Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3843: Unsolvable grievances

The poor master of the Black Dragon clan trapped in the car had not had time to get out of the car, and the door was seriously deformed after the car rolled over.

Trying to climb out of the car window, I encountered this situation. I was hit in the chest with several shots and was killed on the spot.

They never dreamed that there would be such a useless way of death, and they died in the hands of a woman. After doing this, the woman looked at the corpse in the car with indifferent eyes.

"This is the retribution you deserve!"

Take out a lighter, throw it into the car on fire, a cluster of flames burning.

The vehicle turned over and the fuel tank leaked, and the flames ignited a big fire. After turning around and walking a few steps, the vehicle exploded.

At the same time, the corpses in the car were completely cleaned up, all the work was done in one go, and there was no hesitation to stay.

Yuan Sheng was sitting in the car, too scared to speak, for fear that they would be selected as the target. At this time, Xiao Yi could see the woman's face clearly, but she did not expect that she would appear here at this time.

"It's you!"

Xiao Yi pushed the car door, Yuan Sheng still wanted to pull Xiao Yi, and getting off the car at this time was like looking for death.

Unexpectedly, the two people knew each other, and the relationship was very unusual. Looking at the woman in front of him, Xiao Yi didn't know how to talk to her.

"What should I call you, is it Wanyanyu, or..."

"The name is just a title, you can call me whatever you want."

Wan Yanyu never cared about this. At first, she took the task and approached Xiao Yi as the girl instead of the girl in order to fulfill the mission of the tribe.

Now that she learned of the tribe’s conspiracy and the truth, she had already become a traitor in the eyes of the tribe, and chose not to go back to that place anymore, and it was good to live alone outside.

"I didn't expect to see you here, although I have a lot to say, but now you get in the car and walk with me. Staying here will be a lot of trouble."

Xiao Yi heard the sirens and the police were coming. After the police arrived, the explanation for the situation at the scene was not clear.

"No need, I don't want to cause you trouble, because these people are following you, I'm afraid you might have something wrong, so I solved them for you."

Wan Yan Yu said that her father arranged the eyeliner next to Xiao Yi. She knew very well that when these people were dispatched, Wan Yan Yu followed suit.

I don't want to let the tribe's conspiracy succeed. Even if this is the case, the blood curse on the tribe can't be solved, but to sacrifice others to achieve their own goals, what is the difference between this approach and the butcher.

"It seems that even if I don't make a move, you still have a way to deal with it. We will go our own way."

"Are you running away from me?"


Xiao Yi hesitated for a moment, and the sound of the siren got closer and closer, and there was no time to hesitate.

He grabbed Yan Yu's hand, pulled her into the car, and told Yuan Sheng to drive quickly.

By the way, he made a phone call. As Xiao Yi's current identity, this kind of fight between the clansmen involved, no one can intervene in this matter.

After asking those people to simply record the matter, don't file a case for investigation. Even if the investigation goes on, there will be no results. There is Xiao Yi in the middle, and he knows what to do.

Ten minutes later, Yuan Sheng stopped the car in a clearing.

I went through a scene just now, and now I feel terrible in retrospect. It looks like a very ordinary girl who didn't even blink her eyes when she didn't expect to kill.

Wan Yanyu wore a red dress and didn't need to continue to disguise. She returned to her original dress, her temperament became a lot more mature, unlike a student's face, full of childishness.

Faced with Yan Yu again, Xiao Yi couldn't look directly at her. The two had obviously walked close before, and even slept in the same room.

After learning the identity of Wanyanyu, it seemed that there was a barrier between the two people, which made people feel so uncomfortable.

"You... how is your injury?"

Before Wanyanyu blocked a shot for Xiao Yi, Wanyanyu touched his stomach, finally showing a smile on his face.

"It's okay, you should know that the injury is nothing more than a skin injury to the practitioner."

"It's okay. Last time you left alone, I have been tracking your whereabouts, but there is no news at all."

"What do you do to track down my whereabouts? Xiao Yi, can you not do such unnecessary things? Don't forget that I am your enemy!"

Wan Yanyu reminded Xiao Yidao that they were enemies, and this was destined, no one could change it, and no one could resolve it.

This kind of grievance has been passed down from the ancestors and has continued to the present. Now it is a miracle that the two of them can stand here and talk.

In the process of thinking about Xiao Yi, she knew that Xiao Yi's personality was too simple, and some things would be considered long-term, and some things were as willful as a child.

"This time I have no choice but to appear, and I won't appear in front of you like this next time to disturb your quietness."

"Why do you have to talk like this and pretend to be a stranger in front of me, so that you will feel good in your heart?"

Xiao Yi asked, Wan Yanyu didn't go to answer his question directly, and turned to look at the scenery behind him.

There are so many beautiful people in the country, but there are always many worries and troubles deep in my heart. Maybe people are still alive, but after all, they can't escape these troubles.

"Xiao Yi, don't you understand at all?"

"Understand what?"

"You are tracking my whereabouts. If you let the Xiao people know that you and I are so close, then how do you face your people!"

Wan Yanyu asked back, she wanted to see Xiao Yi, but she knew she couldn't.

There are many masters of the Xiao Clan next to Xiao Yi. If she appears, she will definitely be beheaded with her own strength. At that time, Xiao Yi chose to save her or did it on herself like everyone else.

I was passionate in my heart and felt that the latter would be more likely, so I always avoided Xiao Yi.

The first time someone asked himself this question, it made Xiao Yi's words speechless for a while. It was indeed the case. No one had ever mentioned this question before.

Clan people, when did they start, these two words appeared next to him, forcibly involving him.

"What does the Xiao Clan have to do with me? I have never lived in the Xiao Clan. For me, the Xiao Clan only has indifference and hatred."

"But don't forget that in your body, the blood of the Xiao Clan is flowing. You can't change this in your life."

Understand the hatred in Xiao Yi's heart, but this is not a reason. After all, Xiao Yi could not escape the fate of the Xiao Clan, and was trapped in it like her.

"We are already enemies, either you die or I die, so this may be the last time we meet. You must take care of yourself."

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