing to this condition, Sauron had nothing to say, a game of hunting, and the opening was the opening. There were a large number of participants, and what could the death **** do.

"Okay, happy! I like happy people!"

Sauron smiled, turned and shook hands with Freeman, and told Freeman to send someone to send him back later.

By the way, when my own people come back, they will deliver all the items on the list, and all the processes are arranged, just like buying things in a shopping mall, there is only one pay.

Freeman was the one who paid the bill. He had already promised Sauron that he would honor the above conditions, so he would definitely do it, otherwise it would be tantamount to cheating, and the consequences would be unaffordable.

For the purpose of his heart, he can only agree to this condition. Fortunately, Jock said before that if he can get rid of Xu Qiang and his party, he will be given 60 million US dollars as a reward.

Calculated in this way, the business is not a loss, and it will shorten the relationship between Jock, and his benefits will be indispensable at that time. After thinking about it this way, Freeman's heart feels much better.

He found himself a comfort, and then he took someone to leave the resident, leaving Sauron in the church. It was really a surprise that Freyman agreed to the conditions he made just now.

Originally thinking that it would reduce a part, getting this batch of arms meant that he could expand another team. It seemed that this boss was also good, and he smiled.

"I really underestimated you Freeman. I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, with such a great power, I could easily agree to such a condition."

Forty million dollars is not much, but forty million arms can be sold for 100 million on the mercenary battlefield. The arms are too scarce.

The Edward family has been shrinking the arms business, and the mercenary battlefield has been implicated. This time, I got such a batch of goods from Freeman's hands. It seems that there will be a steady stream of arms and shipped to this battlefield in the future. on.

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