Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3859: Guards talent

The real battle between the two clans has not yet begun. Such small-scale battles are happening frequently. It seems that there is not much time left before the real confrontation.

At this moment, Xiao Huaiyuan took the people of the Xiao Clan and was resting in a stronghold. With his strong strength, he suppressed the Heilong clan. However, after such a battle, he also needed to recuperate.

After recuperating with a minor injury, you can go to the next battle. Those with more severe injuries need to stay here to recuperate. Xiao Huaiyuan resists such a fierce battle. If there is no conflict, he will not. There are injured people.

He advocates the use of force. In fact, the fundamental intention is also for peace. Only by using strong force to carry out a destructive strike can the subsequent stability be exchanged, otherwise the battle like this will never end.

"How? Is the investigation clear?"

In the previous encounter with the Heilong clan, when Xiao Huaiyuan took someone over, someone had already fought him.

After he showed up with someone, these strong men who fought with the Black Dragon clan chose to withdraw from the battle, and after a few breaths, they disappeared without a trace from the fighting area.

At that time, Xiao Huaiyuan realized that there might be hidden secrets that he didn't know about, but he couldn't tolerate distractions on the battlefield. He wanted to catch up with him personally, and he was powerless, so he had to send two strong men to follow. .

"Back to the elders, we are all to blame for our incompetence. We were about to catch up with them, but within the blink of an eye, their breath disappeared without a trace. We really can't find it."

"Well, it's not your fault. Since those people are able to fight against the strong of the Black Dragon clan, it shows that their strength is not weak."

Xiao Huaiyuan knew this very well. He had already entered the battlefield ahead of time, indicating that the news of these people was better than them.

When he was discovered that he was taking someone past, he could withdraw from the battlefield in an instant. This is not what ordinary people can do. Who is involved in this confrontation?

Whether the opponent was an enemy or a friend, Xiao Huaiyuan was not happy because someone intervened in this battle, but fell into deep thought. He wanted to find out the identity of these people.

Obviously, the purpose of these people was also to protect Xiao Yi. What kind of power was hidden behind Xiao Yi? Various signs showed that Xiao Yi was not alone in death.

"Remember what I have said. Never mention anything you have encountered before to anyone in the clan, including the patriarch."


"Well, you go down first. After this battle, it is estimated that there will be no movement from the Black Dragon clan in a short time."

Xiao Huaiyuan specifically warned that in the battle report submitted to the Xiao Clan, this matter was not included in it. The situation was already very tense. He did not want Xiao Huaili to be distracted by this matter.

Originally, Xiao Yi was a person who had disappeared, and suddenly appeared among the Xiao Clan. Xiao Huaili's face was already lost on that day. Without a direct explanation, Xiao Yi would never be allowed to return to the Xiao Clan alive.

Intrigue and intrigue, such things are happening again and again among the Xiao Clan, I don't know when it will stop.

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi, I want to see how far you will grow."

At this moment, Xiao Yi returned to City H safely. The first thing he did when he returned home was to use the power of the soul to investigate.

Arranged beside him, all the black dragon clan's eyeliners have disappeared, and it seems that the opponent has converged a lot this time.

I hate having someone around me the most, putting such eyeliner in it is as annoying as a fly. This time he has gained a lot from going out. I think it's time to meet Thor and them.

Less than an hour after returning home, I took a helicopter again and flew towards the military area.

Four hours later, the helicopter arrived at the destination, but Xiao Yi came a little earlier this time, and Thor was not at the base.

There is a special **** mission that requires Raytheon to lead the team. The mission will take two days to end.

"Originally, I had something good, and I planned to give it to you two. It seems that I can only give it to you first."

Xiao Yi moved his fingers. In the space ring, he put the milk of the earth's center in several special jade bottles, so that the effect of the milk of the earth's center would not go away.

"what is this?"

Looking at the small sapphire bottle in Xiao Yi's hand, Xue Yaoyue was a little strange, what exactly it is that needs such a jade bottle to hold it.

Xiao Yi opened the cork, and the milk of the earth in it exuded a trace of aura, which made Xue Yaoyue widened her eyes and stared at the thing in Xiao Yi's hand. The power of this aura was really powerful. Too strong.

"I got the same treasure by chance before, thinking about you and Thor. The cultivation base needs to be improved. The milk of the earth in this bottle can wash the marrow and cut the bones."

"The milk of the center of the earth? This is a rare treasure in the world, Xiao Yi, don't you keep it for yourself?"

Xue Yaoyue asked, how precious is the milk of the heart of the earth, just a drop can have an incomparable effect, Xiao Yi actually took out such a small bottle to give it to her at this moment.

"Things are precious, but in comparison, I hope you can also become stronger. Then you don't have to worry about me. I will definitely leave some for myself."

"This milk from the heart of the earth is very important to me, so I won't be polite, thank you Xiao Yi."

Taking the jade pendant in Xiao Yi's hand, Xue Yaoyue sat cross-legged on the bed, opened the bottle and poured the milk of the earth's heart into her palm, seemingly wanting to refine it on the spot.

Xiao Yi sat down and waited for her. He was free to flip through the books on the table. Refining the milk of the earth's heart was extremely time-consuming. At that time, Xiao Yi spent three hours. It takes about three hours to complete the process.

But this time he was wrong. Xue Yaoyue, who was sitting on the bed, poured out one third of the milk of the earth's heart in the bottle, placed it in the palm of his hand, and put the other hand on it, the milk of the earth's heart A trace of majestic power was absorbed into her body.

Fifteen minutes later, Xue Yaoyue slowly opened her eyes, opened her mouth and let out a foul breath, and a smile appeared on her face.

"This... so fast?"

Xiao Yi watched that Xue Yaoyue had already finished refining, the speed was too amazing, he thought it would be at least three hours, and only fifteen minutes had passed.

Sure enough, what the master said was right. In terms of the speed and understanding of cultivation, there is a big gap between him and Xue Yaoyue. This kind of heaven-defying talent is really enviable, and so many powerful people are embarrassed. .

"Well, the refining is complete, and the gong effect brought by the milk of the center of the earth is indeed powerful, which saves me a lot of time for cultivation."

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