Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3845: Rumors in the Village

Xiao Yi supported the old village chief and sat on a rock outside the village. The old village chief took a long breath with a cigarette in his mouth.

Sighing and exhaling a sigh of smoke, he looked at Xiao Yidao in front of him.

"This matter should start from more than 50 years ago. In our village, there have always been rumors about giant pythons. People living in the village are not old fools, unfounded things, and certainly not. I believe it casually."

The old village chief was the same when he was young, and he didn't believe in such a fictitious thing, but something happened later that changed his mind.

Once he and a few young people in the village went up the mountain to collect medicine. When standing on the mountainside, dark clouds began to appear in the sky, and the clear sky was soon covered.

On a sunny day, dark clouds were all over the place. It is also a very common thing in such deep mountain places. Several people continue to gather medicine, and they have no intention of going down the mountain and going home.

Suddenly there was thunder and thunder in the dark clouds. The old village chief had lived for so long and had never seen such weird weather, and they discovered that all the lightning fell into the cols behind the village.

The young people were also bold. Even so, they still didn't feel scared, so they walked in the direction of the col to see what was going on. They had never seen this before.

Over the top of the mountain, a few people saw that in the middle of the col, all the lightning was concentrated in a bombardment position, and in this position, there were countless beasts such as hares, pheasants and boars that died.

One of them, seeing that there were so many beasts that died in the mountains, it was originally an era of insufficient food. A wild boar has been enough to eat for a few months. After seeing this scene, he didn't think much about it.

When I turned over, I was going to pick up the beasts that were smashed to death by thunder and lightning in the mountain col, and take them home to eat for my children and wives. Even in such bad weather, they were already ignored.

The old existence at that time was also very excited. Whoever picked it up was the one who had already run out of food at home and lived a life of eating chaff. If you could eat some meat to improve your life, it would be worth the risk.

But the old village chief is also very smart. He feels that this matter is not that simple. As the saying goes, things are abnormal, there must be demons. Where there is such a beautiful thing in the world, he hesitated for a moment, and the other people have already rushed into the mountain col. .

Looking at the pair of corpses of wild beasts, they were all killed by lightning not long ago. If they were taken back, they could be washed clean and eaten. This **** is a great help to them and saved their lives.

Just as several people were celebrating with their wild boar and pheasant corpses, a purple lightning fell and hit the bodies of these people.

They fell to the ground, seeing that they were out of breath, and the old village chief who was about to rush up at the moment stopped in time. If he rushed down, he would definitely end up in the same way.

Sure enough, there is nothing in the world for nothing. The old village head still believes that those wild boars and pheasants are sacrifices to the underground python. How can this sacrifice be moved by mortals, and they will inevitably suffer retribution.

The old village chief planned to wait for the rain to clear, and then carry the bodies of these people back down the mountain. Anyway, they are also people in the village. They will also be brought back when they die. The bodies will be buried somewhere.

At the place where the corpses were piled up, as a muffled thunder fell, a purple mist appeared, enveloping all the corpses in it, and it was not clear what the situation was.

Fearing that the weird thunder would fall on him, the old village chief found a cave nearby as a shelter from the rain. He stayed on the mountain for a whole night. He didn't even dared to close his eyes that night.

After the night, from the direction of the mountain, there was a gust of wind from time to time. This sound made people feel straightforward, like a ghost crying, and the old village chief could hear it with his ears blocked.

The voice waited until the next morning, when the sun rose, and then disappeared. During this period, the old village chief did not dare to look at it. I didn't know what happened in the col. After dawn, the dark clouds receded and the sky cleared.

He came to the top of the mountain again and looked in the direction of the col. Yesterday there were still a lot of corpses. The place suddenly disappeared. The dead people, including the corpses of animals, seemed to not exist at all.

Taking courage, the old village chief walked to the place where the accident happened yesterday to check it out. A dark hole appeared in the ground, and he couldn't see where he was going through the grass.

He dared not go in alone, especially after experiencing yesterday’s things, he ran back to the village, and after talking to the people in the village, a dozen young descendants followed him to the mountain col. They didn’t believe the old village chief said. if.

"Hey! What happened that day is so clear when I think about it now. The hole I saw before has disappeared, and the grass has returned to normal. There is no such thing as a cave."

Although the old village chief and the villagers explained it a bit, everyone saw nothing. They all thought that the old village chief was lying, and maybe those people were following him.

I didn't want to take the responsibility for the fabricated lie. The old village chief couldn't explain clearly with a few mouths, so he had to go back first and wait for the village leader to deal with it.

"The few people died in front of my eyes. Sometimes I can dream of their figure in my dreams, so if you plan to mine the jade veins on this mountain, you can't do this."

The old village chief also likes money. If he has money, he can leave this place of life and change to a better life.

But he knew that he couldn't take the money. If he took the money, he might have some trouble. The place where the accident happened in the col is exactly where the Yumai was located.

The people in the village have known the existence of this Yumai for a long time, but no one dared to touch Yumai's thoughts. Nowadays, young people have forgotten the old man's advice and forgot about the matter.

Following the old man’s words and thinking about it, the old village chief didn’t seem to be lying. The situation at that time might be different from what he said. After all, when people are in a panic, they will see an illusion.

However, the cave appeared and disappeared. This was the same situation as Yuan Sheng encountered. Xiao Yi had to think about whether this cave was really weird or not. He had to personally explore what was inside.

"Don't worry, old man, we are not interested in Yumai, but we are very curious about this rumor. Don't worry, we will not move this Yumai."

"Don't move? If you don't move Yumai, how can you make money? My old man knows that you have invested a lot of money for this Yumai."

"Naturally, I have my solution. You are waiting here. We will go out and come back as soon as the matter is resolved, and we will discuss something with you later."

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