Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3841: Promise to go

A good quality jade vein, Yuan Sheng fancy this jade vein will definitely produce good goods, but before the goods can be released, something went wrong immediately.

At that time, Yuan Sheng planned to follow into the cave to find out the situation, but the people under his hand persuaded him to let Yuan Sheng wait outside, as long as there were workers.

This naturally formed channel has a stable internal structure, and it seems to be some ages. I don't know if it was mined by ancient people or it was the result of geological movement.

Having such a passage can be regarded as a great help to Yuan Sheng and the others. More than 20 workers entered the passage along the passage, and Yuan Sheng waited for their good news.

In order to maintain the call at all times, a device with a signal amplifier is used, and the people above can always understand the situation below. As long as there is an accident or something wrong, they immediately order everyone to retreat.

"If you are mining Yumai, this requires relevant personnel to operate. Could it be that your workers have a problem?"

Xiao Yi asked, Yuan Sheng shook his head. If something goes wrong, he doesn't have to worry about it.

"In order to mine the jade veins this time, I specially invited a geologist and came to the site to give instructions. The expert also said that there is no problem. The jade veins can be mined. I would not have thought of such a situation."

Yuan Sheng regretted it very much. If he knew that such a disaster would happen, he would listen to the opinions of the old people in the village at that time and would not touch this Yumai idea.

Just when these workers entered the passageway, inspected the conditions inside, and planned to bring samples from it to identify Yuan Sheng, an accident happened.

This channel suddenly disappeared. The workers who were still in contact with the people above suddenly lost the news and the signal was interrupted.

At first, Yuan Sheng thought that this passage had collapsed. After all, this passage was not artificially excavated. Any unexpected situation may happen.

He sent people into it for rescue. The second group of people were bound with safety ropes. After walking for a certain distance in the passage, they found that the front was blocked by a stone and could not pass.

"The stone is blocking the way. This should be caused by the collapse."

"It's not what you think, Xiao Yi, you are not at the scene, and you don't understand the strange things inside. The stone blocking the way seems to exist."

"The original existence? Since it is the original existence, how did the previous people get in."

Xiao Yi asked back, obviously Yuan Sheng wanted an answer to the same question.

Yes, how did the people before get in?

The second group of people sent down seemed to have come to an end, and they couldn't move forward any further.

Yuan Sheng used geological survey tools to conduct a test. The data obtained after the test showed that the thickness of the stone was beyond imagination.

In other words, the back of the stone is not empty. Such a result has made everyone present feel hairy. What is going on, the passage closed and disappeared for no reason?

It is still said that there is really a ghost in this, no one can make it clear on this kind of thing, even the professor Yuan Sheng invited this time, there is no way about this, only Yuan Sheng's own ideas.

In any case, more than 20 young workers did enter it along the passage. In any case, Yuan Sheng was responsible for the lives of these people, so he thought of calling the police for help.

However, there was trouble describing the problem on the phone. After the rescuers arrived at the scene, they didn't understand the situation and thought that Yuan Sheng was lying this time. They had reached the end of the passage without anyone seeing it.

Moreover, this stone seems to have always existed and rescue cannot be carried out. Yuan Sheng also thought of a lot of methods. If it does not work, he intends to punch holes in this passage and insert explosives to explode this passage.

Geological experts told him that if he didn't understand the situation, if he used explosives casually and disrupted the geological balance here, even if the people who entered it were still alive, they would eventually die in it because of the internal collapse.

There was really no other way. Yuan Sheng believed what the old man in the village said at this time, and thought that among the people he knew, who had studied these, maybe Xiao Yi could have any strategy.

So he drove in a hurry and rushed to Xiao Yi's residence. Fortunately, Xiao Yi has been in H City these days. If he is empty, I don't know when to wait.

"I really can't do anything. I can only ask you to come with me. Even if I don't mine this jade vein and fill it up for him, I must rescue the people inside."

Yuan Sheng seldom asks for help. This time it is really a last resort. He invested a lot of money in mining Yumai. It doesn't matter if he loses his own business, it doesn't matter.

Only the workers trapped in the passage, Yuan Sheng must find a way to rescue them. If these people die inside, more than 20 families will be destroyed in this way, and Yuan Sheng will not be at ease for the rest of his life.

"Xiao Yi, you can say a price. As long as you can help me save people, you can get any money. I really don't want to see someone implicated in it because of my stubbornness."

Seeing Xiao Yi not speaking, Yuan Sheng pleaded again, thinking that Xiao Yi would not agree to his request.

He was just thinking about the reasons for this matter. According to Yuan Sheng, this matter is indeed very mysterious. With Yuan Sheng's ability, there must be no way.

"Once you are done, where do you say it, between the two of us, there is no need to say such things."

"So, Xiao Yi, did you agree to me? I'm really sorry to disturb your quietness. I will drive over to pick you up tomorrow."

Yuan Sheng looked anxious, he was not polite in front of Xiao Yi, anyway, Xiao Yi had nothing to do in his spare time, so he could do activities once he went out.

Cultivating the power of the soul is not a matter of overnight. If you just know how to practice every day, people will become crazy.

"Don't say anything about tomorrow morning. See you in a hurry. Let's set off now. Go early and rescue people earlier."

"Xiao Yi... thank you so much, I don't know what to say."

"Don't tell me if you don't know, you helped me before, so I should help you here."

Knowing that Yuan Sheng was eager to save people, Xiao Yi made the decision, and now followed Yuan Sheng to see what articles were there.

Yuan Sheng went to drive and packed up briefly. Xiao Yi carried a backpack, got in the car and drove straight away from here to the location of the incident.

The place in Yumai is a long way away. It takes half a day to drive. Yuan Sheng was worried about the safety of the workers along the way, so he drove faster.

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